Monday, February 11, 2013

Urban Poverty Law Center: Pope Benedict XIV, NO XVI We Hardly Knew Ye!

First let me say, I am not a Catholic, but I am confirmed in the Episcopal Church.  Episcopalians sprang from the Church of England, a creation of King Henry the VIII who nationalized the Catholic church in England and took its sizable property holdings to fund his war with the French.

An Episcopalian is similar to a Catholic but without all that guilt, and with very little priest on alter boy sex.  I was an acolyte in my youth and was not attractive enough for our priest.  He never made a move.  Seems I am one of the unfortunates who are not attractive to either sex.  I got that from Uncle Martin on my mother's side of the family. 

We share a hideous asymmetry of facial features and cap that off with an exaggerated under bite with an extremely weak chin (we both sport full beards just to look awful) and the English curse of horribly crooked teeth with a greenish-yellow hue that no amount of bleaching will correct and that is my life in a nutshell.  Spent an awful lot of time off in the woods by myself, where if the animals I encountered made fun of me, I was unaware of it.   

Why even my dog had to get used to seeing me every time I came home from school.  He would greet me with a couple of wags of the tail, then pretend he had a previous engagement and leave as soon as possible.

I do not fault my parents for my looks.  Doc Taylor said it was because my mother carried me low in the pelvis and I was riding on my lower jaw which did not fully develop.  They had to buy extra long nipples just to feed me when I was a baby.  They found the nipples for feeding calves who were orphaned worked just fine.  They say my teeth were stained by the calf feeding formula.  I shared nipples with the calves.  We were that poor.

Enough already about me.

Drudge reports Pope Benedict XVI will resign and we may have the first black pope ever!

I think this is great news.

What I did not know was Bill Clinton is a Catholic and that he is in line to be the next Pope.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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