Friday, February 3, 2012

Urban Poverty Law Center Forces Obama To Sit In Ford Shelby GT 500 At Washington Car Show!

As soon as President Obama gets up in the morning he is greeted by his national security staffers who fill him in on the world's events, and at the end of his briefing, his homeland security brief always includes what Jackson Delano Maybolt has said about today's news. He is especially interested in any critical comments about his administration or himself. I am trying to be objective here. Morning Mr. President.

Seems the White House has learned that Jackson Maybolt, PhD has his finger on the pulse of the undercurrent which flows deep in the heartland of this beautiful country of ours. Now it seems my treatise on the 2012 Ford Shelby GT 500 mustang has piqued his curiosity as he was photographed seated in such a vehicle at a recent Washington Car Show. Why this sudden interest in cars, Mr. President?

Maybe it was the part about the sound it makes when it first starts that causes every man and boy in earshot the desire to own one? Maybe when Michelle is not paying attention he can slip out and buy one of these beasts? Maybe he would enjoy the challenge in trying to keep it on the road. From reading these posts, he already knows it cannot be trusted in 1st, 2nd, or 3rd as the rear end will try to pass the front when the supercharger kicks into action. If he buys one he will find it is trickier to keep this beast on the road than our economy, and a lot more fun and exhilarating, too.

Perhaps he and Michelle should purchase one and do their parading around the country in it. It could be referred to as Auto 1. It is a sharp car that makes who ever the driver look really cool since nobody looks at the driver, only the car. If he buys and drives one he can count on my vote.

I bet Ford would paint one in Red, White, and Blue especially for him and sell it to him at MRSP or slightly below. He should jump on that deal. How cool and intimidated would Putin be if one of these super American cars was parked under the White House covered drive when he comes round for a visit? Man up Mr. President, get some skin in the game, spend some of your money and help the other Detroit automobile industry. You will love it!

If for some reason you hate it and Michelle has you in the dog house with what ever your pouch's name is, I will buy it for what you have in it as long as it is not all heavied up with armor. If you are worried about the environmentalist the Shelby gets about 22.5 mpg with my foot on the gas. It will improve your image. Oh, and don't smoke in the car. That is a detraction from its value.

Hum, I have never seen Mitt R'Money, Newt Gingrich, or Barack Obama drive a car. I think they should get out more, don't you?

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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