Monday, February 18, 2013

Urban Poverty Law Center: This Administration Should Follow Pope Benedict XVI Out!

Of course Americans have become used to lying politicians.  Bill Clinton and his female assistant, HR laid down one whopper after another back in the 90's, which is the last decade we tired to right this sorry-assed state of affairs that has become American politics.  Newt Gingrich and his republican hoard rode into town and found the power to intoxicating to resist business as usual after a few years.

Meanwhile the new press takes more and more prominence and any possible watch dog function the old press once did as vital service for the people who in their work a day lives do not have the time nor the inclination nor the sources to preform is left undone.  Back room deals and skulduggery, inside trades and intern buggery is all left in the dark.  It is as though our politicians wear an invisible cloak.

The Press!  Send in the press!

Headline September 11, 2012   Ambassador Chris Stevens And Three Americans Killed In Benghazi

The lousy locust at Defense, State, and the White-Lie House brought the team together almost immediately they mobilized and put the best plan into effect.  Not a plan to rescue the poor bastards in Libya whose fatal mistake was to count on this bunch of bologna spewing political hacks and infiltrators  whose everyman for himself attitude makes the chap who dressed a woman on the Titanic to gain one of the few remaining spots in the lifeboat seem down right heroic.  Their plan was to lie to the world about the Benghazi attack and hold one presser after another in front of the pitifully pliant US press full of dolts, dingbats, and do-nothings.

These piss poor excuses for a press take what ever the White-Lie House dishes out at face value.

The attack was a spontaneous reaction to a video.  We did everything we could to help our fellow Americans under attack at the compound in Libya.  It was not a terrorist action.  As President I was in contact with Defense and State, I told them to get them the help they need, and find and punish those responsible for this attack.  And yes I did reference this as a terrorist attack, check the tapes Candy!

Then the speeches at the return of the four flag draped coffins.  I threw up bile.

All that was lies.  Obama sat back and did absolutely nothing when the 3am call came in and his back up players, who should know better, did nothing.  Panetta-nothing, Clinton-nothing and down the chain of command to the boots on the ground, who to their credit disobeyed orders not to intervene and went over to the compound and fought valiantly and saved 30 lives sacrificing theirs in the process.

I am really disappointed with the way things have turned out in Washington.  There is too much money, drugs, sex and toxic relations between big business and big professional politicians.  The checks and balances have failed miserably.

The press has been bought off by a few millions of dollars.  The new moral relativism has crept into our lexicon and lies are truth, evil is good, and the taxpayers in flyover country are nothing but piggy banks waiting diligently to see what new tax these criminals can throw at us next.  They do not even need to kow-tow us for votes as their machines can be programmed for any result that is convenient to the cause.

Taxation without representation is the least of our problems here in middle America where our parents and grandparents taught us honor and responsibility.  Life is too short not to do what is right.

This lesson has been lost on the goons in charge.  America has been gutted.  Our treasury has been emptied by thieves.  The press has been bought off and we are played the tape of the bank vault which is setting there undisturbed, meanwhile G. Clooney and his pretty boys have been ransacking and running amok inside the vault.  And it was an inside job!

The federal government is a write off.  It can not be fixed.  We are broke.  Everybody has had a relative who has gotten behind on car payments and has been asked to chip in for a few months and make the payments until Bertie and Bobby get back on their feet.  I made that mistake once and the finance company took my money and Bertie's car anyway.   I would have been better not sending any of my money down the rat hole.

Washington DC is now a money rat hole.  The sooner we stop funding it the sooner we can have the collapse and rebuild what parts of government are essential and what parts can be left out.

Did I say Candy Crowley is a fat-assed liar who should be sent to Benghazi or Cairo on the next Tsunami!  She helped President Obama lie in the second debate and win re-election.  But I wish her no harm.  She must live with her lie and her Judas move against America will go down in history and be taught, Benedict Arnold? no Candy Crowley, is the newest term for TRAITOR!

Time for a new press and a new President.  Step down President Obama, follow the Pope.  You do not deserve your position.  You have let Chris Stevens be killed and you are destroying the only truly free economy in the world.

What are you thinking?  What are we thinking?    Don't just do something, sit there!

Maybe we can still find a few adults to help clean up this mess these children are making.

America, it was good while it lasted.  Turn out the lights, Barrack.  Some good will come of the mess.  It always does.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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