Monday, November 23, 2009

Urban Poverty and the Law Center testimonial response


I get a lump in my throat every time I think about all those king sized portions me and Mother Maybolt bought for that nice fellow who wrote the kind testimonial below this post. He had a good appetite for a fatty. Everyday about 11am me and momma would load our hoverounds into the lincoln and meet Jefferson Sprewerkes, IV at Wendy's, Burger King, McD's, or KFC and sometimes Taco Bell and buy him what ever he wanted. He was one of our first Urban Poverty Law Center clients and we consider him a success story as you can see from the nice things he said in his testimonial. God bless you, Mr. Sprewerkes, IV, and here's praying that your shunt infection clears up real soon and that you don't loose your other leg above the knee at least not before Christmas. Mr. Sprewerkes plays Santa at the local mall every year at Christmas and needs at least one knee for the kiddies to sit on. Thank you for your kind words. That was sweet!

Jack D. Maybolt, PhD
Sargent at Arms, Urban Poverty Law Center

"If you shoot enough BB's, someone is gonna lose an eye sooner or later." Mother Maybolt 1924-2008

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