Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Mitt R'Money Loss In Michigan Crippling: Urban Poverty Law Center's Take

Milk R'money. the republican lite candidate, pushed up by the Wall Street, Federal Reserve Banking elitists has lost Michigan to the Newt Gingrich/Rick Santorum two headed conservative candidate by 41% to 45%! This is big news! Michigan law makers made sure of the closeness of the race by promoting the open race in Michigan so anyone could vote in the Republican Primary and anybody did! Remember Stalin and his good sense comment on democratic elections?

"He who votes decides nothing. He who counts the vote decides everything." The vote counters in Michigan have made the vote seem closer than it really is. I think the chances of a brokered convention for the republicans is high this year. It will be high drama behind the scenes and may actually be good for the republican party. Voting in public elections in America has become a hit or miss proposition, but a brokered convention with the speakers and the raw emotions, alcohol swilling insiders grabbing the state delegates and bribes flowing like milk from mother's tits when first the baby cries! Beautiful.

If we get any real reporting like Breibart and Drudge we could get our first look at who the puppet masters are in the republican party.

I am leaning towards another four years of the current occupant, Barack Hussein Obama. He has not done to badly. He inherited a mess from the Three R ruled nation when W ruled with the support of a pliant republican controlled senate and house. His only bad luck was to be installed with a pliant D ruled house and senate and the pendulum swung too far to the left those first two years, then with the loss of the house, Obama's nonsense was neutralized as the founder's had predicted divided government would deliver a clutch and a brake to help control the unfettered exuberance of new rulers like Obama and his puppet masters.

I like his brutal gutting of social security and his 2% tax cut to everybody, rich and poor alike. I like his getting out of the wars in the Persian Gulf area. His dumpy choice of Secretary of State delights me every time she appears on TV noticeable forces of aging, stress, and gravity have sucked the life's force out of her. She is not the high estrogenic hotshot she was just 20 years ago when first she arrived on the scene as Hillary Rodham!

Be careful what you wish for. It looks as our dear Hillary has caught the tiger by the tail and has been well worn out by the ride.
She has sacrificed a lot. She is almost a Christ figure to me.

I think her ride would have been easier on her if she had not had to sit out the 8 years of the Bush 43 administration. I do not think she will sit as Secretary of State for the second term. I believe her only fruit, Chelsea, will deliver a grandchild in the next few years, and Hillary will realize her folly of pursing power over motherhood and quit to care for the baby in an attempt to recapture a life misspent on greedy ambition and not love. I wish her well, and I thank her for her contribution to making this world a better place. What was it the greatest poets of our shared generation said through music?

"All you need is love, love. Love is all you need." 1.

And I love her.

I thank Susan B. Anthony for Hillary Clinton, and the bras that fell in the 60's to fire, liberating women to try their skills at dominating not just one man, but whole nations. From my standpoint as a young man coming of age during the bra less phase, it was sure more interesting watching the gals walk across campus, and the see through blouse! Give that designer a Nobel prize, please!

A supporter of Urban Poverty Law Center has donated his yacht to the cause. It is in a slip at Paris Landing State Park. It is a 27 foot sailboat and we are wanting your suggestions for a name. Reader's suggestions so far are to name the boat, "Urban Poverty Law Center" but I am leaning towards something with a hidden meaning like "Feckless Obama", or literary like: "Southern Poetry Law Center".

I will post a poll and let my three readers decide. Name the Boat! I will be counting the vote. Thank you, Joe Stalin!

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center and the Southern Poetry Law Center

1. The Beatles, who else?

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