Sunday, June 26, 2016

Brexit: The Vote, The People, The Donald, And the hillary.

Fifteen generations ago my Maybolt great(15) grandfather left London with his wife and two small children and landed at Plymouth Rock just in time for that first Thanksgiving. He died but his son William lived and 230 years later I was born from his seed that was planted here in the colonies all those years ago. These were the true Brexit voters who voted with their feet and left jolly old England and risked the perils of ocean travel and settling a new continent in hopes of providing their families a better life.

From the hard work and risk of these few brave souls, only 130 passengers on the good ship, The Fortune, that year, the greatest nation of freemen and women was born. And now the elite unelected snobs are conspiring to destroy all my ancestors worked for and steal it all. They manipulate money and media to assure their ends. These are the true enemies of freedom. They bash slavery and discrimination publicly and privately have nothing but disdain for 98% of this world's human inhabitants. They fein religiosity when it suits their needs, but only worship at the altar of money.

If you stumble into becoming a billionaire they will welcome you into the club, and there you will dine with the beautiful people who will find it harder to enter the gates of heaven than a camel with its travel through the eye of a needle.

Hillary Clinton is such a beautiful person. Her Clinton foundation has rocked her to the top and she has been chosen to carry the banner for the elites in the next phase of Global dominance.

Hers is the globalist best chance to keep the ball moving towards one world governance. In the 20th century a fellow named Adolf had the same plans for the world, and our grandfathers here in America and over in England, and to some extent in France, albeit not a great extent, put together a war coalition that beat back this fellow's plans for world domination, and now just three generations hence, are we going to allow a Hitler like evil to take over the world without a fight?

These elites are as evil as Hitler. Their greed is limitless. Their cruelty exceeds that of Hitler. They use fear tactics to cower the great unwashed and uninformed, like the charlatans of the middle ages used eclipses of the sun, but since rudimentary secondary education has let the cat out of the bag about the true nature of eclipses, they have moved on to global warming and climate change and other nature based nonsense to extract their walking around change.

All through out man's history people have been scamming ways to get by with very little effort. It is human nature to take it easy. Our best politicians have perfected the techniques that allow us to work and them to eat. History has shown us that the workers will not revolt unless pushed too far. How far is too far? Ask Marie Antoinette. The elites in France pushed the workers too far and the revolution cut the elites out of the equation one drop of the blade at a time. Yes it was bloody but it changed everything.

Have the global elites been outed? Have they pushed their agenda too hard. Is it time for them to fall back, lick their wounds and wait for better timing? Brexit was a spit in the eye of these global elitists. It is the sign they have pushed the one world government agenda too hard and too soon. People with full bellies get stupid and lazy. But with the world's economy in failure for the past 30 years, brought on by Clinton's tax increases in the 90's and Bush's war in the middle east and energy prices at all time highs, $140 a barrel, the bellies of the world feel the nagging pangs of hunger. The hungry pay attention and work to relieve themselves. They begin to vote in their own interests. I believe the Brexit vote will mark the end of this generations globalist push for dominance. They have been rejected, and we will be free for another generation or so, but look out when little Adain Clinton Mevwhatzitsname comes of age.

Adain, now there's a name like Adolf.

The election of Trump over Hillary will be a sure sign the elites have been bested. The push is over for now. But remember, they never go away, they just hibernate only to come out under more favorable conditions. Satan has patience. He and the world has been here a long time.

Get thee behind me, oh Satan.......

I am

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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