Saturday, July 2, 2016

Kabuki Theatre Staring FBI and Obama's Justice Department Is Ending Soon

Who does not know Hillary was questioned by the FBI hours after hubby met with Loretta Lynch?

I am sure the interview went something like this:

FBI Agent Flaccid: Madam Secretary, you know we must question you about your home server?

H: Yes, Agent Flaccid. I understand.

Flaccid: Well, lets get to it, Madam Secretary did you at any time send or receive Top Secret documents on your personal server?

H: No, never.

Flaccid: That's good enough for me. We are done here. Thank you very much Madam Secretary, we are so sorry to have inconvenienced you.

H: No trouble at all can you fellows stay for lunch? Bill has whipped up a bunch of corn bread with fresh butter and a spinach salad.

Agent Flaccid: Well, if it is not any bother?

H: Not at all.


These are the same fellows who dropped the ball on terrorist who were known to them in Boston, Orlando and San Bernadino, and the same justice department that failed to press Lois Lerner about her illegal acts as special IRS agent in charge of throwing an election.

Americans are wasting billions of dollars a year on government.

At least when President Clinton was in office there was some entertainment with all the talk of consensual sex, phone sex, and cigar sex.

Now all we get is a flustered Muslim apologist with thin skin and bad policies.

I am

disgusted, president UPLC

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