Saturday, February 23, 2013

Urban Poverty Law Center: Oh, That $44 Billion Dollars !

President B. H. Obama and his side kicks would have us believe the dreaded sequestration of the growth of new spending slated to kick in in a few days would have some really dire consequences to our already struggling economy and to vital governmental services.

The list of what a sequestered $44 billion will impact:

Air Traffic Control will shut down in the busiest airports, commercial flights would be canceled, transportation by air would be crippled.

Meat inspectors would have to shut down the meat packing plants.

The Pentagon would lay off 800,000 civilian contractors.

The State Department could not provide adequate protection for Ambassador Chris Stevens in Benghazi.

The Armed forces would down size by 600,000 uniformed personnel.

Local teachers, fire and police protection would be curtailed.

School lunches for poor children would be halted.

Things that would not be impacted:

The president and his family's profligate use of Air Force One and the $1.8 billion dollars he spends each year on his travel and entertainment.

Whores for his secret service agents, though I hear from a really good source they are trying to negotiate a deal with the girls for a better price this year.  Senator Menendez has gotten them in contact with his girls in the Dominican Republic.

Leon Panetta's $60,000 a weekend Air Force flight back to California so he can spend some time in his home and have some R and R from his hectic role as Secretary of Defense.

The $12.84 spent on shotgun shells at Camp David for the box of shells Obama and his friends shot up shooting skeet in the past four years.

The $64 billion dollar yearly handout to our nations big banks to keep them profitable.

The $85 billion dollars the Federal Reserve Bank prints and loans to the government each month much of which is funneled into the Stock Markets to give the illusion of a robust economy.

In conclusion, would that the first 3,556 billion dollars the Federal Government rifles through each year could provide the same level of services as that last 44 billion dollars, I suspect one would find that $3.6 trillion dollars could fund our government for a hundred years.    There is just not that same level of efficiency there.

Are we paying a hidden gasoline and diesel tax?  Oil prices are no where near the historic highs of a few years back but the price of gasoline and diesel is about $4 a gallon.  Based on $96 a barrel our fuel should be costing about $2.80 a gallon.  What is up with at?  Is there a hidden fed tax increase on fuel?

And lastly, Sandra Fluke, America's Perpetual Student Poster Girl for the one-night stand, says the Pentagon should allow the transgendered and other freaks into the armed services.  I wonder whom she will chose as Pope Benedict XVI's replacement?

With free thinkers like Fluke pontificating and the media picking up on it, we have nothing to fear, but everything to lose.

The mediocrity and mendacity trickling up from our educational institutions is shocking, and this from a Georgetown Law Grad?

In the last of the lies, VW has a one liter car marketed in China with a diesel engine that carries two and gets 250 mpg.  Looks like a suppository on wheels.  Price is $600.  Goes 60 to 70 kph also.  So when will Sandra Fluke say we can have one of these in America?

Free trade?  Right!  The inmates are running amok.  And the band plays on.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Monday, February 18, 2013

Urban Poverty Law Center: This Administration Should Follow Pope Benedict XVI Out!

Of course Americans have become used to lying politicians.  Bill Clinton and his female assistant, HR laid down one whopper after another back in the 90's, which is the last decade we tired to right this sorry-assed state of affairs that has become American politics.  Newt Gingrich and his republican hoard rode into town and found the power to intoxicating to resist business as usual after a few years.

Meanwhile the new press takes more and more prominence and any possible watch dog function the old press once did as vital service for the people who in their work a day lives do not have the time nor the inclination nor the sources to preform is left undone.  Back room deals and skulduggery, inside trades and intern buggery is all left in the dark.  It is as though our politicians wear an invisible cloak.

The Press!  Send in the press!

Headline September 11, 2012   Ambassador Chris Stevens And Three Americans Killed In Benghazi

The lousy locust at Defense, State, and the White-Lie House brought the team together almost immediately they mobilized and put the best plan into effect.  Not a plan to rescue the poor bastards in Libya whose fatal mistake was to count on this bunch of bologna spewing political hacks and infiltrators  whose everyman for himself attitude makes the chap who dressed a woman on the Titanic to gain one of the few remaining spots in the lifeboat seem down right heroic.  Their plan was to lie to the world about the Benghazi attack and hold one presser after another in front of the pitifully pliant US press full of dolts, dingbats, and do-nothings.

