Tuesday, March 19, 2013

UPLC: Comparing "The Bible's" Satan Image With President Obama Unfair!

I watched enthralled the History Channel's production of "The Bible" Sunday evening and thought the characters playing Satan bore little resemblance to our commander in chief, Barrack Hussein Obama.

The serpent appeared to have a greenish hue and our president is black.   The serpent played his role without a hitch, slithering out of the garment of an exhausted and dehydrated Jesus.

I noticed the snake had a hooked nose and Obama's nose is decidedly more the standard Negroid issue in its appearance.  Wide nostrils with large turbinates to cool the hot African air before it enters the delicate tissues of the lung parenchyma.  Smaller noses of the frigid climates are better to limit air for warming before entering the sensitive areas of the alveoli.

The serpent had a forked tongue, and though Obama speaks with the forked tongue, his is standard issue and in one piece.

When the serpent transformed into the hoody wearing humanoid, President Obama, came to mind briefly but was quickly dismissed since the Devil only tried to tempt our divine Savior and not tax the sandals off Him.

As I studied Satan's features I did not see President Obama, I saw an equal mix of Dick Cheney and George W. Bush sporting black-face.

I dismiss the uproar about Obama having a cameo appearance in "The Bible" as Satan.  It is just a willing press making a story where there is none.

Next somebody will try to say Obama is the Anti-Christ.  Right!  I will believe that when he tries to take away all our guns and wreck our health care system.  Until then I will believe he is just an affirmative action hero in over his head at the top of a corrupt government living the good life spending other people's money like there was no tomorrow.

Satan seeks power and fills hell with non believers, most of whom are probably voting democrat.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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