Milk R'money. the republican lite candidate, pushed up by the Wall Street, Federal Reserve Banking elitists has lost Michigan to the Newt Gingrich/Rick Santorum two headed conservative candidate by 41% to 45%! This is big news! Michigan law makers made sure of the closeness of the race by promoting the open race in Michigan so anyone could vote in the Republican Primary and anybody did! Remember Stalin and his good sense comment on democratic elections?
"He who votes decides nothing. He who counts the vote decides everything." The vote counters in Michigan have made the vote seem closer than it really is. I think the chances of a brokered convention for the republicans is high this year. It will be high drama behind the scenes and may actually be good for the republican party. Voting in public elections in America has become a hit or miss proposition, but a brokered convention with the speakers and the raw emotions, alcohol swilling insiders grabbing the state delegates and bribes flowing like milk from mother's tits when first the baby cries! Beautiful.
If we get any real reporting like Breibart and Drudge we could get our first look at who the puppet masters are in the republican party.
I am leaning towards another four years of the current occupant, Barack Hussein Obama. He has not done to badly. He inherited a mess from the Three R ruled nation when W ruled with the support of a pliant republican controlled senate and house. His only bad luck was to be installed with a pliant D ruled house and senate and the pendulum swung too far to the left those first two years, then with the loss of the house, Obama's nonsense was neutralized as the founder's had predicted divided government would deliver a clutch and a brake to help control the unfettered exuberance of new rulers like Obama and his puppet masters.
I like his brutal gutting of social security and his 2% tax cut to everybody, rich and poor alike. I like his getting out of the wars in the Persian Gulf area. His dumpy choice of Secretary of State delights me every time she appears on TV noticeable forces of aging, stress, and gravity have sucked the life's force out of her. She is not the high estrogenic hotshot she was just 20 years ago when first she arrived on the scene as Hillary Rodham!
Be careful what you wish for. It looks as our dear Hillary has caught the tiger by the tail and has been well worn out by the ride.
She has sacrificed a lot. She is almost a Christ figure to me.
I think her ride would have been easier on her if she had not had to sit out the 8 years of the Bush 43 administration. I do not think she will sit as Secretary of State for the second term. I believe her only fruit, Chelsea, will deliver a grandchild in the next few years, and Hillary will realize her folly of pursing power over motherhood and quit to care for the baby in an attempt to recapture a life misspent on greedy ambition and not love. I wish her well, and I thank her for her contribution to making this world a better place. What was it the greatest poets of our shared generation said through music?
"All you need is love, love. Love is all you need." 1.
And I love her.
I thank Susan B. Anthony for Hillary Clinton, and the bras that fell in the 60's to fire, liberating women to try their skills at dominating not just one man, but whole nations. From my standpoint as a young man coming of age during the bra less phase, it was sure more interesting watching the gals walk across campus, and the see through blouse! Give that designer a Nobel prize, please!
A supporter of Urban Poverty Law Center has donated his yacht to the cause. It is in a slip at Paris Landing State Park. It is a 27 foot sailboat and we are wanting your suggestions for a name. Reader's suggestions so far are to name the boat, "Urban Poverty Law Center" but I am leaning towards something with a hidden meaning like "Feckless Obama", or literary like: "Southern Poetry Law Center".
I will post a poll and let my three readers decide. Name the Boat! I will be counting the vote. Thank you, Joe Stalin!
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center and the Southern Poetry Law Center
1. The Beatles, who else?
Founded by Jackson Delano Maybolt PhD in 1988, this organization has helped many urban poor tell their stories and improve their lives. Based out of Cedar Grove, TN, the UPLC is quickly becoming a national leader in poverty law and research.New visitors are encouraged to go back to the earliest postings to get the full flavor of our important mission. You will be entertained or you are not thinking
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Friday, February 24, 2012
Urban Poverty Law Center Pushes For Freedom To Drive Smart
Pardon me, but I am getting all wee-weed up over our political class and the nanny-state Nazis who tells us what to eat, what to smoke, what to drink, what to drive, what health insurance to buy, and what my fair share to give to the state is this year which in all likelihood will be less than next year and the years after.
I just paid $4.00 a gallon for diesel to fill my 2006 VW Beetle, and with its miserly sips at the fuel tank, averaging over 46 mpg the way I drive, it costs me only about 9 cents a mile to operate. Now I learn the Europeans have access to a VW Polo diesel which gets over 70 mpg! I would buy one of these and my operating cost per mile would plummet to about 6.5 cents per mile, but the friendlies at USGOV.CON are way better at keeping fuel efficient cars off American streets than illegal immigrants or say terrorists.
Some Book keeping is in order:
Number of high mileage European cars illegally in the country-----zero
Number of illegal aliens in this country-------------------------------------thirty million
Number of terrorists in this country------------------------------------80,000 estimated
Problems Caused by European High mileage cars in this country------------------------zero
Problems caused by illegal immigrants in this country-----------------------billions of dollars a year
Potential Problems caused by terrorists to this country---------------------trillions of dollars and ?
Hey, Newt, Ron, Rick, Mitt, and Barack when will we get freedom to purchase the car with the mileage we want?
Idiots! You say you want fuel prices to be as high here as in Europe? Give us the mileage they have and screw your emission standards which are blown to hell every day when the 30 million illegal immigrants whose bean packed intestines spew their filthy emission into our clean air on average 17 times each a day. That is an additional 510,000,000 noxious methane releases in our country illegally fouling our breathing air. Way worse than a few diesel sipping VW polos and a Mini Cooper D!
Freedom is just another word to you! To me it is saving the planet by burning less fossil fuel in a car I want. Your puddin'headed beliefs in your false EPA air standards is taking us backwards. Can you imagine what would happen to the world's air quality if the Chinese all ate beans even for just one day?
Release us, or are you afraid a 30% reduction in fuel sales in America would hurt your bottom line? Yeah, that's it. Maximize your take. It is all about you. Well we are getting tired if it.
If high mileage European cars are outlawed, then only outlaws will have high mileage European Cars.
End the Nanny State Car Control Nazis choke hold on our freedom to free trade now! Lift the embargo! We will never get back to $1.50 per gallon fuel, but doubling the mileage and driving like Europeans will reduce us to a $2.50/gallon equivalency tomorrow.
Hey President Obama. I am calling you out! You want us to live under a European-styled socialism with exorbitantly high taxes, and high gas prices, and a tax subsidized health care system? Then allow us the option to buy the high gas mileage European Cars, sign an executive order, release us from these bonds which shackle us. Not letting every American buy the car he or she wants is a form of slavery. Freedom comes in all forms. You are a dirty Cracker! Stop beating us with your EPA regulations. Do something smart for a change. Are you listening or are those great big appendages sticking out on both sides of your head when viewed from the front or the back only props? But I mean no disrespect.
I will vote for whom ever promises One World Automobile Shopping and the freedom it establishes in a world where too much bickering and discontent boils just under the surface of our civilization. See if your goofs in the State Department can agree on the free trade of fine automobiles with the goofs in the Commerce Department. If you can accomplish this, then set your sites on peace in the Middle East. Baby steps! Then tackle One World Government and the Carbon Tax. That should keep you occupied and meanwhile, Americans can get some relief, if not at the pump, with their choice of fuel sipping automobiles.
Sending every spare dollar for fuel by the average American worker is bad for the economy! Duh!
Now don't you feel better after reading this?
