Monday, February 7, 2011

Superbowl XLV, Is that all you got?


I don't like to comment on pop culture, but from what I saw of the Super Bowl, it was the worst kind of bread and circuses. Has the entertainment industry gone completely nuts with the reading of the Declaration Of Independence and that flag waving in your face patriotism on display and up until Super Skank Christina Aguilera croaked out her autistic rendition of the Star Spangled Banner I thought the teams were going to get into Nascars and drive around and around the stadium at 200 plus mph for an hour.

Do they think we will not come for them when all this collapses? History will not be kind to those who have destroyed this country, nor will the crowd that gathers them up to mete out the punishments. I will not participate, but like the fellow who lives too near the train tracks, it is hard not to watch when a crash is eminent.

The commercials were some of the worst tripe ever. Has 5th avenue been taken over by middle schoolers or has the mercury from fluorescent lighting been working its magic on our population and I am the only one left mentally intact? I will not be drinking Pepsi as the cans can magically fly across the room and strike you in the nuts. May be something to do with the shifting of the earth's magnetic poles? Russia is stealing the north pole from Canada and it is moving at a rate of 41 miles per year. I think the Russians believe it will bring more jobs to their country as the elves and Santa will have to necessarily move with the poles and it will also serve as a tourist destination. The Canadian Prime Minister has written a protest letter to the UN and, of course, the Russian ambassador denies the allegations.

Now would the Pepsi crotch missile be funny if the target in the commercial was not a white male, but a Middle Easterner, or a Black panther, or perhaps a white homosexual, or even an intoxicated Native American or Hispanic? The only way to make that commercial politically correct was make sure all the victims of this "pop-violence" are white guys. I am surprised the 5th Avenue potentates did not dress the white victims of these commercial advertisements in Founding Father's era clothing to make the mockery of white maleness even more salacious. I guess they figured most males who might be offended were working to pay the taxes for all the stay at home non-producers in this great big country of ours, myself included, and not watching the Super Bowl.

Susan, my secretary, who proofs all my writings for insensitivity, has correctly pointed out, the victim of the Pepsi can was probably a Jew, the religion which tops this current administrations least favorite list, followed closely by white American males. In Pepsi's defense, they did balance the violence against the Jew with some tastefully done black on white violence when the black woman threw the Pepsi can at her man who ducked landing a direct hit into some white chick's face. Now that is entertainment!

Maybe next year they can read from Obama's birth certificate before the opening ceremony and Pepsi will air a Sharia inspired honor killing where the stones are replaced by Pepsi cans. Of course the girl must be young and beautiful, and though her death will be painful and uncomfortable for some to watch, the show must go on for the people demand entertainment. Frankly I am getting tired of watching skateboarders crock themselves on banisters. I want to see a comely 14 yr old Muslim girl die in a Pepsi commercial. It is their culture as they say!

I say shame on America, shame on the Super Bowl, shame on Pepsi, shame on 5th Avenue, shame on me for not being free of bigotry, but hey, it is in my culture as they say! Until we can take Martin Luther Kings' advice to heart " to judge one not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character." we will continue to fall short on compassion and understanding and the Pepsi cans will continue to fly as will the bombs. I suggest you be prepared to duck, wear a cup, and build a bomb shelter if you know what's good for you.

All in all, last night's big event was a complete bomb! Now I remember why I have not watched a Super Bowl since Super Bowl VII. I will pray for America, but I fear it is too late to save her from sinking into the abyss. As Larry Simmons said of Bell's last cow,
"She's a gonner!"

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President
Urban Poverty Law Center/ Global Poverty Law Center

"Jack, you are not a bigot if you hate everybody." Mother Maybolt, 1923-2008

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