These piss poor excuses for a press take what ever the White-Lie House dishes out at face value.

The attack was a spontaneous reaction to a video.  We did everything we could to help our fellow Americans under attack at the compound in Libya.  It was not a terrorist action.  As President I was in contact with Defense and State, I told them to get them the help they need, and find and punish those responsible for this attack.  And yes I did reference this as a terrorist attack, check the tapes Candy!

Then the speeches at the return of the four flag draped coffins.  I threw up bile.

All that was lies.  Obama sat back and did absolutely nothing when the 3am call came in and his back up players, who should know better, did nothing.  Panetta-nothing, Clinton-nothing and down the chain of command to the boots on the ground, who to their credit disobeyed orders not to intervene and went over to the compound and fought valiantly and saved 30 lives sacrificing theirs in the process.

I am really disappointed with the way things have turned out in Washington.  There is too much money, drugs, sex and toxic relations between big business and big professional politicians.  The checks and balances have failed miserably.

The press has been bought off by a few millions of dollars.  The new moral relativism has crept into our lexicon and lies are truth, evil is good, and the taxpayers in flyover country are nothing but piggy banks waiting diligently to see what new tax these criminals can throw at us next.  They do not even need to kow-tow us for votes as their machines can be programmed for any result that is convenient to the cause.

Taxation without representation is the least of our problems here in middle America where our parents and grandparents taught us honor and responsibility.  Life is too short not to do what is right.

This lesson has been lost on the goons in charge.  America has been gutted.  Our treasury has been emptied by thieves.  The press has been bought off and we are played the tape of the bank vault which is setting there undisturbed, meanwhile G. Clooney and his pretty boys have been ransacking and running amok inside the vault.  And it was an inside job!

The federal government is a write off.  It can not be fixed.  We are broke.  Everybody has had a relative who has gotten behind on car payments and has been asked to chip in for a few months and make the payments until Bertie and Bobby get back on their feet.  I made that mistake once and the finance company took my money and Bertie's car anyway.   I would have been better not sending any of my money down the rat hole.

Washington DC is now a money rat hole.  The sooner we stop funding it the sooner we can have the collapse and rebuild what parts of government are essential and what parts can be left out.

Did I say Candy Crowley is a fat-assed liar who should be sent to Benghazi or Cairo on the next Tsunami!  She helped President Obama lie in the second debate and win re-election.  But I wish her no harm.  She must live with her lie and her Judas move against America will go down in history and be taught, Benedict Arnold? no Candy Crowley, is the newest term for TRAITOR!

Time for a new press and a new President.  Step down President Obama, follow the Pope.  You do not deserve your position.  You have let Chris Stevens be killed and you are destroying the only truly free economy in the world.

What are you thinking?  What are we thinking?    Don't just do something, sit there!

Maybe we can still find a few adults to help clean up this mess these children are making.

America, it was good while it lasted.  Turn out the lights, Barrack.  Some good will come of the mess.  It always does.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Urban Poverty Law Center: Pray For Susan Blunderdoss's Son

I do not call for a prayer circle for just any old ailment.  Susan Blunderdoss, our secretary here at UPLC, has an 18 yr old son, Jeremy, who is a senior at West Carroll High School.  He is a gifted child and plays the tuba for the marching band.

Those of you who follow these pages closely know already of Jeremy's affliction, but for you new comers and slackers and those who got here by accident, I will give you a thumbnail to get you up to speed.

Jeremy seemed to be a normal child until he saw a program hosted by Carl Sagan when he was 10 yrs old where Dr. Sagan intimated that the earth was bombarded by billions and billions of meteors from outer space.  Jeremy's affliction started immediately after that program.  He would no longer walk in a strait line, he zigged and zagged and hesitated and often took two steps backwards then one right then three left in no particular pattern, which made taking him anywhere very challenging.  He did this to avoid being struck by a meteorite.

