Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Urban Poverty Law Center Study Global Warming a Hoax!


Get out your long johns. Winter is coming and it is not happy. Michael Mann has been caught making fraudulent graphs to hide the latest 10 yr decline in global temperatures! Let me see, my cow farts and belches methane, hot gasses to be sure as the average core body temperature of a healthy cow is 100.4 F. (My cousin Dale was a vet, I only repeat what he told me) Anyway the government wants to tax each of my cows $75 a year for eating grass and expelling carbonaceous eructations and flatulence! I do not claim to be a genius, but where in the hell do these idiots at the government expect a cow to come up with that kind of money? I do not give
them an allowance, and I have wisely not let them get credit cards even though Bank of America
tried to sign one of my cows up for a card last year before the financial meltdown.

The scientists at the English University who are involved in the global warming hoax should be dismissed from their positions, but will more likely get the Nobel Prize because they were lying for a good cause. They tried to sell this to the entire world. We just had the coldest summer ever in my memory here in Tennessee where summer time is generally like living in an over heated sauna. What other hoaxes are being perpetrated on those of us in fly-over country by our great leaders? Trust is vital between the governed and the governors. It cannot be renewed once it is lost. It is lost. I will still take a grant from these losers, none the less, for a good cause of course. For now their checks are good with me.

For the record, the Urban Poverty Law Center condems with highest disgust the duplicitous
actions of the scientists whose false studies were cited to scare our children and likely caused many polar bears to commit suicide. Like John Lennon, I want the truth! Anything less is not the truth.

Jack D. Maybolt, PhD
Science Advisor to the Urban Poverty Law Center
Cedar Grove, TN

"Give a man a fish and feed him for a day, give him two fish and feed him for two days, give a man three fish and he will be poisoned on the third day." Mother Maybolt, 1927-2008

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