Monday, November 23, 2009

Urban Poverty Law Center Dos


I have been receiving some small amount of Gmail at ( that I am too old and confused to head this important organization. As reasons for the charges they point out that I am confused about Mother Maybolt's birth year. Hear me, I will not tolerate criticism about my precious mother who was prone to lying about her age as often as she played bingo at the Metropolitan Cedar Grove Bingo Parlor/Food Bank which was at least once a week.

So you see, you doubters, birthers, tea bagging morons, I can choose any of about a 10 years spread Mother Maybolt claimed as a birth year and still honor her sweet memory. I will no longer answer your queries about my mother or my mentis compis. If you need a better Urban Poverty Law Center with a blogger/ bloggers more interesting and interested in helping the Urban Poor, you are free to surf the web. I will not hold you. Enough on that subject.

I found an interesting article by googling abandoned housing in Detroit Michigan which I believe is ground zero in the poster boys for the Urban Poverty Law Center's war on poverty.
Not to belabor the subject, but the article appeared in a Journal of Techinical Institute this month's issue. The article states that over the past few decades the population has fallen from 2 million to 800,000 which could be a good thing for those of us who trade in Urban Poverty.

Let me explain how a falling population helps those of us in the Poverty business. The article goes on to say the number of abandoned homes has risen from 46,000 to 78,000 and whole neighborhoods are being razed to the ground with bull dozers. How does this help us? Simple,
the shrinking housing and population concentrates the poor and makes them easier to find, and thus theoretically easier to help! This old coot has an idea based on reading that Detroit is being razed. We could have a fund raiser for the first annual Urban Poverty Law Center's
Buy A Bulldozer Drive. A bull dozer in Detroit would be a jobs creator. I will explain our plan in the next blog. Stay tuned fellow passionate human beings! The poor need us now more than ever!

Jack D. Maybolt, PhD
Vice President Urban Poverty Law Center

"Having your cat watch your mouse is like having Congress watch your food."
Mother Maybolt, 1922-2008 (forgive me Mark Twain)

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