Thursday, February 17, 2011

Urban Poverty Law Center on End of Times Policy


I am now completely spooked and disconcerted and out of sorts after listening to George Noory about end times with changes in the earth's magnetic poles, and loss of the ionosphere, solar flares, earthly foreign bodies, the arrival of the brown dwarf star, and earth quakes in my area!!!!!!!

Yikes! I am going to start building my self contained survival apparatus out of Styrofoam and duct tape lined with aluminum foil to protect me from radiation with a years supply of food, water and toilet paper. It would probably be cheaper to just pay up my burial insurance policy and hope that C. Batsell Bateman survives my demise.

Gravity is changing, and so is the magnetic field of the earth. We are doomed. I am going to curl up in bed now and wait for the end.

UPLC policy on end of times: Women and children first, man the life boats, prayer, redemption, food storage, run! Save the government workers as they have survival skills far beyond the ordinary man.

After the sun flare burns Assa's wetlands

EPA field worker: "Assa, you know we are going to have to fine you for the destruction of your wetlands."

Assa: "But, mam, the sun shot a flame out for 80 million miles and licked my farm frying everything. I was a victim."

EPA field worker: "Assa, my hands are tied. Section 17, paragraph 3 clearly states the land owner is responsible for protecting all wet lands. My God, look at the beavers cooked beyond recognition. What were you thinking?"

Assa: " I know you have your regulations, but can't you see this was beyond my control, I only had an 8 minute warning and was not able to get my shields in place, but I did turn the water on the sprinkler system on my yard.

EPA field worker: "I am at liberty to give you a 10 percent reduction in your fine if you can pay today. You have 75 acres of wetlands, now all burnt up, at $200/acre less 10% if you could make your check out for $13,500 I will be back next year to see you have reclaimed the wet lands according to our specifications.

Assa: Thank you Miss. You people at the EPA sure do a fine job protecting us. Here is my fine. I am just sorry I was unable to stop this loss. I feel I was a failure as a good steward of the land. God bless.

EPA field worker: Thank you Assa.

More later..........hopefully.

Jack Maybolt, President UPLC

"If it is too good to be true, somebody is going to lose money." Mother Maybolt, 1921-2008

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