Susan had him seen by all the regular child psychologists and even had him looked at at the UT Med Center in Memphis where they tried all kinds of medications on Jeremy, but none worked.  The band, when it marched for football games and for competitions, made allowances for Jeremy and his solo marching always won highest accolades. 

Now the problem.  The near miss by the asteroid and the strike in Russia has set Jeremy back a notch.  His mother says he will not get out of bed he just lies in his bed, tweeting his good byes to his school friends.
He has been in bed for the past three days and does not plan to get out of bed until the meteor with his name on it strikes him.

Susan corrected him and said meteors become meteorites after striking the earth, and tried everything to assure him he could not possibly be struck by a meteor.  Jeremy is not buying it.  He has stopped eating and drinking and more ominously, he has stopped charging his cellular phone.  I do not think he can last long.

Susan came to me in tears this morning and I am the sort of fellow who can't just stand there, I have to do something.  I have a plan which I will share with you in a moment, but this is where I will need your prayers to up the odds of it working. 

I told Susan we must give Jeremy a taste of the thing he most dreads.  We must give him his meteorite strike.  I told her I would arrange everything including making the holes in the roof and get the small meteorite out of the collection at the University of Tennessee at Martin, then heat it up and place it in a sling  shot and fire it at Jeremy while he is asleep and strike him in the leg, then when he wakes up and sees the smoldering object in his bed,  Susan is to run in and turn the lights on and exclaim:

"Jeremy you have been hit by a meteorite, and Carl Sagan said the odds of being hit twice are astronomical", to pick a useful term.

We then hope Jeremy can lose his fear and go back to school and behave in a normal fashion.

I cannot think of another plan.  Anybody ever deal with anything like this before?

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Urban Poverty Law Center: Excuse Me. But What Is That Drone You Are Wearing?

Is this what a free society resorts to when all other options for big government growth have failed? 

"Mr. President, the people have decided to stop productive work and live lives of leisure on the handouts of governmental largess."

"I will raise the minimum wage to entice some more back into the work force."

"Sir, the break even minimum wage is $18/hr when food stamps, rent subsidies, health coverage and the free phone is factored into the equation."

"And the people know this?"

"Yes sir."

"This is more serious than I first thought."

Such are the problems facing our geniuses in DC.  This is not your grandfather's generation we are dealing with here in America.  The current generation with its hand out includes the mentally and physically challenged which we cared for in each prior generation and the nouveau laxed.

Just who are these people in the nouveau laxed generation?  They are our children.  The children of the baby boomers who are used to having everything handed to them regardless of effort.  These are the everybody gets a trophy for participation children.  These are the children whose feelings were spared any hardships at all costs.  These pampered pablum fed piss poor products of new age blameless child rearing have grown into a class of non productive adults whose only goal is the good life at no expense to themselves.

Everybody is a trust fund monkey wannabe.  And Uncle Sam is the trustee. 

Why work if you are assured food, clothing, shelter and loads of free time in which to find yourself and be your own person?   This is the reason there are so many birds at the bird feeders.

Free lunches are very popular.  The birds know it.  The squirrels know it, and now the ruling class in Washington DC is beginning to catch on to it.  Twenty or thirty trillion dollars more in deficits will probably be enough for these limpid louts of lawmaking to see the light and admit their folly.  Will they take measures to correct the problem they have created?  Time will tell.

If you want more of something, subsidize it.  If you want less of something, tax it! 

You may ask how can they tax the poor?   Easy, just as Ben Franklin suggested years ago.  Make it somewhat uncomfortable to be poor through hunger and cold.  

I am not saying stop the help for the truly poor and stupid, but people who could otherwise be productive and care for themselves, should be doing just that.  Encourage everybody to get out of the wagon and take turns pulling and contributing to the betterment of society.

Myself, I am turning 62 in a couple of years and need to get my SSI and my medicare paperwork filled out and turned in so I can join the nouveau lax.

What about the drone you are wearing?  Where is that?  That was just a hook.  I may write about the president's 007 license to kill at another date. 

Did anybody hear if Chris Dorner got a trial before his execution? 

We are losing the rule of law and nobody seems to care.  I know I don't.  But this is not a good time to give up your rights to self defense. 

