Tuesday, March 12, 2013

UPLC: What's That In Your Animal Crackers?

Have you read about the 7 yr old boy who ate his pop tart and was suspended from his grade school because it looked like a gun?

The school board explained it was part of their no exceptions to the rule and their hands were tied and they will show zero tolerance for guns in school.

I have enclosed a copy of a letter I posted to the school board in Pennsylvania where the infraction with the yummy pop tart took place.


To Whom It May Concern:

I would like to bring to your attention other dangerous pastry and baked items which may be lurking in your student's lunch boxes.

Of course I am referring to "Animal Crackers".

Have you considered the kind of damage a child with full box of animal crackers could inflict on a class room of small children?  What of the lion?  Do you know how many people are killed by lions each year?

I don't.  But that doesn't lessen the threat from lions, does it?

The bear, the hippopotamus, and the crocodile are equally threatening with, I believe, hippo's coming in first as the number one killer of humans near river banks.  I guess if your school is not near a river, an exception could possibly be made for the hippo.  Then there is the elephant, that gentle giant of the African plains, who can be vicious and unpredictable.  The elephant must be banned!

What I am saying is you must ban these crackers because of the violence they represent. 

Alphabet cereal with the letters n, u, and g must also be banned from school breakfasts and lunches.  It does not matter that 80% of your graduates can neither read nor write.  A G- U- N is a gun whether one recognizes it or not.

We cannot be too safe with our children.  At least the ones who successfully ran the abortion gauntlet here in the States.

Thank you in advance for acting to correct this dangerous situation in your schools.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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