Saturday, November 28, 2009

UPLC Church Bake Sale a Hit!


Boy ol boy, the Good Lord, smiled mightly upon us and our downtrodden brethren in Motown,
Detroit for you younger readers, when he sent many blessings our way! Miss Thelma Whitehead
said the bake sale raised over $57 which is a new personal best for her and the New Liberty Church for Christ's Sake, The Hannover Branch. A bit of Chruch history is in order.

The New Liberty Church for Christ's Sake was founded by Brother Hannover in 1847 when he had a run in with the Liberty Church of Christ. Brother Hannover thought the restrictions on music and dance were too stringent and broke away with a few like minded Liberty Church members and organized the New Liberty Church for Christ's Sake and built it around a beautiful pipe organ that still plays to this day. Cretta May Sims is the present organist and she can really make those polished brass pipes sing! Of course dancing and singing are both allowed which still ain't allowed in the Church of Christ. Brother Jacob Elmo Hannover is the preacher and he is the great, great, great grandson of the church's founder. Brother Jay, as he is called by his flock, has a terrible harelip and his enunciation is sometimes difficult to understand, and all his words that begin with "S" sound like he is saying "Sh". The younuns get a kick everytime after a hymn ends he says to the congregation, "You may shit down." I grew up hearing his sermons or shermons as he would call them so I am used to it, but I still chuckle when I hear the children laugh and snicker when Brother Hannover asks the congregation to shit.

In the last installment, I left you out there hanging with a wonderment as to what David and Lisa Bedvetter's children were like. You will recall that David and Lisa were brother and sister and married after prom in high school and had four children. We hear so much about not marrying kinfolks and all. Well they are as normal as most other childrens I have seen here abouts, except you can't really tell which way they is looking. They eyes are all googlie or something. Otherwise, they are four of the sweetest and most beautiful childrens you would ever fancy to meet.

Well, I matched Thelma's bake sale contribution and now our bull dozer fund is up to $227.
At this rate we will have the $130,000 in no time. Remember, next friday night is the fund razer at the Metropolitan Cedar Grove Bingo Palor/Food Bank. Bring your check books and your appetites!

Greazy Williams died yesterday. He will be missed. He was popular, but nobody wanted to shake his hand because he had some sort of odd glandular problem that made him very unctuous. Some say he never got the cheesey film washed off what was there when he came sliding out of his momma. Said the doctor who delivered Greasy had a hell of a time keeping Greasy from slipping off the kitchen table onto the floor. Old Doc Davis exclaimed that that was the greasiest baby he had ever seen in his career. The name stuck. Swear to God above, water just would bead up on him like on a freshly waxed car! He didn't need a rain coat or umbrella, and never owned one in his life. Bathing was wasted on him.

Jack D. Maybolt PhD
President, Urban Poverty Law Center

"Women are like buses, you miss one and another one comes along in about 20 minutes."

Consoling words of encouragement from Mother Maybolt 1929-2008, when my gal left me for her girlfriend.

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