Monday, February 14, 2011

New UPLC Married Women Workers go home, farm report


Chicken count is now ten. Susan, my secretary, found one of the older dames dead of natural causes. No, not Tysons. My chickens are for eggs only. When they quit laying we keep them in the hen house and yard and let them scratch around and eat like the producers. We are grateful for the nearly 750 eggs the old gal made for us. Bell's cow old number 38 had a calf yesterday. It is a boy! Mother and baby are doing just fine. That is the 61st cow. Three more about to deliver. News when it breaks.

I am an omelet lover. I like a cheese omelet made with sharp cheddar cheese and fresh farm eggs, count 2. I eat an omelet each day. Too much cholesterol you might say? Well cholesterol is a precursor to testosterone, the male sex hormone which is disappearing in our major metropolitan centers along with our native born population. Any connection with our society's preoccupation with longevity and lowering cholesterol and men with finicky pop-ups?

Let me get this straight, I should lower my cholesterol, to lower my risk of heart attack and lower my testosterone levels so my sex drive quits, so I can live the last 8 years of my life drooling on myself in a nursing home? I think the sooner society decides to live life as it was meant, hard and at full speed ahead for as long as the organs will tolerate, and not worry if this or that will be affected by food, smokes, drink or sexual preference, we will be happier and healthier.

Jack, I like chocolate. Then eat chocolate. I really like to smoke cigars, shit man smoke em. I like my steaks rare. Drink the blood off the plate. Jack, I enjoy unprotected intercourse in San Francisco Bath houses. Whoa now. Cover it up man but enjoy. All I am saying is you are going to die sometime in the future if you are not already dead. Live your life to the fullest and consider moderation as your guide so there is a chocolate bar, a cigar, a rare steak or a partner at a San Fran
bath house for the next person. Isn't that what being wealthy is all about? Enjoying your life whatever your situation is at the time?

Unemployment is skyrocketing in our world and in our nation. Goodyear announced it is closing a plant in West Tn this year and 2000 of our neighbors are going to be looking for a job. I am wondering where our new economy is going to lead us. I am wondering if the governments plan of having full employment of both men and women is backfiring. Women have traditionally been homemakers and raised the children. Men were the hunters and providers. Now our women have become educated and entered the workforce to great rewards monetarily, but not so much on the family side.

I am wondering if women became wives and mothers and stayed out of the work force until the babies enter college, a 25 yr commitment if you pump out a kid a year for five years, and only then enter the work force if they want. Would our lives be enriched. Could we get by on one income? Could we get food, clothing and shelter on a man's income alone. If women left the work force for the first 25 yrs and men had to take their places how would that work? Government would necessarily have to down size. Fewer tax payers.

Well I have answered my own question. Women of the world, be feminists. Quit work and have children. Make a home. You are the key to world peace and prosperity. Send stupid out to make the living. He may have to be a hair dresser or a nurse or a teacher or any other traditionally female oriented career, but it will be an honest living.

The answer is right in front of us. Some women will not be able to quit. The government will resist and not want women to leave the work force. This may be the only way to save our country from financial ruin. I will not hold my breath waiting for the women of the United States to go traditional, but someone must think how did we get here, and how can we get out of this?

New Global/Urban Poverty Law Center proposal: With a generous grant from the federal government, pick a community and send the married women home and replace them with unemployed men. Pay the women their salaries through the grant monies tax free for three years and have it taper to zero decreasing by half each year. Sit back and watch the experiment and take notes.

Will this work. Of course, it has worked for a million years. What are the obstacles? A government addicted to tax monies from every able bodied citizen. Citizens who believe material thing make you happy, brain washed by advertisers.
Time for a little work revolt? You bet!

Women Workers of the World unite! Go home to your children and man. They need you and you need them. Work is definitely over rated.

This is so simple, yet brilliant. Jack, you magnificent bastard, I read your book!

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Global/Urban Poverty Law Center

"Possessions are best kept to a minimum." Mother Maybolt 1925-2008

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