Thursday, June 2, 2016

If You Read This You're A Son Of A Bitch!

I read a short story written by a fellow I knew well and one of its characters liked to send helium filled balloons up to the heavens with messages tied onto them. The fellow telling the story was curious as to what messages might be taken heaven bound by this architect of messaging information before the internet, tweeting, texting, trolling, and tabloids were in favor. He finally queried the balloonist and to his surprise his simple message is my title.

And that is the message of life. Everybody has somebody who loves them, your mother, and everybody who has lived any life at all has more than one person who feels they are a SOB. Donald Trump has racked up a whole lot in each category. The press is particularly spiteful of Trump's populism and in its tiny group think brain cannot fathom how he enjoys the popularity he has garnered.
Has America lost its mind? Do the affects of global warming include mass psychological abnormalities among the great unwashed masses who cling to bibles and guns and pay most of the middle class's burden in taxes so the great minority of washed and highly perfumed and well coiffured political piggies can eat, drink, and enjoy unfettered gay sex on the tax payer's dime?

Could a brain virus explain the zombies who drool all over Donald Trump at the rallies? Inquiring minds want to know.

And what has America's youth been smoking to think Bernie Sanders would be a better leader than that tried and true American Patriot, Hillary Rodham Clinton, who has spent 40 years as an under paid public servant and has nothing to show for her sacrifice save a couple billion dollars in a foundation slush and deliver favors fund and the ability to shake down wall street's biggest players for half a million dollars for a 20 minute speech no one can recall five minutes after being released from the venue. Say what I will about Hillary Clinton, but she is a powerful greedy seedy lustful person whose only equals in our modern day would be Hitler and Castro. Maybe Hugo Chavez before he died with Satan eating his asshole out with cancer.

America's not stupid, but its leaders feel it is. The press is apoplectic in its thinking of the Trump phenomenon. Billy Krystal, not the hamburger joint family, has made it his ambition to thwart Mr. Trump's bid for the White House with the support of 15 other liberal writers at The National Review. He is a fool. If someone in America has a virus that has caused presenile dementia it is the press and our ruling class.

More is coming out each week about the Panama Papers enlightening the world about the wealthy and the movers and shakers and how they would love to take every last penny from the masses and place it in a bank account and brag about their accomplishments and how they have contributed so much to the Clinton Foundation and Grift Shoppe. Bernie Sanders and his message is more palatable if one considers these elitist snobs and that their billions do not contribute to the common good locked up in secret accounts not doing the work money was designed to do in lifting anyone willing to sweat and innovate up into the middle class, meanwhile providing a subsistence living to those who are happy coasting along in life from happy meal to happy meal.

The lessons of the French Revolution have been forgotten by these self-indulgent pretty boys and girls. Trump knows where the power lies.

He has tapped into it and the bubble heads in the new world order class are not happy.

I am

Jackson Delano Maybolt, president Urban Poverty Law Center

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