We would like to thank our sponsors, VW, the US Immigration and Naturalization Service, the committee to re-erect the President, Obama, Mini Cooper, and The Urban Poverty Law Center, and Jack Maybolt.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, PhD. President, Urban Poverty Law Center
"I personally see no difference in the electric chair and the Chevy Volt, both are cruel forms of punishment pushed by the state!" Mother Maybolt, 1925-2008
I just paid $4.00 a gallon for diesel to fill my 2006 VW Beetle, and with its miserly sips at the fuel tank, averaging over 46 mpg the way I drive, it costs me only about 9 cents a mile to operate. Now I learn the Europeans have access to a VW Polo diesel which gets over 70 mpg! I would buy one of these and my operating cost per mile would plummet to about 6.5 cents per mile, but the friendlies at USGOV.CON are way better at keeping fuel efficient cars off American streets than illegal immigrants or say terrorists.
Some Book keeping is in order:
Number of high mileage European cars illegally in the country-----zero
Number of illegal aliens in this country-------------------------------------thirty million
Number of terrorists in this country------------------------------------80,000 estimated
Problems Caused by European High mileage cars in this country------------------------zero
Problems caused by illegal immigrants in this country-----------------------billions of dollars a year
Potential Problems caused by terrorists to this country---------------------trillions of dollars and ?
Hey, Newt, Ron, Rick, Mitt, and Barack when will we get freedom to purchase the car with the mileage we want?
Idiots! You say you want fuel prices to be as high here as in Europe? Give us the mileage they have and screw your emission standards which are blown to hell every day when the 30 million illegal immigrants whose bean packed intestines spew their filthy emission into our clean air on average 17 times each a day. That is an additional 510,000,000 noxious methane releases in our country illegally fouling our breathing air. Way worse than a few diesel sipping VW polos and a Mini Cooper D!
Freedom is just another word to you! To me it is saving the planet by burning less fossil fuel in a car I want. Your puddin'headed beliefs in your false EPA air standards is taking us backwards. Can you imagine what would happen to the world's air quality if the Chinese all ate beans even for just one day?
Release us, or are you afraid a 30% reduction in fuel sales in America would hurt your bottom line? Yeah, that's it. Maximize your take. It is all about you. Well we are getting tired if it.
If high mileage European cars are outlawed, then only outlaws will have high mileage European Cars.
End the Nanny State Car Control Nazis choke hold on our freedom to free trade now! Lift the embargo! We will never get back to $1.50 per gallon fuel, but doubling the mileage and driving like Europeans will reduce us to a $2.50/gallon equivalency tomorrow.
Hey President Obama. I am calling you out! You want us to live under a European-styled socialism with exorbitantly high taxes, and high gas prices, and a tax subsidized health care system? Then allow us the option to buy the high gas mileage European Cars, sign an executive order, release us from these bonds which shackle us. Not letting every American buy the car he or she wants is a form of slavery. Freedom comes in all forms. You are a dirty Cracker! Stop beating us with your EPA regulations. Do something smart for a change. Are you listening or are those great big appendages sticking out on both sides of your head when viewed from the front or the back only props? But I mean no disrespect.
I will vote for whom ever promises One World Automobile Shopping and the freedom it establishes in a world where too much bickering and discontent boils just under the surface of our civilization. See if your goofs in the State Department can agree on the free trade of fine automobiles with the goofs in the Commerce Department. If you can accomplish this, then set your sites on peace in the Middle East. Baby steps! Then tackle One World Government and the Carbon Tax. That should keep you occupied and meanwhile, Americans can get some relief, if not at the pump, with their choice of fuel sipping automobiles.
Sending every spare dollar for fuel by the average American worker is bad for the economy! Duh!
Now don't you feel better after reading this?
We would like to thank our sponsors, VW, the US Immigration and Naturalization Service, the committee to re-erect the President, Obama, Mini Cooper, and The Urban Poverty Law Center, and Jack Maybolt.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, PhD. President, Urban Poverty Law Center
"I personally see no difference in the electric chair and the Chevy Volt, both are cruel forms of punishment pushed by the state!" Mother Maybolt, 1925-2008
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Urban Poverty Law Center Presents Poems For The Times
Readers, poets, pedaphiles, Potomac pontificators, and internet voyeurs, feast your eyes and let your optic nerve send this rhyme to your amigdilas for your mental pleasure. Directly from Southern Poetry Law Center's Carroll Pierpont Gibson's alcohol pickled brain to these pages without stopping in Walmart for a BC Powder, I give you:
Poetic Lice Sense
By Carroll Pierpont Gibson, Esquire
I was not to the manor born
Though I have my part to play.
A nitwit you may call me.
In truth I answer, "Nay!"
A wit, perhaps? A nit ? Not so!
At least not anymore
I'm twice, thrice the size I was
Those many moons ago.
I strut and fret my hour upon
The stage my feet do tread.
I play my part with all my heart
And I make you scratch your head.
And wonder why God made my kind
To o'er take your house.
"Nitwit!" You say? You'll rue the day
You scorned this lowly louse!
Please take a moment to recognize our proud sponsors, BC Powders, and RID, a practical over the counter solution to all shape and forms of bodily infestations. RID, IF IT CRAWLS, WRIGGLES, TICKLES, AND BITES, REACH FOR RID!, YOU'LL BE GLAD YOU DID! And Wal-Mart the store that destroyed America's Small Business, Big Time! "If Wal-Mart doesn't have it, you did not need it!"
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty and Southern Poetry Law Centers
Wait, hold on there I see the Poets have both made the deadline, this just in from C. BATSELL BATEMAN, III
All Politics Is Media
Tick Tock, Mind the Clock
Can Newt Come out to Play?
Ding Dong, He can't Be Long
His wife will not let him stay.
Tick Tock, Mind the Clock
Can Mitt Come out to Play?
Ding Dong, Devout Mormon.
Is that all you can say?
Tick Tock, Mind the Clock,
Can Rick Come out to PLay?
Ding Dong, Catholic song
Confess your sins and pray.
Tick Tock, Mind the Clock,
Can Ron Come out to Play
Ding Dong, Obama's wrong
I wonder if he's Gay?
Tick Tock, Mind the Clock
We're running out of time
Ding Dong, Smoke a Bong
And The Media Fell Silent
Wow, just wow, both poems this week are fabulous! C. Batsell Bateman's sponsors are in no particular order: The Committee to Re-Elect The President Obama, Timex watches, Happytimes Bongs, aiding the addled where the hits just keep on coming-Happytimes Bongs , The Mormons, The Catholics, and The Urban Poverty Law Center, and Callista Gingrich's hair, so powerful it has its own PAC! Some have likened it to Blond Cotton Candy!
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President blah, blah, blah
Poetic Lice Sense
By Carroll Pierpont Gibson, Esquire
I was not to the manor born
Though I have my part to play.
A nitwit you may call me.
In truth I answer, "Nay!"
A wit, perhaps? A nit ? Not so!
At least not anymore
I'm twice, thrice the size I was
Those many moons ago.
I strut and fret my hour upon
The stage my feet do tread.
I play my part with all my heart
And I make you scratch your head.
And wonder why God made my kind
To o'er take your house.
"Nitwit!" You say? You'll rue the day
You scorned this lowly louse!
Please take a moment to recognize our proud sponsors, BC Powders, and RID, a practical over the counter solution to all shape and forms of bodily infestations. RID, IF IT CRAWLS, WRIGGLES, TICKLES, AND BITES, REACH FOR RID!, YOU'LL BE GLAD YOU DID! And Wal-Mart the store that destroyed America's Small Business, Big Time! "If Wal-Mart doesn't have it, you did not need it!"
