Friday, June 3, 2016

Donald Trump Please More Okey Doke And Less Obama Dork!

Off tele prompt mode President Obama stuttered 17 I's and then delivered an "Okie or Okey Doke or Doak" neither of which I am familiar. But if this is what Donald Trump is dishing out, I want more.

Mr. Obama is poorly prepared for off the cuff remarks given his horrible track record. His handlers cringe when he is off tele and has to be his own wordsmith. The man has a blind loop which does not connect to his speech centers, but his eye to mouth coordination is fabulous. He reads beautifully!

But enough of Obama already we have had 7.41 years too much of his attention. He has guided us from some bad times into worse times and now he has just sprinted past his former Secretary of State, Hillary Rodham Clinton, who masterminded leaking all of America's top diplomatic secrets to the entire world via Guccifer, the Romanian super hacker.

She has begun her waddle down the track behind Obama and is straining to catch him so he can pass the baton and she can continue "Fighting for US" all the while racking up half million dollar speaking fees from every well heeled Wall Street Banker who does not want to be left out of the Clinton Administration's favor factory and grift shoppe.

There is no certainty that Obama would take a bribe, but with the Clintons, and that is a very large butt, there can be no doubt. She is in the dictionary under "pay for play". Some of her doozies have been the cattle futures back in Arkansas daze, Whitewater, the travel office firings, Clinton Foundation Cash for American Uranium, and these are only the ones that have slipped out into the open. The movie, "Clinton Cash" chronicles a multitude of other shady deals by the greatest grifters since Ponzi or the Tulip run up in Holland.

To end this diatribe, if the choice is between Obama's dopey smoke and Donald Trump's Okie Doke, you can keep the former and give me the latter.

Trump is Okie Dokie with me. Did you hear him say Hillary deserves to be in prison for her mishandling of America's secrets?

If she knew her server was breached and she did nothing to correct it she is either very stupid or has knowingly committed treason. Either way Hillary Clinton is the one who is both ethically and temperamentally unfit to serve in the presidency, and she has earned her bonafides to serve in a federal penitentiary. Why the racketeering charges alone should finish out her lifetime behind bars. She needs to wear her knee pads and visit President Obama real soon and real often, but something makes me think he does not swing that way, and with Hillary's appearance, who does? Her best hope is for a presidential pardon.

Trump is no traitor and is certainly not stupid like Hillary.

Trump is a true patriot who has America's best interest first and foremost and will work to "Make America Great Again" to cop a phrase.

I am

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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