Thursday, February 24, 2011

Urban Poverty Law Center Balances The Federal Budget

Fellow Workers of The World: What happens when the people hate the government as much as the government hates the people? Answer: Egypt, Lybia, Tunisia, Saudi Arabia, Greece, China, Madison, Wisconsin...................................................

Mandatory spending by our beneficent Federal Potentate and Protectorate was a cool 2.184 trillion dollars. Of these monies 1.448 trillion dollars went to pay for social security, medicare, and medicaid obligations. Add 11billion dollars for disaster relief and 164 billion for interest payments on the debt and all that is left up to ones imagination is the 571 billions in miscellaneous expenses(ME)!

What ever do you suppose the ME include? Twenty-five percent of mandatory spending is not cataloged. My thinking of what happened to the ME:

Phil McCracken, Gay Czar: " Mr. President, word on the street has the military spending on technology that can predict one's sexual preference at 100% certainty. They are calling it, "gaydar.""

President Obama: "Phil, as you know I have repealed "Don't ask don't tell" and now we are under "Do ask and do tell." I knew I could not trust the armed forces to be compliant with this order! What is left in the ME budget?"

Phil: "A little less than 527 billion, sir."

President Obama: "Tag a billion five and get it over to the boys in semi-valley and get them to develop a chip that blocks gaydar and quiffs patchouli oil. Better yet make it an even 2 billion."

Phil: "Mr. President, that is brilliant! Two beautiful birds with one stone! You are likely to raise a lot of campaign cash out there this year. Marvelous!"

President Obama: "That is why I was elected to this office. I am a natural leader. People notice that about me, right away. And Phil, make sure you stress the jobs we created and that these jobs are gay and green.

Phil McCracken: "I can get Steve Jobs on the phone so you can tell him what you want."

President Obama: "Great idea. Let's set it up as a publicity event, you know, have the press listening in on my conversation with Steve."


Next Day, White House Briefing Room filled with the usual reporters and reporterettes.

President Obama, on phone to Steve Jobs,: "Steve, my man, how is it hanging? Did you get the 2 bill I sent you? "

Steve Jobs: "Yes, Mr. President, sure did."

President Obama: "I know you will use our tax monies wisely. How many jobs do you suppose we have saved or created with this 2 billion dollars?"

Steve Jobs: "Oh, wow. I would have to say.... uh, you caught me off guard here. "

President Obama: "Steve, you are not going to be held to your prediction, just a rough guess, that is all we need."

Steve Jobs: "The fellows in R and D will be first and foremost in the thick, then testing and refinement, and finally production and marketing......7 sixes, carry the eight, divide by 3, let me see here, Mr. President, there will be three jobs saved and two jobs created."

President Obama: "Wow Steve, that is more than I would have guessed! You do great work.
Keep it up. By the way, Michelle wants to know what diet you are following, the weight is melting off you? What's your secret? The world wonders!"

Steve Jobs: "Ah..... smaller portions."


Mandatory Spending 2010 budget:

social security 695 billion
medicare 453 billion
medicaid 290 billion
disaster 11 billion
interest pymt 164 billion
miscellaneous exp 571 billion

Discretionary Spending:

defence 671 billion
dept of education 127 billion
dept of transportation 120.6 billion
dept health and human service 99.2 billion
dept of energy 65 billion
dept of housing and urban develop 61.1 billion
dept of veteran affairs 57.3 billion
dept of state 51.7 billion
homeland security 42.7 billion
dept of agriculture 26 billion
dept of justice 26.5 billion
dept of labor 18.1 billion
dept of commerce 21.7 billion
NASA 19.7 billion
EPA 17.7 billion
Dept of interior 15 billion
dept of treasury 13.6 billion
social security adm 12.7 billion
national science foundation 3.7 billion
corp of engineers 9.7 billion
small business adm 1.4 billion
corps of nature and conservation 1.3 billion

Note, the Urban Poverty Law Center is not affiliated with the federal budget, not yet anyway, so I can give advice and make recommendations.

cut all discretionary spending by 25%.

Cut medicare payments to hospitals and physicians by 20% but make these payments tax free to the recipients.

Cut miscellaneous expenses by 33%.

total savings employing these tactics: billions and billions.

Fund Urban Poverty Law Center $5,398.52 for this advice.

I believe the congress and all federal workers must take the 33% reduction in pay and benefits until the federal budget is balanced.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, PhD Urban Poverty Law Center

"Ever notice how everybody's goal is either get on disability or find a government job?"
Mother Maybolt, 1921-2008

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