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty and Southern Poetry Law Centers
Wait, hold on there I see the Poets have both made the deadline, this just in from C. BATSELL BATEMAN, III
All Politics Is Media
Tick Tock, Mind the Clock
Can Newt Come out to Play?
Ding Dong, He can't Be Long
His wife will not let him stay.
Tick Tock, Mind the Clock
Can Mitt Come out to Play?
Ding Dong, Devout Mormon.
Is that all you can say?
Tick Tock, Mind the Clock,
Can Rick Come out to PLay?
Ding Dong, Catholic song
Confess your sins and pray.
Tick Tock, Mind the Clock,
Can Ron Come out to Play
Ding Dong, Obama's wrong
I wonder if he's Gay?
Tick Tock, Mind the Clock
We're running out of time
Ding Dong, Smoke a Bong
And The Media Fell Silent
Wow, just wow, both poems this week are fabulous! C. Batsell Bateman's sponsors are in no particular order: The Committee to Re-Elect The President Obama, Timex watches, Happytimes Bongs, aiding the addled where the hits just keep on coming-Happytimes Bongs , The Mormons, The Catholics, and The Urban Poverty Law Center, and Callista Gingrich's hair, so powerful it has its own PAC! Some have likened it to Blond Cotton Candy!
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President blah, blah, blah
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
MMM, Jack Meets Derrick, Urban Poverty Law Center
But first, Jack Mayblut had to make a phone call.
Hello,,, thank you for choosing Dominoes. This is Derrick how can I help you? Our specials today include any medium hand tossed pizza with your choice of any three toppings guaranteed to put you on your knees, a six pack of our delicious spicy hot wings, and our newly cheesier cheesy breadsticks, and a litre of your favorite drink, all for only $9.99!
I would like the special with pepperoni, pepperoni, and pepperoni as my three toppings, and a litre of pepsi.
We have Coke, not pepsi. Would it be ok to make that substitution?
Yea, I guess so. Derrick, what do you know about Senator Dodd's mother?
Who is this? And what makes you think I know anything about the murder.....I mean his mother?
This is Jackson Mayblut. What you said has piqued my interest.
So, are you the reporter for the Middleton Maplethorpe? I loved your piece on "Cooking Gay."
Yes. But, ah...
I thought it was time someone acknowledged how absolutely Gay cooking can be. Your treatment of the oils of simmer, the spices of life choices, and the cucumber left me breathless one evening after work. You have changed my life for the better.
I am going to throw in a couple of extra dipping sauces for your sticks and wings, with a half dozen packets of Parmesan and hot peppers at no extra charge to you!
Pick up or delivery?
Pick up. When can we get together and talk.
Tell you what, I get off work at 9. We can meet at a bar called "Inn The Closet," I can be there at quarter after.
I know the place well, how will I recognize you?
I will be the gay with the dominoes pizza shirt, sipping a Coors Light in a can not a bottle, smoking a Virginia Slims cigarette, filing my nails, sitting in the corner under the big screen television playing men's professional La Cross, sporting a sexy tightly trimmed goatee, with a hoop earring on the right with a likeness of Elton John's first Grammy award, in miniature of course. You can't miss me.
I will see you at 9:15.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Please support our sponsors, Pepsi, Coors Light, Virginia Slims Cigarettes, Men's Professional La Cross, Elton John, Coke, The Grammys, and Dominoes, Who Knows? Dominoes! jdm
Contact us at our site if you wish to become a sponsor, Our rates are low and our exposure is high! jdm
Hello,,, thank you for choosing Dominoes. This is Derrick how can I help you? Our specials today include any medium hand tossed pizza with your choice of any three toppings guaranteed to put you on your knees, a six pack of our delicious spicy hot wings, and our newly cheesier cheesy breadsticks, and a litre of your favorite drink, all for only $9.99!
I would like the special with pepperoni, pepperoni, and pepperoni as my three toppings, and a litre of pepsi.
We have Coke, not pepsi. Would it be ok to make that substitution?
Yea, I guess so. Derrick, what do you know about Senator Dodd's mother?
Who is this? And what makes you think I know anything about the murder.....I mean his mother?
This is Jackson Mayblut. What you said has piqued my interest.
So, are you the reporter for the Middleton Maplethorpe? I loved your piece on "Cooking Gay."
Yes. But, ah...
I thought it was time someone acknowledged how absolutely Gay cooking can be. Your treatment of the oils of simmer, the spices of life choices, and the cucumber left me breathless one evening after work. You have changed my life for the better.
I am going to throw in a couple of extra dipping sauces for your sticks and wings, with a half dozen packets of Parmesan and hot peppers at no extra charge to you!
Pick up or delivery?
Pick up. When can we get together and talk.
Tell you what, I get off work at 9. We can meet at a bar called "Inn The Closet," I can be there at quarter after.
I know the place well, how will I recognize you?
I will be the gay with the dominoes pizza shirt, sipping a Coors Light in a can not a bottle, smoking a Virginia Slims cigarette, filing my nails, sitting in the corner under the big screen television playing men's professional La Cross, sporting a sexy tightly trimmed goatee, with a hoop earring on the right with a likeness of Elton John's first Grammy award, in miniature of course. You can't miss me.
I will see you at 9:15.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Please support our sponsors, Pepsi, Coors Light, Virginia Slims Cigarettes, Men's Professional La Cross, Elton John, Coke, The Grammys, and Dominoes, Who Knows? Dominoes! jdm
Contact us at our site if you wish to become a sponsor, Our rates are low and our exposure is high! jdm
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Urban Poverty Law Center's Jackson Delano Maybolt, JR, To Write Story
Since returning from my death experience last week, I have had an overwhelming sense I must give this special audience a message. I do not know what the message is as my memory of the whole thing is quickly vanishing like a dream bathed in early morning sunlight. With no further fanfare or beating my drum, the story opener follows.
Medical Malfeasance in Middleton.
Millicent G. Dodd, 96 yr old mother of Senator Teddy Allan Dodd, Democrat, Connecticut, checked into Middleton General Hospital for some seemingly routine medical testing . Twenty four hours later she is dead. An autopsy is ordered and the Pathologist, Dr. David D. Sowhata, a liberal, whose home life revolves around his three cats and a 3 by 9 foot section of living space which is occupied by his brown suede leather couch in front of his giant screen Sony television playing soft porn 24/7 in splendid high definition, as usual, finds nothing and signs her death out as "natural causes." Millicent Dodd's untimely and unexplained death marks the beginning of one of the greatest terrorist attack orchestrated against our government, or any government for that matter, in recorded human history.
Only one man was able to connect the dots in this horrible affront to our nations leadership: Jackson Mayblut, the junior reporter for the Middleton Maplethorpe, a gay themed weekly newspaper,with a very weak local following, run on a shoe string budget out of his partner's mother's basement. Their only advertiser is Google and they are in arrears, owing Mayblut and his lover, Todd Palin, not that Todd Palin, over $107! Google knows what you ate for breakfast today, but are not really good at paying bills in a timely fashion. Google is CIA! Spooky!
