Monday, November 23, 2009

Urban Poverty and the Law Center 1st annual dozer drive


Fighting poverty full time is my passion, like Jr. Tubbs, my neighbor likes Mrs. Tubbs. Jimmanny, that fellow got 11 children by her without a twin in the bunch. And they ain't
quite 33 yr old yet. Mother Maybolt always said " You know, Christ our Savior died at 33."
I seen Mrs. Tubbs with all those children in tow at the fund raiser for the Volunteer Fire Department here in Cedar Grove and I do believe number 12 is in the oven! I am a batchelor,
not by choice, but my farm accident back in 76 took care of any romantic desires I had. John Deere paid me for my loss of consortium even though I wasn't married. But enough about me and Jr. Tubbs, on with the War on Poverty. My lawyer, C. Batsell Bateman, III, argued that I would have to sit down to pee for the rest of my life and asked the men on the jury what that was worth. I could've told em it ain't worth a dime, but C. Batsell told me not to say that before the award.

Since my last post, I was able to talk to the catapillar salesman in Jackson Tennessee, a fellow by the name of Charlie Savery. I believe his momma named him Charles, but Charlie said that that name was too formal for a Cat salesman. I told Charlie I wanted to buy a Cat Dozer and he wanted to know if I owned any cats. I told him that I had four, Inky, Blinky, Stinky and Todd.
He said we could get a new D3 Cat Dozer for about $130,000 with a service contract thrown in and a three year or 3000 hr warranty which ever came first. I got the impression I could more in likely, squeeze 3 to 4 hundred dollars off that price as it was for a charitable cause and everything. I did not want to ask right away for the discount, but when we have raised the money and when I was ready to buy it I would ask for the discount then and this way we could fill the tank with diesel fuel with the money we saved on the purchase. Nothing sweeter than a Catapillar Dozer with a full tank of fuel!

Plans for the charitable dozer drive next.

Jack D. Maybolt, PhD
Secretary Urban Poverty Law Center

"A cat only has nine lies, but a married man has thousands!" Mother Maybolt, 1921-2008

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