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Urban Poverty Law Center: Rubio's Big Gulp

No doubt about it, President Obama is the greatest orator since Adolf Hitler who brought the German people out of their post WWI funks and delivered retribution for reparations to the responsible parties with his theatrics and exaggerated hand gestures and oral gesticulations!   The only thing more respectable than his talk was his war machine.  Ja?

Obama, with his teleprompter can move mountains with the finest soothing baritone voice since Barry, what-is-name, White?  "Baby Love?"   With just his big old jug-eared head twisting back and forth from right tele-p to left tele-p, as if in cadence with spectators at center court for the finals of Wimbledon, the audience is lulled into a trance like state where the words are not important, just the sounds emitted from this man's craw carry the day.

Can anyone who watched the speech quote one line?  I know I can not.  You see the speech was meaningless as is most political talk.  It is filled with the high minded platitudes we have become accustomed in this era of broken government.  There is talk of $9 an hour minimum wages to offset $5 per gallon gasoline.  Better health care for Americans provided by health care professionals who now struggle with cumbersome computer programs that interfere with the simplest health care interventions. 

Then the stale pablum about the shared sacrifice the successful in this country must make.  Next the braggadocios bravado about taming Al Qaeda.  So what?   Our 30 yr old in our F-35 can outrun and out gun your teen on a donkey.

Why don't we pick on someone our own size.  First World War Machine v 8th century goat herds.
Strike up the band, bring em home.  Where are the spoils of war?  Their women?  Their gold?  Their land? Could we at least get in on the poppy action?

War without gain is a pitiful, worthless, and utterly unworthy undertaking.   We are paying for it with our steadily shrinking treasure which we can place a value on and the lives of our young men and women who sacrifice everything whose families grieve their loss forever.

Twenty-two suicides a day among our returning veterans?  Really, Mr. Obama, really?  Is that all we got for a trillion dollars?  A lousy t-shirt?

Grow a pair, shut this nonsensical war machine down.  We are not barbarians.  We come in peace.  Reduce the men and machines down to the numbers needed to protect American interests.  Be ready to nuke a knuckle head if he steps across the line.

In a time when our bureaucrats are ready to withhold health care expenditures on the elderly "hopeless cases" should we not look at our military forays with the same jaundiced eye?

Iraq, hopeless, Afghanistan, hopeless, pull the plug, stop the bleeding of national treasure and our children's treasured lives.

Marco Rubio's big gulp.......America's got bigger fish to fry than that.....big deal.  I was hoping for a lip smack and a loud belch followed by a self-satisfied sigh, and frankly I too found President Obama's SOTU
address hard to swallow.

I can excuse Rubio's big gulp, but the big lies spewing out of President Obama's gullet last night are beyond the pale.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Urban Poverty Law Center Joins US, Japan, China In Chiding North Korea

Kim Jong un, the diminutive and portly young leader of the North Koreans is playing into the globalists plans to keep each hemisphere of the globe in some sort of political turmoil so they can get their apparatus in place to take over control of the world through one world government! 

Asia is fracted by Kim's nuclear ambitions.  Africa is a given for perpetual turmoil with its history of despots and thugs which is as much in the nature of Africans as biting is to the female mosquito.  It is who they are.  It is what works in a highly competitive environment.  Nice guys finish last in Africa.

Israel v Palestine and all the country states placed in the Mideast by the globalists after WWII has kept that area in fits of violence with no progress towards peace and  unification for over 70 years. 

Castro and Chavez have kept the heat on over on our side of the ponds but only to the extent the gnat bothers the elephant. 

It seems only the Dutch have avoided all conflicts and are poised to have the most to lose when the final takeover comes.

I believe the current group of global elites suffer from what we know in the US as sit-com syndrome.  We grew up watching half hr TV shows based on the successful formulation of conflict-conflict resolution all in the frame-work of half an hour. 

The Soros/Clinton/Bilderberg's/CFR/TLC/Rovarians/Bushies et Al Gore are aging poorly and wanting to rush this thing along.   They risk screwing the pooch if they show their hands too soon.   I suspect their offspring will lose sight of the prize and their plans will fail.  They know the young have lost IQ but are not sure what is driving the dumbing down of our offspring.