One of Jackson Mayblut's duties was to cover political figure's as well as their family deaths. His coverage of Senator Kennedy's tragic death a couple of years back won him a coveted "Poofta" nomination but he lost out to Anderson Cooper, not that Anderson Cooper, whose treatment of Elizabeth Edwards' death sent the gay and lesbian community into a funk for a few minutes until they recalled their hedonistic values and moved on to thinking about that next gerbil run, tea bagging, or what ever!
When Jackson missed out on the "Poofta" Award by that much, he redoubled his efforts to double down and when Senator Byrd, D. W.Va. croaked and left our earthly realm for that KKK reunion in the ether's above, his piece entitled, "The Flight of the Byrd", was nearly picked up by the "Rochester Glory Whole", a mostly gay and lesbian publication, with a smattering of pedophilia and bestiality on the back pages for titillation. Mayblut smelled a fish, and No, it was not Todd's mother's 63 year old clap trap, which smells more like a dead mouse to Jackson. This was really really rotten. Members of high elected office with extraordinary family death rates. Fascinating and intriguing. What was behind the Malfeasance in Middleton?
Jackson Mayblut had a hunch, but first he had to make a phone call.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
page two if I can remember it to follow?
Disclaimer: The above is fictional any similarities to the truth are accidental and coincidental and were never intended by the author.
Medical Malfeasance in Middleton.
Millicent G. Dodd, 96 yr old mother of Senator Teddy Allan Dodd, Democrat, Connecticut, checked into Middleton General Hospital for some seemingly routine medical testing . Twenty four hours later she is dead. An autopsy is ordered and the Pathologist, Dr. David D. Sowhata, a liberal, whose home life revolves around his three cats and a 3 by 9 foot section of living space which is occupied by his brown suede leather couch in front of his giant screen Sony television playing soft porn 24/7 in splendid high definition, as usual, finds nothing and signs her death out as "natural causes." Millicent Dodd's untimely and unexplained death marks the beginning of one of the greatest terrorist attack orchestrated against our government, or any government for that matter, in recorded human history.
Only one man was able to connect the dots in this horrible affront to our nations leadership: Jackson Mayblut, the junior reporter for the Middleton Maplethorpe, a gay themed weekly newspaper,with a very weak local following, run on a shoe string budget out of his partner's mother's basement. Their only advertiser is Google and they are in arrears, owing Mayblut and his lover, Todd Palin, not that Todd Palin, over $107! Google knows what you ate for breakfast today, but are not really good at paying bills in a timely fashion. Google is CIA! Spooky!
One of Jackson Mayblut's duties was to cover political figure's as well as their family deaths. His coverage of Senator Kennedy's tragic death a couple of years back won him a coveted "Poofta" nomination but he lost out to Anderson Cooper, not that Anderson Cooper, whose treatment of Elizabeth Edwards' death sent the gay and lesbian community into a funk for a few minutes until they recalled their hedonistic values and moved on to thinking about that next gerbil run, tea bagging, or what ever!
When Jackson missed out on the "Poofta" Award by that much, he redoubled his efforts to double down and when Senator Byrd, D. W.Va. croaked and left our earthly realm for that KKK reunion in the ether's above, his piece entitled, "The Flight of the Byrd", was nearly picked up by the "Rochester Glory Whole", a mostly gay and lesbian publication, with a smattering of pedophilia and bestiality on the back pages for titillation. Mayblut smelled a fish, and No, it was not Todd's mother's 63 year old clap trap, which smells more like a dead mouse to Jackson. This was really really rotten. Members of high elected office with extraordinary family death rates. Fascinating and intriguing. What was behind the Malfeasance in Middleton?
Jackson Mayblut had a hunch, but first he had to make a phone call.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
page two if I can remember it to follow?
Disclaimer: The above is fictional any similarities to the truth are accidental and coincidental and were never intended by the author.
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Urban Poverty Law Center And The Parallel Universe Revisited
That was an experience I will not soon forget!
Let me explain. As you know I was killed last week when a deer ran out in front of my freshly painted vintage 67 Volkswagen beetle and I choose to slam a tele pole instead of the feckless deer. Did you know a deer's life span is only about 8 years? Death was swift and like in the movies and on TV, there was mother and her side of the family, and my father and his side of the family taking turns riding an enormous Ferris wheel. We were all in an amusement park and it looks like Walt Disney has something to do with it. There were lines of souls everywhere waiting to ride this and that. The younger souls were whizzing about just like back on earth.
I was whole again. My severed limbs back in place. I was going to make my way over to my parents when I was stopped by an official looking spectre who had with him a large dusty book which he was studying. I tried to look past his shoulder to see what my family was doing, but suddenly it was just me and the gatekeeper in an eternal white light. His lips moved as if he was going to speak, but no sound was made. I just look at him befuddled and shrug my shoulders and mouthed to him that "I can not hear you."
He goes back to studying his book and from out of nowhere in comes a distinguished gentleman in fine dress who looks at the book with the first fellow. They confer out of my earshot for a short while and the second is gone just as quickly as he appeared.
The gatekeeper then looks back at me and says, "Jackson Delano Maybolt, Jr there has been a mistake. You are not supposed to be here."
With this all the color must have drained out of me because though I did not attend church regularly if at all in life, I had tried to do the right thing and treat others fairly, but before I could answer, he continued:
"A mix up, sometimes when the sun is really active like it was this past month, fates get scrambled. We will have to get you back, but we will have to place you in a slightly different reality. You will not remember what has happened here and will not be able to tell you have entered a parallel universe. The differences are quite tiny."
Next thing I know I am driving my 67 bug and watch the deer turn and bolt away. I remember it all. I have spent the past week trying to determine what is different in this universe. I have been reading a history book looking for the changes and similarities. I can find no major differences but gasoline prices seem to be higher here in this universe and the politicians are so bold they have opened their corruption for public viewing and seem to dare the voters to do anything about it. Oh, and President Obama seems to have something against Catholics and the church in this universe. I am just thankful that Al Gore, Jr is being as quiet as a church mouse as the global warming hoax is still unfolding.
And Whitney Houston drowns in a bathtub after taking a xanax and a sip of wine. Beware of solar spots and solar flares, we are in the hands of a fickle universe. I am shocked I tell you, shocked. Dreams, we can blame it on dreams. Somewhere in a parallel universe Whitney is drying herself off and she getting ready to attend the Grammys. I am gonna miss her. Now where did I put my bottle of xanax?
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center and the Southern Poetry Law Center
Let me explain. As you know I was killed last week when a deer ran out in front of my freshly painted vintage 67 Volkswagen beetle and I choose to slam a tele pole instead of the feckless deer. Did you know a deer's life span is only about 8 years? Death was swift and like in the movies and on TV, there was mother and her side of the family, and my father and his side of the family taking turns riding an enormous Ferris wheel. We were all in an amusement park and it looks like Walt Disney has something to do with it. There were lines of souls everywhere waiting to ride this and that. The younger souls were whizzing about just like back on earth.
I was whole again. My severed limbs back in place. I was going to make my way over to my parents when I was stopped by an official looking spectre who had with him a large dusty book which he was studying. I tried to look past his shoulder to see what my family was doing, but suddenly it was just me and the gatekeeper in an eternal white light. His lips moved as if he was going to speak, but no sound was made. I just look at him befuddled and shrug my shoulders and mouthed to him that "I can not hear you."
He goes back to studying his book and from out of nowhere in comes a distinguished gentleman in fine dress who looks at the book with the first fellow. They confer out of my earshot for a short while and the second is gone just as quickly as he appeared.
