Sunday, November 22, 2009

Post with the Most Go UPLC!


I have been living in my mother's basement until her unexpected death in 2008 in a freak
bingo parlor mishap. Only then did I get to move upstairs. It took nearly 6 months to convince the folks at SSI (Social Security) that mother was dead. I tried to send the money back and got into an endless tangle of red tape, so I just keep cashing the checks and helping my poor neighbors with the funds.

I have extra money thanks to the people at SSI so write me at this web site and we will see if we can get you some of it. This is an equal opportunity charity!

Keep the requests short and to the point. No profanity please, this is a family friendly blog
and the UPLC wants to help all peoples regardless of everything but not limited to race, creed, religion, sexual persuasion, political persuasion, hair color, handedness, eye color, height, dentition status, weight, age, citizenship, intelligence, honesty, and integrity.

All we ask of our grantees is that they share with our followers their stories how the Urban Poverty Law Center has positively impacted their lives.

Jack D. Maybolt, Ph.D
Treasurer, Urban Poverty Law Center

"Kindness is kindest with a kind gift of money." Mother Maybolt 1928-2008

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