Wednesday, February 8, 2012

What If Somebody Gave A Presidential Election And Nobody Cared? Urban Poverty Law Center Spot On Political Analysis!

The Republican Presidential Primary is garnering as much attention with the voters as Madonna's worn out 54 year old quadriceps thigh muscles dancing up and down the bleachers set at Superbowl XLVI. I believe the lack of a clear front runner fully 9 months into the contest is the result of tea party apathy for the big political machine which has hand picked the presumed nominee for the past 30 years, with Reagan being the lone outlier, giving us such winners on the R side as Gerald Ford, John McCain, and Bob Dole, and the Bush 41 and 43.

We have seen how that worked out for the tax payers, aka the tea party, and we are not pleased with the continued tsunami of corrupt schemes pouring out of Washington supporting Friends of Barack, or Friends of W, or who ever is the friend of the next machine backed presidential piker. Looks like the pick for the Friends is Willard Mitt R'money with his curious associations with the boys on Wall Street and the Federal Reserve Bankers.

We know in our hearts that a vote for Mitt R'money is the same as a vote for Barack Obama. Big Money will keep its boot on the throat of the everyday American and continue to extract exorbitant levels of taxation, charge out of line prices for fuel and electricity, keep wages stagnant, and regulations at an all time high to employ the unemployable at make work style government union jobs, like we got with the TSA.

Look at those folks at the airport. They'd all be at home watching TV if they weren't feeling for granny's depends, groping our kids at the airport, and snickering in the locker rooms about the junk they'd x-rayed that day.

Do any kids say they want to be a TSA agent when they grow up? No, it is just an excuse to hire the otherwise unemployable. That is what government should do, but do they have to annoy the rest of us so much in the process?

Now Eric Holder, our great,photo negative Grand Wizard-like US Attorney General, has been holding out on the congressional investigators into the Gun Walker
controversy. The problem is they got caught trying to ram some gun control legislation down the throats of the American people because an armed population is messier to subdue than a flock of sheep.

There is good reason man has eaten a lot more mutton than say bear or lion. Be ever vigilant. Teach your boys and girls how to shoot and how to handle guns safely. Gun ownership is the greatest of American traditions.

Back to the surprising results in Minnesota, Missouri, and Colorado. Santorum is a fine choice. He is the closest we have to a tea party candidate. We already know his wife dated a doctor before she married Santorum and who knows what they did? Look for the hit pieces on Rick to fly out the media windows today like Evil Flying Monkeys ala the Wizard of Oz movie. Surrender Rick! You are not R'Money!

The jig is up! Big Over Reaching Over Regulating Government is dying. The latest travesty is the Obama/Pelosi Obama Care attack on the Catholic health care system. Mandating contraception, abortion, and such to a religion whose doctrine teaches the sanctity of life, gives thinking patriots another reason to reign in this monstrosity of a government. Where is the HHS letter to the charitable Muslim hospitals in America? Oh, there aren't any. Who knew?

Big Government is dying because it has tipped the host parasite equation too far and the host is too sickly to endure these wounds from the parasite. This government along with higher fuel prices since 2008 have sucked all the green blood from our economy. When the economy dies the government will wither too. You see they draw from the same well and that well is drying up fast.

Look at Detroit, over taxed during good times, jobs disappear, money is tight, crime increases, the productive class wisely chooses not to live in fear, moves out instead. Local government sees a short fall, raises taxes more and more businesses move out to avoid the burden of high taxes and high crime. Make Detroit a low tax zone and see what happens. Can you say Singapore? Don't make the mistake of holding your breath for this one!

Look for more smaller government candidates this year on the state and local levels, where a fitting motto might be "He who governs best governs least."

Mitt R'money and Newt Gingrich are Big Government. Rick Santorum is probably in truth a Big Government Wolf in smaller government sheep's clothing.

The people are not satisfied with the offerings from the Republican establishment this year. Dissatisfaction like no satisfaction is not very satisfying. The bullies have had run on all the neat stuff on the playground for 100 years. Time to make room, the people are coming, the people are coming for their government.

The ERA of Big Stupid Government is over. We will vote in a fresh Leaner Cleaner Government! So far the political elites have not read the tea leaves or have chosen to ignore them at great risk to their political fortunes.

Sarah Palin, your time is here! Lead us and your sheep will follow you. We place our trust in you. You are real and a red-blooded American Patriot and we need that now more than ever. Run third party! You will win. Ross Perot was a nut and he got 19% of the vote against Clinton and Bush 41, opponents who were way more formidable than Obama and Romney will be this year. You could win with 43% and you would get that easy! The swell of dissatisfaction is palpable.

Can you hear the call? I would be your lobby Czar.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, Urban Poverty Law Center

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