The Americans have been fed corn syrup to the point of bursting.   Pant and dress sizes have never been larger in America.  Only now are the elitists ready to make a move on our weapons. 

I suspect the stimulus that was not there was funneled off to build and supply the secretive army of this great big old gang of elitists who will not be happy until everything is under their control.  The billions of rounds of ammunition purchased by and spread throughout the various governmental departments, Social Security, DHS, even the department of Education is clandestine and will go to supply this secret force which will only pledge allegiance to its corporate masters.

Since WWII Americans have funded the world's police force, and now with our fiscal contraction we are in no financial state to continue to do so.  Our monies now go to keep grandma and grandpa fed and diapers changed in our nursing homes.  Our roads need rebuilding as do our bridges.  Corporations will need to pick up and pay their fair share for a free trade world.  Your corn fed Americans are beginning to balk.

Make no mistake, America.  Hitler is rearming!

I am to the age that I have no dog in this fight.  I do have relatives with young children and, for them, I hope for the best.  Many who schooled in the public system are enamored by President Obama and have a blind trust that the government is a benign father figure. 

Legalized abortion should alarm everybody as to governments belief in the sanctity of life.  The elites are cold and calculating.  They are Godless.  They abide by no set of rules.  They play to win.  They are ruthless.
Man has lived under despots before and nothing is certain but change.  These people, too will collapse into the dust heap of history just like all the rest.  Someday they will be but a footnote in history.

Where in nature is the model under which these masterminds of one world government seek to emulate?

Each ant colony is independent and works only for the queen.

No man is an island, yet we are all islands.  Man must not be crammed into one world government.  It is not in our nature.  Send away the Morlocks!

Now where did I put my corn flakes?

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Monday, February 11, 2013

Urban Poverty Law Center: Pope Benedict XIV, NO XVI We Hardly Knew Ye!

First let me say, I am not a Catholic, but I am confirmed in the Episcopal Church.  Episcopalians sprang from the Church of England, a creation of King Henry the VIII who nationalized the Catholic church in England and took its sizable property holdings to fund his war with the French.

An Episcopalian is similar to a Catholic but without all that guilt, and with very little priest on alter boy sex.  I was an acolyte in my youth and was not attractive enough for our priest.  He never made a move.  Seems I am one of the unfortunates who are not attractive to either sex.  I got that from Uncle Martin on my mother's side of the family. 

We share a hideous asymmetry of facial features and cap that off with an exaggerated under bite with an extremely weak chin (we both sport full beards just to look awful) and the English curse of horribly crooked teeth with a greenish-yellow hue that no amount of bleaching will correct and that is my life in a nutshell.  Spent an awful lot of time off in the woods by myself, where if the animals I encountered made fun of me, I was unaware of it.   

Why even my dog had to get used to seeing me every time I came home from school.  He would greet me with a couple of wags of the tail, then pretend he had a previous engagement and leave as soon as possible.

I do not fault my parents for my looks.  Doc Taylor said it was because my mother carried me low in the pelvis and I was riding on my lower jaw which did not fully develop.  They had to buy extra long nipples just to feed me when I was a baby.  They found the nipples for feeding calves who were orphaned worked just fine.  They say my teeth were stained by the calf feeding formula.  I shared nipples with the calves.  We were that poor.

Enough already about me.

Drudge reports Pope Benedict XVI will resign and we may have the first black pope ever!

I think this is great news.

What I did not know was Bill Clinton is a Catholic and that he is in line to be the next Pope.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Urban Poverty Law Center Concludes, C J Dorner Is Deceased

One cannot turn on a television or radio without hearing a report about the giant manhunt ongoing in the west for 33 year old former navy special ops ex-LA cop, Christopher J. Dorner.  He is accused of killing three people based on a slight meted out to him in 2008 when he was fired from the LAPD for complaining the cops were corrupt in LA and racist.

I am not here to debate who is right and who is wrong here.  The LAPD have a role to play in California and far be it from me to be critical having never walked a mile in their shoes.  Dealing with dirtballs and near-do-wells and low information voters has to take a toll on one's outlook towards fellow man.

