Thursday, March 14, 2013

UPLC: Senator Cruz Bullies Senator Feinstein Over Guns

Texas Freshman Senator Cruz, 42 and  nearly 40 years Ms Feinstein's junior, took it to one of the senate's oldest relics, Senator Dianne Feinstein, D, California.  Some believe Senator Feinstein makes Hillary Clinton appear fresh and lively, but personally, I do not see it.

In a heated discussion over Feinstein's gun banning bill, Feinstein again claims first hand knowledge of what assault weapons can do.  She was the first to find Harvey Milk slumped over in the Municipal Building Offices of the Mayor in San Francisco and alleges she placed her finger in the bullet hole seeking a pulse on the seemingly lifeless and very pale appearing Mr. Milk, who probably wished for a defensive weapon when the goof who shot up the mayors office came a calling. 

One must assume Senator Feinstein, who by her own admission is "not a sixth grader", must have forgotten, or never learned, about pulse locations in the neck, groin, at the elbows, the wrist, the ankles and feet.  Who checks for pulses inside a bullet wound, or do bullets fired from an assault weapon mysteriously only strike arteries?  

Harvey Milk, if he weren't dead already would have died of sepsis from the wound probing of a well intentioned but misinformed Ms. Feinstein.  I understand she may not have been the first to finger the famous Mr. Milk, but sadly,  perhaps the last.

My advice to the worldly Senior Senator Dianne Feinstein:  Keep your hands off our guns and your nasty little fingers out of our wounds. 

Sticking  fingers into bullet holes in body cavities to check for pulses sounds uneducated, almost as uninformed as believing banning semi automatic rifles will reduce gun deaths in a society and a world where sometimes the only best option is violence, aka self defense. 

The cat eats the mouse the dog eats the cat, the lion eats the dog, man kills the lion and man will kill man.   Sadly, it is the nature of things.

Cain would have killed Abel with a rock, club, spear, or gun. 

A porcupine is a rabbit with a defensive weapon.  It is far better to be a porcupine than a rabbit.  Senator Dianne Feinstein would have all law abiding US citizens be rabbits, easy prey for the criminal elements who live amongst us.

Senator Feinstein, all creatures including man have a God given right to self-preservation and self-defense.  Are you whimsical enough to go against God's will? 

Reconsider your folly and take a first aid course before you spout off nonsense about probing bullet wounds for pulses.

And remember this if you take nothing away from the above:  Sometimes, when facing a madman with an assault rifle the safest place to be is in the closet.  I think Harvey Milk's greatest mistake ever was to come out of the closet.

There are certain times in a man's life when only a beard or a closet will do.  Human nature demands no less.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, Urban Poverty Law Center

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