Wednesday, November 25, 2009

UPLC Dozer for Detroit Drive


As the President of the Urban Poverty Law Center, it is with great joy that I anounce today we are well on our way to obtaining the $130,000 we need to buy the D3 Catapillar bull dozer! Thelma Whitehead has agreed to have a bake sale at the church this weekend and the proceeds are expected to be about $50 if past sales events are any predictor. If any of my followers has any ideas on how to help in this greatest of endeavors, leave us a note. We could use all the help we can get.

I am sorry if I seem a bit groggy this am, but the cats were wild last night and I had to get up twice to break up squabbles between Inky and Todd. Finally had to separate them after the second go around. You cat owners know what I mean.

Does anybody know how to apply for a government grant? I have been told that charitable organizations like UPLC may qualify and this would break the back of the $130,000. I have already spoken to Larry Jones who drives a flat bed truck and he has agreed to truck the dozer to Detroit, only for the cost of fuel which is generally about a buck fifty a mile. He said I can accompany him, said he can fit my Hoveround in the cab, and says we can drain my foley into plastic bottles and throw them out at night. Larry says trying to hit signage with these "piss missles" as he calls em while barreling down the interstate at 100 mph helps pass the time and keeps him alert at night. I am not so sure this is good for the environment, but he is the professional here and I am only along for the ride.

I have decided to match any of Thelma's contribution through the bake sale with my dead mother's next SSI check. I challenge all you out there in internet land to do the same.

Send your checks or money orders to : The Urban Poverty Law Center's Detroit Dozer Fund
PO Box 6678501
Cedar Grove, TN 38321
Of course your contributions are tax deductible.

I dreamed of mother last night and she was beautiful and out of that confounded wheelchair that restricted her movements for the last 37 years of her life. I am comforted that I too may be set free when ever the Lord comes calling for my soul. Help me Jesus that I might have one more Dozer gift before calling me home, Amen! I will need some help from all of you since the years have not been kind to me. I hope to head to Detroit with Larry, dozer in tow, before Christmas!
This will make somebody's Christmas in Detroit very special.

Jack D. Maybolt,
Treasurer, Urban Poverty Law Center Detroit Dozer Fund Drive

"Getting old is not for sissys." Mother Maybolt, 1925-2008

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