Anyway, the rub of this treatise is here.

His burned out truck was found near the mountain community of Big Bear in California.  Inside were camping equipment, and several of his weapons.  His body will be found within a few miles of this vehicle next fall when the hunters take to the woods.

To quote Dr. McCoy from Star Trek:  "He's dead, Jim."

If my prediction proves incorrect, I will listen to Rush Limbaugh for an entire week.  That should do it.

Free Snow Cones in Boston for a limited time only.

A 150 foot wide asteroid is set to skim by earth on February 15th, passing within 17,000 miles.

Spectral analysis of the object indicate it is equal parts gold and uranium.  The North Koreans have plans to launch a large harpoon towards the speeding heavenly body in hopes of capturing it.   I am sure this is pure folly.  What could possibly anchor this speeding object and arrest it trajectory?  I am beginning to suspect the North Koreans are fools.

Has anyone informed the NK's the earth is traveling at 17,000 miles per second through space and this asteroid is traveling at a similar rate of speed through space, that their line will surely snap and when it does watch out since it will probably snap back to earth at thrice the speed of sound and take out a lot of people in the process.

Just in case, I plan to stay inside that day.  I do not feel good about it.  It makes me uneasy knowing mother earth has a large bulls eye on it and the heavens are playing marbles.  I was hoping to shop at Wal-Mart that day, the kitty litter is starting to ferment.

I am going to be really angry if half the earth is destroyed by some cock-a-meme plan cooked up by some mad scientist in North Korea.  I like earth just the way it is.  Warts and all.

Did you see a solar scientist believes the sun has a molten core of iron just like our earth's core?

Are we living on a small part of the sun?  Is global cooling more a matter of how hot the earth's core is and how it vents from volcanoes, deep water heat vents and the like?  The world wonders?  My well water is a steady 58 degrees F.  The earth is a giant furnace radiating heat outwards at a steady rate for billions of years.  Who knew?

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Urban Poverty Law Center: You Can't Stand To Hear The Truth

Back from the barnicle laden barges of Barcelona, my jet lag nearly exhausted, cured by several 12 hr naps and a fifth of Jack Daniels Old No. 7 whiskey and my Ukranian massusse, Svetlanna Gorbachev.
I am whole again which makes me think, and as I find myself ever more isolated by age and temprament, I realise I am alone inside my thoughts 99 percent of the time.  Thank God Almighty, I am meddling good company.

When my father and mother cohabited back in the 50's and 60's I was witness to many a good argument.  Both being of sound mind and better than average wits, the verbal barbs flew like arrows from Cupid's bow at an eighth grade prom during the first lights down low slow dance.

I could tell from the tenor the cards were stacked in mother's favor.  I do not recall what the disagreement was over, but I distinctly recall what my father's retort to mother was when he finally conceded defeat.

"You are much nicer when you have a lining in your uterus!"

My mother stopped and reflected for a second and they both began to laugh heartily.  The argument was ended by that shot.

I, in my dealings with the fairer sex, find my father's observation to be spot on.  In trying to tie this into current events, as is my habit, I wonder.  Could the Pentagon use this to their advantage in women in combat as it is proposed?

My recommendation would be to gather the female troops and get them cycling together as is the case if groups are gathered together so each week of the month we have a most fearsome fighting force available for deployment to what ever hot spot develops in our dangerous world.  Of course fitting fighting names would have to be agreed upon before hand.

The Menacing Menstrating 28th Army Battle Group, The Navy Tampons, The Marine Corps Redbox of Death, and The Red Pad Brigade are just a few of the possibilities. 

I believe I will stop there before I disenfranchise over 50 % of the population.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Monday, February 4, 2013

UPLC Take On Superbowl Commercials And What It Means About America

I must admit I am not a football fan, but I am at least social enough to attend a party to celebrate one of America's greatest finales for the "Bread and Circus" circuit, the Superbowl.  The game is the circus, and the bread is the advertising revenue it generates for the venerable old broadcast hold out of the early days of television, CBS.

