Monday, June 13, 2016

Ode To Omar Mateen

An Ode To Omar Mateen

Dear Omar, My Omar, Yes, Omar Mateen
We welcomed your family with open arms
Your father a Muslim with unseemly charms
He praised the Taliban on his Cable Sho
and taught you to hate US say it aint so!

Dear Omar, sweet Omar, Yes, Omar Mateen
What turned you into a jihadi killing machine?
Was it the Mosque, your Imam, or dad
What ever it was it sure made you bad

Dear Omar, fine Omar, Yes, Omar Mateen
Your ex-wife she is beautiful and Clean
She left you for another, and I will not gloat
That you had relations with many a goat

Dear Omar, precious Omar, Yes, Omar Mateen
your eyes are soul-less and absent of sheen
your bravery is great against an unarmed mass
Excuse me if I say you can kiss my sweet ass

Dear Omar, My Omar, Yes, Omar Mateen
Schoolmates say you cheered 9/11
and fifty plus souls you sped on to heaven
and now you have closed those lifeless brown eyes
after killing innocents abroad you should be fed to the hogs!

I am

JDM, President, Urban Poverty Law Center

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