The gatekeeper then looks back at me and says, "Jackson Delano Maybolt, Jr there has been a mistake. You are not supposed to be here."
With this all the color must have drained out of me because though I did not attend church regularly if at all in life, I had tried to do the right thing and treat others fairly, but before I could answer, he continued:
"A mix up, sometimes when the sun is really active like it was this past month, fates get scrambled. We will have to get you back, but we will have to place you in a slightly different reality. You will not remember what has happened here and will not be able to tell you have entered a parallel universe. The differences are quite tiny."
Next thing I know I am driving my 67 bug and watch the deer turn and bolt away. I remember it all. I have spent the past week trying to determine what is different in this universe. I have been reading a history book looking for the changes and similarities. I can find no major differences but gasoline prices seem to be higher here in this universe and the politicians are so bold they have opened their corruption for public viewing and seem to dare the voters to do anything about it. Oh, and President Obama seems to have something against Catholics and the church in this universe. I am just thankful that Al Gore, Jr is being as quiet as a church mouse as the global warming hoax is still unfolding.
And Whitney Houston drowns in a bathtub after taking a xanax and a sip of wine. Beware of solar spots and solar flares, we are in the hands of a fickle universe. I am shocked I tell you, shocked. Dreams, we can blame it on dreams. Somewhere in a parallel universe Whitney is drying herself off and she getting ready to attend the Grammys. I am gonna miss her. Now where did I put my bottle of xanax?
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center and the Southern Poetry Law Center
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
What If Somebody Gave A Presidential Election And Nobody Cared? Urban Poverty Law Center Spot On Political Analysis!
The Republican Presidential Primary is garnering as much attention with the voters as Madonna's worn out 54 year old quadriceps thigh muscles dancing up and down the bleachers set at Superbowl XLVI. I believe the lack of a clear front runner fully 9 months into the contest is the result of tea party apathy for the big political machine which has hand picked the presumed nominee for the past 30 years, with Reagan being the lone outlier, giving us such winners on the R side as Gerald Ford, John McCain, and Bob Dole, and the Bush 41 and 43.
We have seen how that worked out for the tax payers, aka the tea party, and we are not pleased with the continued tsunami of corrupt schemes pouring out of Washington supporting Friends of Barack, or Friends of W, or who ever is the friend of the next machine backed presidential piker. Looks like the pick for the Friends is Willard Mitt R'money with his curious associations with the boys on Wall Street and the Federal Reserve Bankers.
We know in our hearts that a vote for Mitt R'money is the same as a vote for Barack Obama. Big Money will keep its boot on the throat of the everyday American and continue to extract exorbitant levels of taxation, charge out of line prices for fuel and electricity, keep wages stagnant, and regulations at an all time high to employ the unemployable at make work style government union jobs, like we got with the TSA.
Look at those folks at the airport. They'd all be at home watching TV if they weren't feeling for granny's depends, groping our kids at the airport, and snickering in the locker rooms about the junk they'd x-rayed that day.
Do any kids say they want to be a TSA agent when they grow up? No, it is just an excuse to hire the otherwise unemployable. That is what government should do, but do they have to annoy the rest of us so much in the process?
Now Eric Holder, our great,photo negative Grand Wizard-like US Attorney General, has been holding out on the congressional investigators into the Gun Walker
controversy. The problem is they got caught trying to ram some gun control legislation down the throats of the American people because an armed population is messier to subdue than a flock of sheep.
There is good reason man has eaten a lot more mutton than say bear or lion. Be ever vigilant. Teach your boys and girls how to shoot and how to handle guns safely. Gun ownership is the greatest of American traditions.
Back to the surprising results in Minnesota, Missouri, and Colorado. Santorum is a fine choice. He is the closest we have to a tea party candidate. We already know his wife dated a doctor before she married Santorum and who knows what they did? Look for the hit pieces on Rick to fly out the media windows today like Evil Flying Monkeys ala the Wizard of Oz movie. Surrender Rick! You are not R'Money!
The jig is up! Big Over Reaching Over Regulating Government is dying. The latest travesty is the Obama/Pelosi Obama Care attack on the Catholic health care system. Mandating contraception, abortion, and such to a religion whose doctrine teaches the sanctity of life, gives thinking patriots another reason to reign in this monstrosity of a government. Where is the HHS letter to the charitable Muslim hospitals in America? Oh, there aren't any. Who knew?
Big Government is dying because it has tipped the host parasite equation too far and the host is too sickly to endure these wounds from the parasite. This government along with higher fuel prices since 2008 have sucked all the green blood from our economy. When the economy dies the government will wither too. You see they draw from the same well and that well is drying up fast.
Look at Detroit, over taxed during good times, jobs disappear, money is tight, crime increases, the productive class wisely chooses not to live in fear, moves out instead. Local government sees a short fall, raises taxes more and more businesses move out to avoid the burden of high taxes and high crime. Make Detroit a low tax zone and see what happens. Can you say Singapore? Don't make the mistake of holding your breath for this one!
Look for more smaller government candidates this year on the state and local levels, where a fitting motto might be "He who governs best governs least."
Mitt R'money and Newt Gingrich are Big Government. Rick Santorum is probably in truth a Big Government Wolf in smaller government sheep's clothing.
The people are not satisfied with the offerings from the Republican establishment this year. Dissatisfaction like no satisfaction is not very satisfying. The bullies have had run on all the neat stuff on the playground for 100 years. Time to make room, the people are coming, the people are coming for their government.
The ERA of Big Stupid Government is over. We will vote in a fresh Leaner Cleaner Government! So far the political elites have not read the tea leaves or have chosen to ignore them at great risk to their political fortunes.
Sarah Palin, your time is here! Lead us and your sheep will follow you. We place our trust in you. You are real and a red-blooded American Patriot and we need that now more than ever. Run third party! You will win. Ross Perot was a nut and he got 19% of the vote against Clinton and Bush 41, opponents who were way more formidable than Obama and Romney will be this year. You could win with 43% and you would get that easy! The swell of dissatisfaction is palpable.
Can you hear the call? I would be your lobby Czar.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, Urban Poverty Law Center
We have seen how that worked out for the tax payers, aka the tea party, and we are not pleased with the continued tsunami of corrupt schemes pouring out of Washington supporting Friends of Barack, or Friends of W, or who ever is the friend of the next machine backed presidential piker. Looks like the pick for the Friends is Willard Mitt R'money with his curious associations with the boys on Wall Street and the Federal Reserve Bankers.
We know in our hearts that a vote for Mitt R'money is the same as a vote for Barack Obama. Big Money will keep its boot on the throat of the everyday American and continue to extract exorbitant levels of taxation, charge out of line prices for fuel and electricity, keep wages stagnant, and regulations at an all time high to employ the unemployable at make work style government union jobs, like we got with the TSA.
Look at those folks at the airport. They'd all be at home watching TV if they weren't feeling for granny's depends, groping our kids at the airport, and snickering in the locker rooms about the junk they'd x-rayed that day.
Do any kids say they want to be a TSA agent when they grow up? No, it is just an excuse to hire the otherwise unemployable. That is what government should do, but do they have to annoy the rest of us so much in the process?
Now Eric Holder, our great,photo negative Grand Wizard-like US Attorney General, has been holding out on the congressional investigators into the Gun Walker
controversy. The problem is they got caught trying to ram some gun control legislation down the throats of the American people because an armed population is messier to subdue than a flock of sheep.
