Friday, February 24, 2012

Urban Poverty Law Center Pushes For Freedom To Drive Smart

Pardon me, but I am getting all wee-weed up over our political class and the nanny-state Nazis who tells us what to eat, what to smoke, what to drink, what to drive, what health insurance to buy, and what my fair share to give to the state is this year which in all likelihood will be less than next year and the years after.

I just paid $4.00 a gallon for diesel to fill my 2006 VW Beetle, and with its miserly sips at the fuel tank, averaging over 46 mpg the way I drive, it costs me only about 9 cents a mile to operate. Now I learn the Europeans have access to a VW Polo diesel which gets over 70 mpg! I would buy one of these and my operating cost per mile would plummet to about 6.5 cents per mile, but the friendlies at USGOV.CON are way better at keeping fuel efficient cars off American streets than illegal immigrants or say terrorists.

Some Book keeping is in order:

Number of high mileage European cars illegally in the country-----zero

Number of illegal aliens in this country-------------------------------------thirty million

Number of terrorists in this country------------------------------------80,000 estimated

Problems Caused by European High mileage cars in this country------------------------zero

Problems caused by illegal immigrants in this country-----------------------billions of dollars a year

Potential Problems caused by terrorists to this country---------------------trillions of dollars and ?

Hey, Newt, Ron, Rick, Mitt, and Barack when will we get freedom to purchase the car with the mileage we want?

Idiots! You say you want fuel prices to be as high here as in Europe? Give us the mileage they have and screw your emission standards which are blown to hell every day when the 30 million illegal immigrants whose bean packed intestines spew their filthy emission into our clean air on average 17 times each a day. That is an additional 510,000,000 noxious methane releases in our country illegally fouling our breathing air. Way worse than a few diesel sipping VW polos and a Mini Cooper D!

Freedom is just another word to you! To me it is saving the planet by burning less fossil fuel in a car I want. Your puddin'headed beliefs in your false EPA air standards is taking us backwards. Can you imagine what would happen to the world's air quality if the Chinese all ate beans even for just one day?

Release us, or are you afraid a 30% reduction in fuel sales in America would hurt your bottom line? Yeah, that's it. Maximize your take. It is all about you. Well we are getting tired if it.

If high mileage European cars are outlawed, then only outlaws will have high mileage European Cars.

End the Nanny State Car Control Nazis choke hold on our freedom to free trade now! Lift the embargo! We will never get back to $1.50 per gallon fuel, but doubling the mileage and driving like Europeans will reduce us to a $2.50/gallon equivalency tomorrow.

Hey President Obama. I am calling you out! You want us to live under a European-styled socialism with exorbitantly high taxes, and high gas prices, and a tax subsidized health care system? Then allow us the option to buy the high gas mileage European Cars, sign an executive order, release us from these bonds which shackle us. Not letting every American buy the car he or she wants is a form of slavery. Freedom comes in all forms. You are a dirty Cracker! Stop beating us with your EPA regulations. Do something smart for a change. Are you listening or are those great big appendages sticking out on both sides of your head when viewed from the front or the back only props? But I mean no disrespect.

I will vote for whom ever promises One World Automobile Shopping and the freedom it establishes in a world where too much bickering and discontent boils just under the surface of our civilization. See if your goofs in the State Department can agree on the free trade of fine automobiles with the goofs in the Commerce Department. If you can accomplish this, then set your sites on peace in the Middle East. Baby steps! Then tackle One World Government and the Carbon Tax. That should keep you occupied and meanwhile, Americans can get some relief, if not at the pump, with their choice of fuel sipping automobiles.

Sending every spare dollar for fuel by the average American worker is bad for the economy! Duh!

Now don't you feel better after reading this?

We would like to thank our sponsors, VW, the US Immigration and Naturalization Service, the committee to re-erect the President, Obama, Mini Cooper, and The Urban Poverty Law Center, and Jack Maybolt.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, PhD. President, Urban Poverty Law Center

"I personally see no difference in the electric chair and the Chevy Volt, both are cruel forms of punishment pushed by the state!" Mother Maybolt, 1925-2008

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