Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Urban Poverty Law Center: If Islam Wins Europe, Gays Will Become Refugees

Warning:  what you are about to read is pure hypothetical poppycock!  I am not a prophet or one who reads the tea leaves or the goat entrails or can gaze up at the heavens and see into the future.  I can only make my predictions sitting in my underwear at my computer with three days beard growth, and no shower in 48 hrs.  My undercarriage needs a good going over, soap and water where are thee?

I type on so that you might live.

I learned much of Colorado's problems started when four billionaire political activists who happened to be gay poured millions of dollars into the state a decade ago to control the legislature.  I hear many of the legislators are of that peculiar persuasion and have turned the state which used to be full of cowboys and average citizens trying to raise families into a mecca for the Gay Homosexual Activist.

The governor is said to be funny, not funny, ha ha, but you know, "funny".  He was married to a funny gal, who served as his "Beard" until the election was over then they divorced and went on their "Funny" and separate ways.

Now these "Funny" people have brought the citizens of Colorado to a crossroads.  Do the people, the "Unfunny", want to live with theses "Funny" ideas like "Funny Marriage", Funny cigarettes", and Funny Gun Control, where the only people who can have guns are those approved by a committee of  "Funny Ones"?

Where it is legal for the children of the "Unfunny" to smoke pot, since the "Funny Ones" do not have children, and the only way for the "Funny" population to grow is to recruit from these same youths.

The "Funny" have made their agenda known.  They have shown their hands in Colorado and it is not a pretty picture.  Colorado is in danger.  The danger is that of the few dictating to the many.

The only problems the "Funny" in the Colorado Legislature are encountering are the County Sheriffs who do not think it is funny.   Lesson to the "Funny":  You must have your people in the sheriff's offices.  They enforce the laws.  Watch out Colorado, what's happening to your state is not funny at all.
The "Funny" will try to oust your Unfunny Sheriffs with the next election cycles.

This next thought is not funny.  Europe is on track to becoming predominantly Islamic in the next 40 years.  Baring some serious bloodshed it is a foregone conclusion.

The "Funny" are not a stupid lot, and on average have been blessed with higher IQ's than the Unfunny breeders.  They are striking now to settle and control large blocks of territory in the US where they can receive the "Funny" refugees when the trouble starts over there.

Islam is a strange religion intolerant of the "Funny".   They believe the defective must die.  Women are property and all other religions are subservient to Islam.  One man can have four wives and to die for the spread of Islam is a glorious event.

In the unlikely event of total world domination by Islam, sometimes the safest place to be is in the closet clutching you AR-15 with two high capacity magazines.  Just a word to the "Funny" aka wise!

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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