Monday, February 4, 2013

UPLC Take On Superbowl Commercials And What It Means About America

I must admit I am not a football fan, but I am at least social enough to attend a party to celebrate one of America's greatest finales for the "Bread and Circus" circuit, the Superbowl.  The game is the circus, and the bread is the advertising revenue it generates for the venerable old broadcast hold out of the early days of television, CBS.

The game was the predictable "Lance Armstrong" like affair where the white team got way ahead of the team in red, then the lights went out for a while and then the entertainment went up for me anyway with the highly intelligent conversation among the former football players trying to parrot what was being played in their ear pieces.  Then a cheerleader would be tossed 50 ft into the air tumbling like the ill fated space shuttle which broke up over Texas a little over a decade ago and I would wonder her fate as her landing was blocked from view.

When play resumed the white team let up on the red team and let the score come back to keep the game interesting.  A pass with two defenders only lamely trying to knock the receiver down without using any arms for the tackle did not fool me.  I call foul, Superbowl fraud!  Then the white team began to play for real and won.

Is this what America has come to represent?  Has the NFL taken football to its highest level and now emulates professional wrestling?

And now my greatest disappointment with the broadcast.  The commercials looked as though the advertisers believed the 2012 end of the world hype and really did not try to have the best commercial advertising in the world.  Does this signal the economic collapse is complete?

It is as though the country, the football players, the advertisers, the power company, and the American people have all given up on this great big experiment in self-governing.

I am with the power company with this one.  Turn out the lights and let's all go home.

I did enjoy watching the cheerleader launches in the background.

President Obama is sucking the life's force out of our country.  He is our first vampire president.

I loved his skeet shot photo and the myriad of photoshopped images it spawned owing to the warning not to photoshop it, my favorite being the scissors the DHS recommends teachers faced with a gun maniac attack use for self-defense.

There needs to be a turnover.  We need to reset.  Perhaps the next election will be a step in the right direction.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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