Sunday, June 5, 2016

Donald Trump Deserves A New Judge, Judge Gonzalo Curiel Must Recuse Or Loose

Donald Trump's Civil Lawsuit against him and his Trump University is being overseen by a card carrying LaRaza member, Judge Gonzalo Curiel. Even though Curiel is all American in birth rights, he has an understandable pride in his Mexican heritage.

However, I suspect the New York Times and the Washington Post would be screaming bloody murder if say, for example, the murder trial of George Zimmerman had been overseen by a judge with ties to the Knights of the Klu Klux Klan. And a thoughtful judge would listen to the defendant's concerns and rescuse him or herself so as not bring into the case any hint of racial or political bias.

Judge Curiel, step away from this case. Your character will be questioned in any rulings you make in this politically motivated case against the presumptive Republican presidential nominee. Were you too harsh because of your bias, or were your rulings too lenient for fear of being deemed a political hack, given your law firms history of supporting the Clintons and their crime machine.

If you decide to recuse you will win many shamelessly insincere compliments from your detractors and risk ridicule from your LaRaza hommies. Which everway you fold, you must fold to a position that protects the institution and the premise that the rule of law is applied equally and that justice is blind.

Trump has placed you in a precarious position. He raises the spectre of judicial bias. We already have an Obama Justice Department with enough bias to pay off the great national debt if bias were dollars. Your mission is to recuse and give Americans some hope that all is not lost in our Judicial branch.

As Donald Trump has said, "A country without borders is not a country." And likewise, a country without laws is no longer a country with laws.

So, Judge, if I can call you that, show America you have real red, white and blue blooded American Blood flowing in those veins of yours and not some, red, white, and green conconction, and do what a real American would do!

Recuse or you loose and your place in history will be set in stone. A man cannot have two masters. You're either an American Judge or a Mexican pretending to be an American member of the judicary, the difference between these two is the difference between an arcangel and the Missing Link.

I am

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

6/7/16 It is worse for old Gonzo Curiel than I suspected, he is a member of the Hispanic National Bar Association and associated with LaRaza and the HNBA stated last July they would specifically to after Donald Trumps business interests.

Gonzo must be impeached!


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