Sunday, February 19, 2012

Urban Poverty Law Center's Jackson Delano Maybolt, JR, To Write Story

Since returning from my death experience last week, I have had an overwhelming sense I must give this special audience a message. I do not know what the message is as my memory of the whole thing is quickly vanishing like a dream bathed in early morning sunlight. With no further fanfare or beating my drum, the story opener follows.

Medical Malfeasance in Middleton.

Millicent G. Dodd, 96 yr old mother of Senator Teddy Allan Dodd, Democrat, Connecticut, checked into Middleton General Hospital for some seemingly routine medical testing . Twenty four hours later she is dead. An autopsy is ordered and the Pathologist, Dr. David D. Sowhata, a liberal, whose home life revolves around his three cats and a 3 by 9 foot section of living space which is occupied by his brown suede leather couch in front of his giant screen Sony television playing soft porn 24/7 in splendid high definition, as usual, finds nothing and signs her death out as "natural causes." Millicent Dodd's untimely and unexplained death marks the beginning of one of the greatest terrorist attack orchestrated against our government, or any government for that matter, in recorded human history.

Only one man was able to connect the dots in this horrible affront to our nations leadership: Jackson Mayblut, the junior reporter for the Middleton Maplethorpe, a gay themed weekly newspaper,with a very weak local following, run on a shoe string budget out of his partner's mother's basement. Their only advertiser is Google and they are in arrears, owing Mayblut and his lover, Todd Palin, not that Todd Palin, over $107! Google knows what you ate for breakfast today, but are not really good at paying bills in a timely fashion. Google is CIA! Spooky!

One of Jackson Mayblut's duties was to cover political figure's as well as their family deaths. His coverage of Senator Kennedy's tragic death a couple of years back won him a coveted "Poofta" nomination but he lost out to Anderson Cooper, not that Anderson Cooper, whose treatment of Elizabeth Edwards' death sent the gay and lesbian community into a funk for a few minutes until they recalled their hedonistic values and moved on to thinking about that next gerbil run, tea bagging, or what ever!

When Jackson missed out on the "Poofta" Award by that much, he redoubled his efforts to double down and when Senator Byrd, D. W.Va. croaked and left our earthly realm for that KKK reunion in the ether's above, his piece entitled, "The Flight of the Byrd", was nearly picked up by the "Rochester Glory Whole", a mostly gay and lesbian publication, with a smattering of pedophilia and bestiality on the back pages for titillation. Mayblut smelled a fish, and No, it was not Todd's mother's 63 year old clap trap, which smells more like a dead mouse to Jackson. This was really really rotten. Members of high elected office with extraordinary family death rates. Fascinating and intriguing. What was behind the Malfeasance in Middleton?

Jackson Mayblut had a hunch, but first he had to make a phone call.


Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

page two if I can remember it to follow?

Disclaimer: The above is fictional any similarities to the truth are accidental and coincidental and were never intended by the author.

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