Saturday, March 2, 2013

Urban Poverty Law Center, My Kingdom For A Dicktator

President Bernie Millhouse Obama has given his equivalency to Richard Nixon's "Checkers" speech. 

"I am not a dictator."  Is the take away line from this, his defining moment.  In the future, all references to B. Millhouse Obama will strike on this stark admission.  This was his excuse for not taking action to thwart the ominous and economy crushing 44 billion dollar sequestration nightmare sweeping our nation as this is composed.

Was President Richard Hussein Obama's statement of fact or was it spoken as a complaint?  I have not heard the context under which it was uttered so I cannot comment.

But I would like to point out to our most esteemed President Barack Dickhouse Nixon, ours is a nation of free men with a representative republic whose government operates only with and by the consent of the governed.  We do not have a position in our government for dictator, if you ignore the heads of the EPA, the DHS, and the HHS, and innumerable other little fiefdoms buried in our bureaucracies. 

Bureaucracies most assuredly devised by the well-meaning progenitors of the challenged to ensure full employment amongst the governing classes and many of their relatives and certainly for their friends. 

Barak may want to look south as Venezuela may be looking for a replacement for their stricken dictator, Hugo Chavez, whose death has once again been rumored this week. 

Chavez has not been quick to dispel the rumors of his demise, but such is the custom.  The dead are obliged by covenant and tradition to be quite so as not to bother the others.  Erstwhile, what would be the point of death if nothing changed. 

But to be fair, President Chavez is said to be suffering from an undisclosed form of rectal cancer, and has undergone several risky surgeries on the affected area.  So, depending upon which end the artful politician, Mr. Chavez, is talking out of that day, his surgeries may have left him without a voice.  I will not send flowers until arrangements for the services are announced.

The Pope flew away in the Papal-Chopper 1, and with him goes all hope for a lasting legacy.    This may sound crazy, but has anybody seen Hillary Clinton and Pope Benedict XVI in the same room with George Soros?   We will have to wait patiently for the next Dan Brown novel for any hope to learn the truth.  Who knew the two most commonly used sarcastic remarks we used in middle school could both be tied to this Pope who chose the bear to be in his arms design.

Sandra Fluke, has opened a high-end escort service in DC catering to the Senate and House of Representatives.  Her escorts are beautiful, intelligent, and under age but are still eligible for federal mandated birth control and free abortions should there be any slip ups.  Senator Bob Menendez (D) New Jersey is in line and has Sandra's service on speed dial.  Now, according to Fluke, "you don't have to be a Republican in Washington to have a beautiful woman at your side". 

For those representatives who do not wish to stand out, Candy Crowley has agreed to provide her services.  It may cost you a little more for dinner, but she can keep a secret and lie with the best of them.

And finally, Mitt and Anne Romney have broken their long silence after the unexpected defeat at the hands of the Obama vote fraud machine.  Believe me, Anne and Mitt, you are not as disappointed in the election results as those of us who are on this never ending tax, borrow, and spend carnival ride commandeered by our gifted Ruler, and sometimes golfer, President Obama!

Good grief!

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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