Friday, March 8, 2013

Urban Poverty Law Center: Socialism, Is It Really That Bad, Really?

I hear pundits on the right in America say socialism has failed everywhere it has been tried in the world.

Failure is in the eyes of the beholder.  Socialism in Venezuela did not fail to place over $2 billion in assets into President Hugo Chavez's portfolio in a little over 14 years.

I think the take home point here is that governments are not set up to fail the leadership.   Any powerful organization has its goal and it always involves privileges and benefits to the leadership.  The Pope has or rather had his red slippers.   Saddam, Gaddafi,  and Assad had and have palaces and untold riches.

Our form of government here in the US makes millionaires out of people like Joe Biden who couldn't hold down a third shift managerial job at a 24hr McDonalds.  Could Maxine Waters manage a daycare facility in Watts?  I doubt it.

If one world socialism takes hold here in America, and I believe it will, Americans will prosper under this system as no others before.  We will be socialist in name only, SINOs.  Black markets will spring up and new opportunities will cry out for the people.

The governments based on the socialistic principles become less relevant because they govern in economically lean times.  They do not have the money to be a formidable force in the world.

Socialism is the government of sissies.  Think France.  Think Sweden.   Is it time to try it for a while here in America?   Bring the troops home, park all the aircraft carriers in dock in Virginia(done)
watch out Pearl Harbor sneak attack, and pass Obamacare, and lets raise taxes so the only people who pay them are the people who can't leave our borders.

I am going to fertilize my fields this week if they dry up enough and world politics can be damned.

I could armed drone on and on about this injustice but I will not.

And speaking of drones, with China, Iran and every other nickel-plated dictator buying them from North Korea how will we keep up with which drone belongs to whom?

As I said in a prior post, the drones will be a big problem for America.  Ours, theirs and those others!

I am going to meet with my local jihadist and get some tips for not becoming drone bait.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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