Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Urban Poverty Law Center Start Construction of New Facility


I was talking to Ms. Blunderdoss yesterday and she feels like it is time for our organization to spread its wings and grow.
She thinks a small office off Highway 70 near the Cedar Grove, Tennessee post office would be the perfect location. There we
could answer the reams of mail and email we have been getting for information on our specific proposals to end urban and global poverty! Do not bother with the rest of the narrative as it is a cheesy commercial, but we need to build our area up with good people who are still active and want to make a difference. Rome wasn't build in a single day.

I have a 2 acre lot that was my uncle Bedford's that he got when he did some carpentry work for the Jolly's who owned a large farm in Cedar Grove. Uncle Bedford always thought it would be a good spot to build a fruits and vegetable market as it had great access to Highway 70, which was the main thoroughfare through the US before the interstate system came in to cut the communities on route 66 off at the knees. I am not complaining because I like living in 1950's America. Still plenty of room if anybody wants to move here. We have several building tracts on Water Tower Road with Cedar Grove Water, and Charles Stanford will build you a custom home all for under $50 a square foot, so long as he puts it, " you don't go crazy and put $5,000 doors in it."

Way I figure it you can have a 3,000 sq ft custom built house on 35 acres of land, 100 miles from Memphis and 100 miles from Nashville, and 12 miles from the Huntingdon, Tn Wal-Mart for about $275,000. Contact Banker DB Bell at my gmail address.

We will sell to well qualified foreigners. We have a retired railroad engineer who will help you get your victory garden started. Our lovable and local mechanic can fix anything and the mail runs 6 days a week. We get high speed internet and Rush Limbaugh on free radio out of Jackson, Tn.

My sister has a place in Cedar Grove and she will sell all or part. The house has been there since 1830's but was tastefully remodeled in the 1990's. It was used as a Union Hospital during the Civil War and is probably haunted. Two small girls were buried in the pasture out in front after they died during the yellow fever epidemic in the late 1800's. My nephew saw one of the girls one night when he got up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. No evil spirits as of this writing, just your run of the mill restless noisy ones. Her farm is 145 acres with two fine barns, one is newer horse barn with 20 fine stalls, the other is much older but still functional. One hundred acres of timbered rolling hills, and the balance in pasture with 30 acres tillable ground. It has good well water and borders a 20 acre water shed lake with good bass, sunfish, cat fishing.

My real estate friend gave me $25 dollars for the Global Poverty/Urban Poverty Law Center building fund, and he wants me to include his name here as he will do all he can to get you located here. He is a really fine fellow and he is in the yellow pages and on the internet. Darrell Ridgeley, none better, sold me and Bell our farms. His phone number is 731-694-6213. Call him for this weeks specials in the real estate market here in Cedar Grove.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President
Global/Urban Poverty Law Center

"I've lived in Cedar Grove all my life and I love it here!" Mother Maybolt 1926-2008

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