There is good reason man has eaten a lot more mutton than say bear or lion. Be ever vigilant. Teach your boys and girls how to shoot and how to handle guns safely. Gun ownership is the greatest of American traditions.
Back to the surprising results in Minnesota, Missouri, and Colorado. Santorum is a fine choice. He is the closest we have to a tea party candidate. We already know his wife dated a doctor before she married Santorum and who knows what they did? Look for the hit pieces on Rick to fly out the media windows today like Evil Flying Monkeys ala the Wizard of Oz movie. Surrender Rick! You are not R'Money!
The jig is up! Big Over Reaching Over Regulating Government is dying. The latest travesty is the Obama/Pelosi Obama Care attack on the Catholic health care system. Mandating contraception, abortion, and such to a religion whose doctrine teaches the sanctity of life, gives thinking patriots another reason to reign in this monstrosity of a government. Where is the HHS letter to the charitable Muslim hospitals in America? Oh, there aren't any. Who knew?
Big Government is dying because it has tipped the host parasite equation too far and the host is too sickly to endure these wounds from the parasite. This government along with higher fuel prices since 2008 have sucked all the green blood from our economy. When the economy dies the government will wither too. You see they draw from the same well and that well is drying up fast.
Look at Detroit, over taxed during good times, jobs disappear, money is tight, crime increases, the productive class wisely chooses not to live in fear, moves out instead. Local government sees a short fall, raises taxes more and more businesses move out to avoid the burden of high taxes and high crime. Make Detroit a low tax zone and see what happens. Can you say Singapore? Don't make the mistake of holding your breath for this one!
Look for more smaller government candidates this year on the state and local levels, where a fitting motto might be "He who governs best governs least."
Mitt R'money and Newt Gingrich are Big Government. Rick Santorum is probably in truth a Big Government Wolf in smaller government sheep's clothing.
The people are not satisfied with the offerings from the Republican establishment this year. Dissatisfaction like no satisfaction is not very satisfying. The bullies have had run on all the neat stuff on the playground for 100 years. Time to make room, the people are coming, the people are coming for their government.
The ERA of Big Stupid Government is over. We will vote in a fresh Leaner Cleaner Government! So far the political elites have not read the tea leaves or have chosen to ignore them at great risk to their political fortunes.
Sarah Palin, your time is here! Lead us and your sheep will follow you. We place our trust in you. You are real and a red-blooded American Patriot and we need that now more than ever. Run third party! You will win. Ross Perot was a nut and he got 19% of the vote against Clinton and Bush 41, opponents who were way more formidable than Obama and Romney will be this year. You could win with 43% and you would get that easy! The swell of dissatisfaction is palpable.
Can you hear the call? I would be your lobby Czar.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, Urban Poverty Law Center
Sunday, February 5, 2012
UPLC Welcomes Penobscot Pilkington, III As A Young Poet To Southern Poetry Law Center
Readers, to keep you entertained and our page on the web open we solicited Mrs. Carroll Pierpont Gibson's son, Penobscot Pilkington, III, from her third marriage which failed just like the first two, to submit a poem. Whoring wives become ex-wives in all but some of the most extenuating circumstances.
Anyway, Penobscot Pilkington, III, affectionately known around Cedar Grove as Little PP3, since his father Penobscot Pilkington, Jr started it by exclaiming when Penobscot,III was born, "That child can't be mine. He has a serious micro penis, problem!"
The child was sent to the best pediatric urologist in the nation at the time who was an attending at the Yale Medical School, DR. Malcomb Merkin Manfred Dick, IV, of the Boston Manfred Dicks. Dr. Dick ran the necessary testing and determined Penobscot, III was a victim of "fetal penile demise", FPD.
The way I understand FPD is exceedingly rare and is caused when the fetus has a premature prediliction for handling the junk from 20 weeks gestation on. The FPD fetus has his hand clasped tightly around the penis and it has no room to grow with the rest of the baby. It is a pitiful sight and kept poor LIttle PP3 from all school activities save for band where he excelled. Little PP3 is a grown man with a neonate's twig and berries. He even has to sit to pee! Oh the humanity!
His affliction has embittered him somewhat to life and it shows in his poetry. So without any further fanfare I give you the following:
by Penobscot Pilkington, III
Bessie was a moo-cow.
The farmer liked her fine.
Ask him, he would tell you,
"She is udderly divine!"
Lenore the lonely chicken
Craved a mate, but who?
Ask her and Lenore would cluck,
"Any cock 'll doodle do!"
Tess the turkey loved fowl play.
The others called her loose
Just cause Tess was prone to bone
Old Benedict, the goose.
In my mind's eye, there's Fats the hog.
Around the sty he crawls
Asking all the sows to, "Please,
Just taste my sausage balls!"
The curds are in the blender.
Push the button, cause a stir.
Look closer, child and you may see
Just the whey we whir.
I am Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty and Southern Poetry Law Centers
Anyway, Penobscot Pilkington, III, affectionately known around Cedar Grove as Little PP3, since his father Penobscot Pilkington, Jr started it by exclaiming when Penobscot,III was born, "That child can't be mine. He has a serious micro penis, problem!"
The child was sent to the best pediatric urologist in the nation at the time who was an attending at the Yale Medical School, DR. Malcomb Merkin Manfred Dick, IV, of the Boston Manfred Dicks. Dr. Dick ran the necessary testing and determined Penobscot, III was a victim of "fetal penile demise", FPD.
The way I understand FPD is exceedingly rare and is caused when the fetus has a premature prediliction for handling the junk from 20 weeks gestation on. The FPD fetus has his hand clasped tightly around the penis and it has no room to grow with the rest of the baby. It is a pitiful sight and kept poor LIttle PP3 from all school activities save for band where he excelled. Little PP3 is a grown man with a neonate's twig and berries. He even has to sit to pee! Oh the humanity!
His affliction has embittered him somewhat to life and it shows in his poetry. So without any further fanfare I give you the following:
by Penobscot Pilkington, III
Bessie was a moo-cow.
The farmer liked her fine.
Ask him, he would tell you,
"She is udderly divine!"
Lenore the lonely chicken
Craved a mate, but who?
Ask her and Lenore would cluck,
"Any cock 'll doodle do!"
Tess the turkey loved fowl play.
The others called her loose
Just cause Tess was prone to bone
Old Benedict, the goose.
In my mind's eye, there's Fats the hog.
Around the sty he crawls
Asking all the sows to, "Please,
Just taste my sausage balls!"
The curds are in the blender.
Push the button, cause a stir.
Look closer, child and you may see
Just the whey we whir.
I am Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty and Southern Poetry Law Centers
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Urban Poverty Law Center Secretary Reports Bizzare Experience: Jack, Is That You?
I am still trembling from my experience. I do not write much, only transcribe the letters Jack Maybolt, Jr dictated through the years here at UPLC. I will try to relate this just as it happened.
It has been very hectic since Jackson died so unexpectedly in the fiery crash yesterday. His home has been inundated with gift baskets and flowers from all over the world. Stop sending this stuff, there is no one to enjoy them as he was a solitary figure and pretty much kept to himself.
Anyway, I went to the chicken yard to feed his aging chickens and I noticed the most peculiar thing. One of the older hens, a red, was keeping off to herself standing on a board that had fallen off the old barn. I thought it rather odd when the old gal stayed there when I threw the cup full of chopped corn and laying pellets into the chicken yard as the other chickens ran helter skelter and begin feeding.
