Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Urban Poverty Law Center Correctly Predicts Worldwide Unrest

People of The World:

I come to praise seizures not to bury him! Am I the only one who thinks Muammar Qaddafi is looking like Jimmy Hendrix in drag? That is one ugly dictator! Please refer back to my end of times article dated 11/9/10 to see that the great banking minds in control have gone to plan A where world strife causes the dollar to rise up from the dead to take its rightful place at the head of the world's currencies, only subservient to GOLD:

G: God's

O: Only

L: Legitimate

D: Dollar

The latest unrest is caused by the manipulation of the weather and the food shortages which ensued. People with empty bellies are not happy people. We have been overfed and stuffed with corn starch laden drinks here in the US for so long we have forgotten what hunger pains really feel like. Over half the kids in the US are too fat to tie their shoes. Some genius decided to keep them from feeling bad by fashioning a shoe that does not need tying. When we were kids we tied our shoes to keep them from coming off our feet while we played. These overstuffed darlings have enough trouble waddling from classroom to classroom and never ran in their lives unless it was to the dinner table.

My proposal for overweight children is to bring back the playground and the monkee bars and the slide and the swing and all the other equipment that has been removed for our children's safety to the point that they can't get physically hurt out on the playground, but this safe playground has been traded for increases in cardiac events in their thirties! They can't keep the calories burned off by walking around like little over-stuffed Michelin men during recess. The schools are not teaching anything of great value other than a revision of history and global warming myths. Make recess half the day for grades 1-6 and a third for 7-9. Make high schoolers only attend class for 4 hours and off the rest of the day to smoke pot and have sex with the teachers.

Next bring back the inedible school lunches I remember as a child. Where have the greens and corn, and Cole slaw, and cauliflower gone? What about that mystery meat in gravy? Now they feed Jr and Sis, pizza and hot dogs, and cheeseburgers and fries. My god, I would have weighed 6,000 lbs if I got to eat that stuff when I was in school.. Stop the breakfast program all together. With food stamps nobody misses meals in the US. Put in a few national days of fasting and bring prayer and paddling back into the schools. Pray for thinner children in school and paddle the fatties until they can tie their shoes!

Take my recommendations to the bank and our children will be thinner and a lot smarter.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Global/ Urban Poverty Law Center

"It is not "Spare the rod and spoil the child." It is "Spoil the rod to spare the child."
You can get another rod and another child for that matter." Mother Maybolt 1924-2008

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