Thursday, February 23, 2012

Urban Poverty Law Center Presents Poems For The Times

Readers, poets, pedaphiles, Potomac pontificators, and internet voyeurs, feast your eyes and let your optic nerve send this rhyme to your amigdilas for your mental pleasure. Directly from Southern Poetry Law Center's Carroll Pierpont Gibson's alcohol pickled brain to these pages without stopping in Walmart for a BC Powder, I give you:

Poetic Lice Sense

By Carroll Pierpont Gibson, Esquire

I was not to the manor born
Though I have my part to play.
A nitwit you may call me.
In truth I answer, "Nay!"

A wit, perhaps? A nit ? Not so!
At least not anymore
I'm twice, thrice the size I was
Those many moons ago.

I strut and fret my hour upon
The stage my feet do tread.
I play my part with all my heart
And I make you scratch your head.

And wonder why God made my kind
To o'er take your house.
"Nitwit!" You say? You'll rue the day
You scorned this lowly louse!

Please take a moment to recognize our proud sponsors, BC Powders, and RID, a practical over the counter solution to all shape and forms of bodily infestations. RID, IF IT CRAWLS, WRIGGLES, TICKLES, AND BITES, REACH FOR RID!, YOU'LL BE GLAD YOU DID! And Wal-Mart the store that destroyed America's Small Business, Big Time! "If Wal-Mart doesn't have it, you did not need it!"

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty and Southern Poetry Law Centers

Wait, hold on there I see the Poets have both made the deadline, this just in from C. BATSELL BATEMAN, III

All Politics Is Media

Tick Tock, Mind the Clock
Can Newt Come out to Play?
Ding Dong, He can't Be Long
His wife will not let him stay.

Tick Tock, Mind the Clock
Can Mitt Come out to Play?
Ding Dong, Devout Mormon.
Is that all you can say?

Tick Tock, Mind the Clock,
Can Rick Come out to PLay?
Ding Dong, Catholic song
Confess your sins and pray.

Tick Tock, Mind the Clock,
Can Ron Come out to Play
Ding Dong, Obama's wrong
I wonder if he's Gay?

Tick Tock, Mind the Clock
We're running out of time
Ding Dong, Smoke a Bong
And The Media Fell Silent

Wow, just wow, both poems this week are fabulous! C. Batsell Bateman's sponsors are in no particular order: The Committee to Re-Elect The President Obama, Timex watches, Happytimes Bongs, aiding the addled where the hits just keep on coming-Happytimes Bongs , The Mormons, The Catholics, and The Urban Poverty Law Center, and Callista Gingrich's hair, so powerful it has its own PAC! Some have likened it to Blond Cotton Candy!

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President blah, blah, blah

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