Saturday, February 16, 2013

Urban Poverty Law Center: Excuse Me. But What Is That Drone You Are Wearing?

Is this what a free society resorts to when all other options for big government growth have failed? 

"Mr. President, the people have decided to stop productive work and live lives of leisure on the handouts of governmental largess."

"I will raise the minimum wage to entice some more back into the work force."

"Sir, the break even minimum wage is $18/hr when food stamps, rent subsidies, health coverage and the free phone is factored into the equation."

"And the people know this?"

"Yes sir."

"This is more serious than I first thought."

Such are the problems facing our geniuses in DC.  This is not your grandfather's generation we are dealing with here in America.  The current generation with its hand out includes the mentally and physically challenged which we cared for in each prior generation and the nouveau laxed.

Just who are these people in the nouveau laxed generation?  They are our children.  The children of the baby boomers who are used to having everything handed to them regardless of effort.  These are the everybody gets a trophy for participation children.  These are the children whose feelings were spared any hardships at all costs.  These pampered pablum fed piss poor products of new age blameless child rearing have grown into a class of non productive adults whose only goal is the good life at no expense to themselves.

Everybody is a trust fund monkey wannabe.  And Uncle Sam is the trustee. 

Why work if you are assured food, clothing, shelter and loads of free time in which to find yourself and be your own person?   This is the reason there are so many birds at the bird feeders.

Free lunches are very popular.  The birds know it.  The squirrels know it, and now the ruling class in Washington DC is beginning to catch on to it.  Twenty or thirty trillion dollars more in deficits will probably be enough for these limpid louts of lawmaking to see the light and admit their folly.  Will they take measures to correct the problem they have created?  Time will tell.

If you want more of something, subsidize it.  If you want less of something, tax it! 

You may ask how can they tax the poor?   Easy, just as Ben Franklin suggested years ago.  Make it somewhat uncomfortable to be poor through hunger and cold.  

I am not saying stop the help for the truly poor and stupid, but people who could otherwise be productive and care for themselves, should be doing just that.  Encourage everybody to get out of the wagon and take turns pulling and contributing to the betterment of society.

Myself, I am turning 62 in a couple of years and need to get my SSI and my medicare paperwork filled out and turned in so I can join the nouveau lax.

What about the drone you are wearing?  Where is that?  That was just a hook.  I may write about the president's 007 license to kill at another date. 

Did anybody hear if Chris Dorner got a trial before his execution? 

We are losing the rule of law and nobody seems to care.  I know I don't.  But this is not a good time to give up your rights to self defense. 

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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