Then the tapping began and its rhythm was something out of character and both odd yet familiar to me at the same time. I turned around and saw that old hen was tapping out what I recognized to be Morse code!
I only know this forgotten skill because my favorite uncle, Bob Chiggerbaum, was a communications specialist on a submarine during WWII and he taught me all the letters when I was 6 yrs old and he would play games with me by tapping out messages to me over the phone and I enjoyed doing this with him until his death when I was a middle aged woman.
Needless to say, I was frightened. Was the stress of Jackson's untimely death and all the stress getting to me? Well, I listened, first an S, followed by a definite U, then another S, then a definite A, and finally an N. My name! What are the odds that any chicken could tap out that series of dots and dashes in just the right order?
Next, letter I, then T, then S, followed by M, and E, and then a Q, then an A, then C, THen K,
I read what I had printed aloud, and the chicken who was calm became animated and flopped around for a while and then back on the board with more tapping.
First letter N, then O, then N, then O, then T, then Q, then A, then C, then K, then J, then A, then C, then K, then the chicken walked to the chicken wire and looked at me with its yellow eyes and winked at me.
I turned and ran back to the house and wrote it all down just as it happened.
More to follow, if I can get the nerve to go back out to the chicken yard.
Susan Blunderdoss, Secretary, Urban Poverty Law Center
I am still trembling from my experience. I do not write much, only transcribe the letters Jack Maybolt, Jr dictated through the years here at UPLC. I will try to relate this just as it happened.
It has been very hectic since Jackson died so unexpectedly in the fiery crash yesterday. His home has been inundated with gift baskets and flowers from all over the world. Stop sending this stuff, there is no one to enjoy them as he was a solitary figure and pretty much kept to himself.
Anyway, I went to the chicken yard to feed his aging chickens and I noticed the most peculiar thing. One of the older hens, a red, was keeping off to herself standing on a board that had fallen off the old barn. I thought it rather odd when the old gal stayed there when I threw the cup full of chopped corn and laying pellets into the chicken yard as the other chickens ran helter skelter and begin feeding.
Then the tapping began and its rhythm was something out of character and both odd yet familiar to me at the same time. I turned around and saw that old hen was tapping out what I recognized to be Morse code!
I only know this forgotten skill because my favorite uncle, Bob Chiggerbaum, was a communications specialist on a submarine during WWII and he taught me all the letters when I was 6 yrs old and he would play games with me by tapping out messages to me over the phone and I enjoyed doing this with him until his death when I was a middle aged woman.
Needless to say, I was frightened. Was the stress of Jackson's untimely death and all the stress getting to me? Well, I listened, first an S, followed by a definite U, then another S, then a definite A, and finally an N. My name! What are the odds that any chicken could tap out that series of dots and dashes in just the right order?
Next, letter I, then T, then S, followed by M, and E, and then a Q, then an A, then C, THen K,
I read what I had printed aloud, and the chicken who was calm became animated and flopped around for a while and then back on the board with more tapping.
First letter N, then O, then N, then O, then T, then Q, then A, then C, then K, then J, then A, then C, then K, then the chicken walked to the chicken wire and looked at me with its yellow eyes and winked at me.
I turned and ran back to the house and wrote it all down just as it happened.
More to follow, if I can get the nerve to go back out to the chicken yard.
Susan Blunderdoss, Secretary, Urban Poverty Law Center
Friday, February 3, 2012
Jack Maybolt: Dead At Last
Cedar Grove, Tennessee; Feb 3, 2012. It is with great sadness I announce today the death of one of Carroll county's most beloved citizens, Jackson Delano Maybolt, Jr, who died today of injuries he sustained in a high speed car crash along with complications from his pancreatic cancer.
In a report released by the Tennessee Highway Patrol, it seems Maybolt was traveling East on US highway 70 in a vintage Volkswagen Beetle when a deer stepped out in front of his vehicle. Maybolt swerved to miss the deer and centered his vw on a telephone pole, killing him instantly.
He was texting his secretary, Ms. Susan Blunderdoss at the time of the accident, but this has been ruled out as a contributing factor. He was working on a project to lift all people out of poverty at the time of his death. He leaves his secretary, four cats, four dogs, five chickens, 41 cows and a bull, five horses and two donkeys, 3 Ford diesel tractors, one John Deere tractor, one John Deere two row cotton picker, a Massey Ferguson combine, one international dump truck, a Ford F700 diesel truck, a caterpillar bull dozer, and a caterpillar back hoe, a canoe, a two-man kayak, five barns, 700 acres, 8 personal vehicles, 4 motorcycles, 234 guns, 12,000 rounds of various ammunition, 6 recurve bows, 4 houses, one brother and a sister, and 12 nieces and nephews.
He has also left two very sad bankers.
His sister, Mrs. Carroll Pierpoint Gibson, is planning to close his estate. And more importantly he left over 207 shorts spanning all sorts of subjects which he poured his heart into to brighten other people's lives around the world. He told me before he died that he never meant to harm anybody's feelings unless they deserved it. Those who were so kind as to click on an advertisement brought in over $100 to the Urban Poverty Law Center and he wanted me to thank all 129 of the 8,000 viewers who did so.
God Speed Jackson Delano Maybolt, Jr you will be sorely missed!
Susan Blunderdoss, Secretary UPLC
In a report released by the Tennessee Highway Patrol, it seems Maybolt was traveling East on US highway 70 in a vintage Volkswagen Beetle when a deer stepped out in front of his vehicle. Maybolt swerved to miss the deer and centered his vw on a telephone pole, killing him instantly.
He was texting his secretary, Ms. Susan Blunderdoss at the time of the accident, but this has been ruled out as a contributing factor. He was working on a project to lift all people out of poverty at the time of his death. He leaves his secretary, four cats, four dogs, five chickens, 41 cows and a bull, five horses and two donkeys, 3 Ford diesel tractors, one John Deere tractor, one John Deere two row cotton picker, a Massey Ferguson combine, one international dump truck, a Ford F700 diesel truck, a caterpillar bull dozer, and a caterpillar back hoe, a canoe, a two-man kayak, five barns, 700 acres, 8 personal vehicles, 4 motorcycles, 234 guns, 12,000 rounds of various ammunition, 6 recurve bows, 4 houses, one brother and a sister, and 12 nieces and nephews.
He has also left two very sad bankers.
His sister, Mrs. Carroll Pierpoint Gibson, is planning to close his estate. And more importantly he left over 207 shorts spanning all sorts of subjects which he poured his heart into to brighten other people's lives around the world. He told me before he died that he never meant to harm anybody's feelings unless they deserved it. Those who were so kind as to click on an advertisement brought in over $100 to the Urban Poverty Law Center and he wanted me to thank all 129 of the 8,000 viewers who did so.
God Speed Jackson Delano Maybolt, Jr you will be sorely missed!
Susan Blunderdoss, Secretary UPLC
Urban Poverty Law Center Forces Obama To Sit In Ford Shelby GT 500 At Washington Car Show!
As soon as President Obama gets up in the morning he is greeted by his national security staffers who fill him in on the world's events, and at the end of his briefing, his homeland security brief always includes what Jackson Delano Maybolt has said about today's news. He is especially interested in any critical comments about his administration or himself. I am trying to be objective here. Morning Mr. President.
Seems the White House has learned that Jackson Maybolt, PhD has his finger on the pulse of the undercurrent which flows deep in the heartland of this beautiful country of ours. Now it seems my treatise on the 2012 Ford Shelby GT 500 mustang has piqued his curiosity as he was photographed seated in such a vehicle at a recent Washington Car Show. Why this sudden interest in cars, Mr. President?
