Monday, March 4, 2013

UPLC: Is Obama's Muslim Name Careen Abdul Jabbahr?

In President Obama's 207th weekly radio address he is said to have muttered the following words into the microphone as comic relief for the sequestration suffering serfs in America who are working the third shift.

"This is America, and in America we don't just careen from one manufactured crisis to another."

A look back at President Pinocchio's recent history may shed some light on just how true the statement will prove.

August, 2011: America is skidding off the financial cliff, the debt, the debt ceiling must be raised!

March, 2012:  American is in trouble again, the debt ceiling must be raised.

September, 2012  Benghazi our men are attacked.  Crickets.

December, 2012  Sandy Point tragedy, we must get meaningful gun control passed.

December, 2012  The Fiscal Cliff again, raise taxes on the rich!

February, 2013  John Kerry becomes SOS.  God Help US!

February, 2012  Chuck Hagel becomes SOD.  Can it get any worse?

February, 2013  The Sequestration, Congress must act now!

"We also manufacture the crises.  I find I can think them up best while relaxing during a round of golf." BHO

"Never let a good crisis go to waste!"  Ernst Rahm Emanuel,  Chicago

March, 2013  Post Sequestration, It will not be that bad presser.

"So this is America, and in America we don't just careen from one manufactured crisis to another, we also pay the highest corporate income tax rates in the world,  boasts a debt that makes Greece look like a good investment, and borrow 35% of each dollar spent just to keep the lights on, the chill out and the belly full."

We hire 50,000 people to watch the people who get on our airplanes.  We listen to every conversation, read every personal email, to keep our nation safe.  We are building a private security force just as strong as the armed forces with armored vehicles and one billion-five bullets.

Governments can only prosper at the expense of its citizens.   When the focus of the government shifts from the well being and benefit of its citizens to the growth and well being of the government, the parasite has landed and Houston, we do have a problem.

All government programs must be means tested in the future.  Our financial plight will mandate some very Spartan changes in how and what government does.

I am not sure when the shift in thinking occurred here in America, but it is here.

I was repulsed by Waco and Ruby Ridge, now a generation ago.  Have our rulers changed their stripes since then or just pulled in their claws?  I fear they have doubled down now with drones over America and our president unwilling to say he will not kill Americans without due process.

Is the realization that the American Military Industrial Complex and its worldwide forays of the past 40 years is no longer paying the bills through the exploitation and plunder of other countries leading to the new focus on America?

A famous bank robber was once asked why he robbed banks.  His answer may explain what is happening here in America.   But once this coming plunder of America is complete we may live in peace.   Hope springs eternal.   The financial collapse could be the catharsis to a new American Dream.
Repeat after me.  Food, clothing, shelter, food, clothing, shelter.  Fluff is just stuff.

 May you live in interesting times.

Or you may live in interesting times if drone strikes are off limits in the US and the billion five bullets recently purchased are for peaceful purposes only.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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