Monday, November 23, 2009

Urban Poverty and the Law Center


Many of you may be wondering how a crippled-up former farmer from the middle of nowhere
got the calling to fight for our urban poor? What chance do these people have trapped in an urban hades! Surrounded by concrete, sirens, crime, pimps and whores, drug dealers and not a Wal-Mart within 20 miles in any direction, these people deserve our attention. Inprisoned, not by shackles and bars, but by ecconomic conditions foisted upon them by Big Bro.

Truly these people have been discarded by our polite society, hidden away in "da Hood". Whose only voice is muffled by voter intimidation and bought off by some paultry sum in the form of a government check, which is quickly spent on the necessities of life. Trapped by a school system that only babysits and does not teach. Hopelessness and dispair are well known
commodities in this zone. This is the unjust situation these people, these noble people find themselves in through no fault of their own, save birth. We owe it to our fellow human beings to pull these unfortunates up out of poverty to enjoy the sweet taste of the American Dream!

I will share my dreams for the future next and explain how you can help. My body may be cripple, but my mind and will is whole and strong.

Jack D. Maybolt
President Urban Poverty Legal Center

"A life without charity towards one's fellow man is wasted in greed." Mother Maybolt 1926-

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