Maybe it was the part about the sound it makes when it first starts that causes every man and boy in earshot the desire to own one? Maybe when Michelle is not paying attention he can slip out and buy one of these beasts? Maybe he would enjoy the challenge in trying to keep it on the road. From reading these posts, he already knows it cannot be trusted in 1st, 2nd, or 3rd as the rear end will try to pass the front when the supercharger kicks into action. If he buys one he will find it is trickier to keep this beast on the road than our economy, and a lot more fun and exhilarating, too.
Perhaps he and Michelle should purchase one and do their parading around the country in it. It could be referred to as Auto 1. It is a sharp car that makes who ever the driver look really cool since nobody looks at the driver, only the car. If he buys and drives one he can count on my vote.
I bet Ford would paint one in Red, White, and Blue especially for him and sell it to him at MRSP or slightly below. He should jump on that deal. How cool and intimidated would Putin be if one of these super American cars was parked under the White House covered drive when he comes round for a visit? Man up Mr. President, get some skin in the game, spend some of your money and help the other Detroit automobile industry. You will love it!
If for some reason you hate it and Michelle has you in the dog house with what ever your pouch's name is, I will buy it for what you have in it as long as it is not all heavied up with armor. If you are worried about the environmentalist the Shelby gets about 22.5 mpg with my foot on the gas. It will improve your image. Oh, and don't smoke in the car. That is a detraction from its value.
Hum, I have never seen Mitt R'Money, Newt Gingrich, or Barack Obama drive a car. I think they should get out more, don't you?
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Seems the White House has learned that Jackson Maybolt, PhD has his finger on the pulse of the undercurrent which flows deep in the heartland of this beautiful country of ours. Now it seems my treatise on the 2012 Ford Shelby GT 500 mustang has piqued his curiosity as he was photographed seated in such a vehicle at a recent Washington Car Show. Why this sudden interest in cars, Mr. President?
Maybe it was the part about the sound it makes when it first starts that causes every man and boy in earshot the desire to own one? Maybe when Michelle is not paying attention he can slip out and buy one of these beasts? Maybe he would enjoy the challenge in trying to keep it on the road. From reading these posts, he already knows it cannot be trusted in 1st, 2nd, or 3rd as the rear end will try to pass the front when the supercharger kicks into action. If he buys one he will find it is trickier to keep this beast on the road than our economy, and a lot more fun and exhilarating, too.
Perhaps he and Michelle should purchase one and do their parading around the country in it. It could be referred to as Auto 1. It is a sharp car that makes who ever the driver look really cool since nobody looks at the driver, only the car. If he buys and drives one he can count on my vote.
I bet Ford would paint one in Red, White, and Blue especially for him and sell it to him at MRSP or slightly below. He should jump on that deal. How cool and intimidated would Putin be if one of these super American cars was parked under the White House covered drive when he comes round for a visit? Man up Mr. President, get some skin in the game, spend some of your money and help the other Detroit automobile industry. You will love it!
If for some reason you hate it and Michelle has you in the dog house with what ever your pouch's name is, I will buy it for what you have in it as long as it is not all heavied up with armor. If you are worried about the environmentalist the Shelby gets about 22.5 mpg with my foot on the gas. It will improve your image. Oh, and don't smoke in the car. That is a detraction from its value.
Hum, I have never seen Mitt R'Money, Newt Gingrich, or Barack Obama drive a car. I think they should get out more, don't you?
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Urban Poverty Law Center Republican Primary Bash: Florida, 2012
Mitt R'money spent $64 for every $1 Newt Gingrich spent in Florida for his 14.6% Tsunami-like win over his rival for the Republican presidential nomination. I would assume this was mostly other peoples money and not Mitt R'money's money.
My concern is this: Is this how President Mitt R'money will spend R'money when he is president? Damn the expense full speed ahead! Or is Mitt R'money really a fiscal conservative and will he pare the size and scope of the federal government in these lean times? I am not convinced.
Gingrich has a track record of opposing Billious Clinton's spending spree, but not so vocal when the republicans raided the treasury under Bush, the W. He was in there with both hands in the cookie jar pulling with all his might from the Fred and Fannie slush fund. A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do!
What of this hoopla over the presidential primaries, more important should be who are we in the tea party going to vote for in the house and senate races. This is where the people really have a voice. Time to push for better conservatives in both the senate and the house. Add to the house majority, and drop a few democrat senate seats into the R column and who cares who wins the presidency. I fear the presidency will always belong to the monied interest of Wall Street and the Federal Reserve Bankers.
With a divided government I could even stand to ignore the current occupant for another four years. His smooth baritone voice is soothing and dreamy. He sure does have a perty voice! I can't even tell the cigarettes he smokes, a secret as well kept as FDR's polio by the fawning press, has affected his tone and wonderful pipes.
I wonder if Mitt or Newt lit up if the secret could be closeted. Makes me wonder what else is in President Obama's closet. I do not want to look and neither did the press.
I am in the dole drums. Chickens are starting to lay about 8 eggs per week and this cold weather has my gout flaring and I still get phantom pain in my missing arm and leg from time to time and my hydro's were accidentally flushed down the toilet by my sister peakiness when my sister went to Buloxi to gamble mother SSI check and I kept her dog. The dog was a rescue from the DEA and specially trained to do stupid shit like sniffing out narcotics and flushing them. I swear this is a true story! Other than that my life is just great, great!
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
"Unless you read Jack, you won't know Jack!" Mother Maybolt, 1925-2008
My concern is this: Is this how President Mitt R'money will spend R'money when he is president? Damn the expense full speed ahead! Or is Mitt R'money really a fiscal conservative and will he pare the size and scope of the federal government in these lean times? I am not convinced.
Gingrich has a track record of opposing Billious Clinton's spending spree, but not so vocal when the republicans raided the treasury under Bush, the W. He was in there with both hands in the cookie jar pulling with all his might from the Fred and Fannie slush fund. A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do!
What of this hoopla over the presidential primaries, more important should be who are we in the tea party going to vote for in the house and senate races. This is where the people really have a voice. Time to push for better conservatives in both the senate and the house. Add to the house majority, and drop a few democrat senate seats into the R column and who cares who wins the presidency. I fear the presidency will always belong to the monied interest of Wall Street and the Federal Reserve Bankers.
With a divided government I could even stand to ignore the current occupant for another four years. His smooth baritone voice is soothing and dreamy. He sure does have a perty voice! I can't even tell the cigarettes he smokes, a secret as well kept as FDR's polio by the fawning press, has affected his tone and wonderful pipes.
I wonder if Mitt or Newt lit up if the secret could be closeted. Makes me wonder what else is in President Obama's closet. I do not want to look and neither did the press.
I am in the dole drums. Chickens are starting to lay about 8 eggs per week and this cold weather has my gout flaring and I still get phantom pain in my missing arm and leg from time to time and my hydro's were accidentally flushed down the toilet by my sister peakiness when my sister went to Buloxi to gamble mother SSI check and I kept her dog. The dog was a rescue from the DEA and specially trained to do stupid shit like sniffing out narcotics and flushing them. I swear this is a true story! Other than that my life is just great, great!
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
"Unless you read Jack, you won't know Jack!" Mother Maybolt, 1925-2008
Mitt Romney,
Newt Gingrich,
Rescue Dog,
tea party
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