Monday, June 27, 2016

Mark Twain Uncomfortable Prediction For Republics

In reading Mr. Twain's third volume of his autobiography I came across a troubling prediction for the future of our nascent republic. In it he professes republics alway fall to kings and emperors.
Are we seeing our republic follow historical pathways to its end today?

Think what great gnashing of teeth and caterwauls of protestations from the left wing media if Trump should pronounce himself King of America! I personally would not be bothered being ruled by such a pretty Queen as is Melania. I have once before in these tomes suggested we hook back up with the British monarchy as I do also have an unhealthy attraction to Kate Middleton. We could abolish the Washington DC bureaucracy, sending millions back into the private work force, thereby negating the need for open borders, and the former government workers could then pick our vegetables and make our beds and some of the more attractive ones could be house maids.

It is time some of these unelected parasites get out and start pulling vegetables and sheets to finally pull their own weight. For it is written we can only know a man not by his reputation but by his ability to pick lettuce with clean hands. A man that cannot pick a clean head of lettuce is not a man.

What would the former politicos do when King Donald and Queen Melania take their place as the titular heads of state? Paul Ryan would likely as not return to insurance adjustment, he has an uncanny knack for numbers. Harry Reid would likely do advertisements for exercise equipment. Hillary Clinton could also advertise feminine hygiene products and panty liners.

Diane Feinstein could do public service announcements explaining the difference between an assault rifle and an AR-15 or an MP-15. The rest could pick our vegetables and work so that we can eat.

What a novel idea!

I am

JD Maybolt, president UPLC

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