Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Urban Poverty Law Center On Cost of War On Terror


World War IV is on and in case you haven't been paying attention, the think tank over at the Global/Urban Poverty Law Center
has been carefully watching the situation and is ready to point out some of our incredible and unique observations. Being a near complete shut-in for years brings with it either genius or insanity. I am too close to my situation to be an impartial critic. I will leave that critical judgement to the historians of the next generation to ferret out.

1: WWIV began in ernst on 11.09.2001 when the box cutters sliced the slice that was felt around the world.

2. The US invades Iraq and Afganistan with WWII mindset tactics against a 21st century freedom fighter who will not be tricked into fighting a conventional "stand your ground and fight like a man" which was so stupidly practiced by the Western World for the last millenium. Great way to kill societies expendable young males, but a hard way to fight in terms of blood losses and treasure expended. Bankers like to finance the hard and expensive fight.

Combat Marine Expenditures on 1 vs Middle Eastern Warrior Expenditures on 1

training $25,000 boot camp vs $1.00

uniform $675 vs $1.00

armor $1,100 vs $0.00

weapon $3,500 vs $50.00

ammunition $250 vs $5.00

travel $47,000 vs $0.50

support $1,600,000 vs $100.00

daily rations $75.00 vs $0.35

medical $15,000 vs $1.78

death benefits $12,500 vs $0.00

leave benefits $1,200 vs $0.00

Pay daily $75.00 vs $0.06

kill costs $12,875,000/freedom fighter vs $1,273.50/ American warrior

interest costs $189,000/ soldier vs $0.00

birth rate/female 2.3 vs 5.6

After studying the above stastics it is my humble opinion our efforts to contain this enemy and fighting in the fashions which we have begun are unsustainable using any accounting methods which are currently acceptable. My recommendation would be to pull back and develop more special ops and a more defensive stance in dealing with the threat from these enemies.

Fighting between a first world power and a third world population can only lower the standard of living for the first world power and raise the standard of living for the third world nation.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President
Global/ Urban Poverty Law Center

"War is time wasted, treasure squandered, lives ruined, property destroyed, and best viewed from afar." Mother Maybolt, 1923-2008

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