The game was the predictable "Lance Armstrong" like affair where the white team got way ahead of the team in red, then the lights went out for a while and then the entertainment went up for me anyway with the highly intelligent conversation among the former football players trying to parrot what was being played in their ear pieces.  Then a cheerleader would be tossed 50 ft into the air tumbling like the ill fated space shuttle which broke up over Texas a little over a decade ago and I would wonder her fate as her landing was blocked from view.

When play resumed the white team let up on the red team and let the score come back to keep the game interesting.  A pass with two defenders only lamely trying to knock the receiver down without using any arms for the tackle did not fool me.  I call foul, Superbowl fraud!  Then the white team began to play for real and won.

Is this what America has come to represent?  Has the NFL taken football to its highest level and now emulates professional wrestling?

And now my greatest disappointment with the broadcast.  The commercials looked as though the advertisers believed the 2012 end of the world hype and really did not try to have the best commercial advertising in the world.  Does this signal the economic collapse is complete?

It is as though the country, the football players, the advertisers, the power company, and the American people have all given up on this great big experiment in self-governing.

I am with the power company with this one.  Turn out the lights and let's all go home.

I did enjoy watching the cheerleader launches in the background.

President Obama is sucking the life's force out of our country.  He is our first vampire president.

I loved his skeet shot photo and the myriad of photoshopped images it spawned owing to the warning not to photoshop it, my favorite being the scissors the DHS recommends teachers faced with a gun maniac attack use for self-defense.

There needs to be a turnover.  We need to reset.  Perhaps the next election will be a step in the right direction.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Saturday, February 2, 2013

UPLC: Who Will Leave Office First? Chavez Or Bob Menendez. The World Wonders.

Senator Bob Menendez has been accused of flying off to the Dominican Republic on a pals private jet and having sexual relations with an under aged goat.  Now before you say "ooough!"  It was I am assured by the proper authorities a nanny goat and not a billy goat. 

The goat only complained in public when Senator Menendez failed to uphold his end of the bargain by not paying full price for the sweet-meat.  Business is business and a deal is a deal be it flesh or money, reneging on a business deal is poor form and can lead to a lot of problems. 

The Obama Secret Service in Columbia found how loud the whores could scream when they were short changed for services rendered.  These guys should know you have to pay full price if you want truly secret service.  And the country looks on and sighs, good grief what a bunch of amateurs!  Pay the poor whore.  What are you saving your money for anyway, a BMW?

Now Senator Menendez has fallen prey to big guys don't pay for whores, and underage whores are still whores of the flesh anyway.  He will likely resign from his senate seat because of this and if he was a republican he would have already been run out of town.  He will hang on for a couple of months until people get really tired of looking at this utterly classless lowlife who defiles babies and teen aged girls in third world countries and then tries to behave as though nothing unusual has happened.

Good luck with that former Senator Bob Menendez.  You are pitiful and deserve to be tarred and feathered and be the main feature in a Mexican donkey show. 

I would pay full price to see that!

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Friday, February 1, 2013

Urban Poverty Law Center: A Look Back

I have one question for Chuck Hagel and John Kerry.

Did either of these fine gentlemen catch yellow-headed bumble bees when they were in grade school?

We did.  An acquaintance during my childhood informed us you could catch yellow-headed bumble bees and they would not sting you.  We spent many a summer day capturing them with on flowers using a mason jar and then carefully tying a piece of thread around the narrow section between their thorax and abdomen.  We would then tie the 3 foot long thread to a belt loop on our person and take the bees for a flight.

I recall a memorable day when in the spring I caught and tied a bee and brought it to school for show and tell.  The hallways were cleared by the bee for my passage.  You see not everybody knew the bees with yellow heads were harmless.  The bees were fairly powerful and I suspect a hundred bees could likely lift a small child off the ground.  We did not ever test this hypothesis.  Sometimes we did take a couple of bees out for a flight at the same time.

I still see yellow-headed bumble bees to this day, but do you think I would catch and tie one up like I did when I was seven?

Hell, no.  I am not stupid!

The art of bumble bee tying has been lost. 

And that is not all that has been lost in our country we are all like that tethered bumble bee with our freedoms chipped away one presidential executive order at a time.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center