Saturday, June 11, 2016

Liberal Outrage At Donald Trump, And Better Terms For Elizabeth Warren, Aka, Pocahontas

Senator Elizabeth Warren, who is the putrid politically provocative spokes-squaw for the perennially putrid presumptive presidential party nominee for the democrats, has been branded by bullying Donald Trump as Pocahontas, a famous Native American in history, who unlike Warren, had a grandmother 12 generations back who was full blood Native American.

Elizabeth Warren is Harvard's own pride and joy, affirmative action hired to fill a the distinguished "Squaw Chair" in their legal school. This woman, Warren, who is whiter than Wonder Bread, knowingly lied on her applications to gain advantages no true Native American would. Warren with her false claim of Native heritage has forever branded herself as a liar! She is fair game in politics for ridicule.

The liberals at the Washington Post fain outrage at Donald Trumps utterances. They are politically motivated against all things Trump and their opines and complaints about Donald Trumps politically incorrect language is falling on deaf ears amongst the great unwashed masses of Honkies who have formed an enormous block of voters who are sick and tired of business as usual in the uniparty land of Washington, DC. This new voting block is larger than the 17% hispanic, and the 3.5% sexually confused, and the 13% black voting blocks combined.

The new voting block of Native Americans, the true Americans whose families have been here for generations and fought a civil war for the freedom of the 13% and two world wars for the 100% are so sick and tired of politicians like Hillary and Elizabeth and a press filled with lying do-gooders whose only goal is to sway voters away from Trump and towards the vacuous and vapid "Vagina of Chappaqua".

If Donald wants to name Elizabeth Warren, who is the vacuous, vapid, vagina of Chappaqua's Spokes Squaw, the largest voting block of Americans is not upset.

If Donald Trump wants to refer to Elizabeth Warren, who as you may recall is the vacuous, vapid, vagina of Chappaqua's Lying Washington RedSkin, the largest voting block of Americans is OK with it.

In sum, Trump's pet names for the gals who insult him, and the names that insult the doughy guys and gals over at the Post and the Times, are great entertainment for the New American Voting Block of serious nativists.

Pocahontas, Washington Redskin, Spokes Squaw or just plain Elizabeth Warren, the liar, whose lies kept a real Native American off the faculty at Harvard, which probably is a favor if you really think of it, are all great terms for this abortion touting, gun hating, teepee flipping hypocrite, who without her lies would most likely be an unmarried alcoholic frump trying to make a living selling home made trinkets on Facebook, instead of the liberal media's darling assigned the job of slinging arrows at our Wonder Bread Man, Donald J. Trump, the next President of the United States of America.

Lying, aint all that bad? Eh Pocahontas? Well, at least with you it was only a little "White Lie"!

I am,

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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