Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Urban Poverty Law Center: Untitled Or Who Made Jim Carrey Smart?

E Tu,  Jim Carrey?

Times are troubled indeed when comics and movie stars attack our constitution.  Jim Carrey's blatantly racist rant against the only unprotected majority in the US is pathetic!

Conservative Americans are opened for ridicule by the print, the television, and the movie media.

Do "rednecks" have the same rights and privileges under our laws as the protected ones?  If not, why not.  Last time I looked, rednecks are people too.  And for now the constitution applies to everybody.

Carrey's video "Cold Dead Hands" misses the mark in so many ways.  It is not funny.  It promotes disarming Americans, and it is dangerous.  He fails to recognize in America you may choose to be armed or not.

I am sure Mr. Carrey will feel safe enough to forgo any armed bodyguards in his entourage when and if the second amendment is overturned here in the states, but for now he should continue to provide armed men for his safety since all the nuts do not grow on trees and man is a predator by nature.  We have thousands of years of history which records multiple examples of man v man atrocities.

Is he stupid?  Or does he think we are dullards?

What makes Jim feel the value of his life is any more important than that of the redneck he ridicules in his recent mockery.  The God given rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are common to us all.  Not just for the special people of privilege who inhabit Hollywood and the media elites who write about all that.

The right and requirement of self-defense is non-negotiable and if I feel it is in my self-interest to be armed to insure the safety and security of myself and my family and community then I will take the steps necessary to provide for that by any legal means I can afford.  If I can afford to hire and arm a group of illegals to provide for my protection, because they will work for less, I would be wise to bulk up on bandits while bandits are legal.

The BATF has graciously sent assault weapons south of the border with Mexico so some bandits already can be hired with guns.  Fast and Furious, the unrecognized benefits when staffing a personal army of bodyguards.

I am almost into my 7th decade and have not had to use a gun in my defense which is a good track record.  In a perfect world I never will have to use a weapon in my defense, but with the kinds of people out on the street, who will rob a woman with a 14 month old baby and shoot the baby in the head when told the woman has nothing to steal, I will keep my position open for now and forever.

Did the police and the gun laws on the books keep the woman with a baby in the stroller safe from the criminals who confronted her that day?  If she had an armed body guard this would not have happened.

The young mother who lost her child will never be the same.  The young criminals who stole everything from that baby and his mother will be tried by the juvee court system and after a lot of hand wringing and self-blame will be out on the streets to kill again within a decade or less.

And for now everybody, including Jim Carrey and all the rednecks in America, needs to be armed and dangerous.

The successful animals in nature have self-defense built in.  The hare is quick and agile, the tortoise has a shell, hard and tough.   The honey bee's labor when stolen comes with a risk of a sting.  Man has his rocks, spears, arrows, swords, guns, bombs, and bodyguards which when one stops to think about it is just a personal army.

Stay armed my friend.  Who has more interest in your personal safety than you?

Jim Carrey is a fool.  He plays the fool in movies and in real life.  He is life imitating art and he is a bigot.

Following Mr. Carrey's advice on the second amendment is like asking Adolf Hitler "Which way to the public showers?"

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Urban Poverty Law Center: If Islam Wins Europe, Gays Will Become Refugees

Warning:  what you are about to read is pure hypothetical poppycock!  I am not a prophet or one who reads the tea leaves or the goat entrails or can gaze up at the heavens and see into the future.  I can only make my predictions sitting in my underwear at my computer with three days beard growth, and no shower in 48 hrs.  My undercarriage needs a good going over, soap and water where are thee?

I type on so that you might live.

I learned much of Colorado's problems started when four billionaire political activists who happened to be gay poured millions of dollars into the state a decade ago to control the legislature.  I hear many of the legislators are of that peculiar persuasion and have turned the state which used to be full of cowboys and average citizens trying to raise families into a mecca for the Gay Homosexual Activist.

The governor is said to be funny, not funny, ha ha, but you know, "funny".  He was married to a funny gal, who served as his "Beard" until the election was over then they divorced and went on their "Funny" and separate ways.

Now these "Funny" people have brought the citizens of Colorado to a crossroads.  Do the people, the "Unfunny", want to live with theses "Funny" ideas like "Funny Marriage", Funny cigarettes", and Funny Gun Control, where the only people who can have guns are those approved by a committee of  "Funny Ones"?

Where it is legal for the children of the "Unfunny" to smoke pot, since the "Funny Ones" do not have children, and the only way for the "Funny" population to grow is to recruit from these same youths.

The "Funny" have made their agenda known.  They have shown their hands in Colorado and it is not a pretty picture.  Colorado is in danger.  The danger is that of the few dictating to the many.

The only problems the "Funny" in the Colorado Legislature are encountering are the County Sheriffs who do not think it is funny.   Lesson to the "Funny":  You must have your people in the sheriff's offices.  They enforce the laws.  Watch out Colorado, what's happening to your state is not funny at all.
The "Funny" will try to oust your Unfunny Sheriffs with the next election cycles.

This next thought is not funny.  Europe is on track to becoming predominantly Islamic in the next 40 years.  Baring some serious bloodshed it is a foregone conclusion.

The "Funny" are not a stupid lot, and on average have been blessed with higher IQ's than the Unfunny breeders.  They are striking now to settle and control large blocks of territory in the US where they can receive the "Funny" refugees when the trouble starts over there.

Islam is a strange religion intolerant of the "Funny".   They believe the defective must die.  Women are property and all other religions are subservient to Islam.  One man can have four wives and to die for the spread of Islam is a glorious event.

In the unlikely event of total world domination by Islam, sometimes the safest place to be is in the closet clutching you AR-15 with two high capacity magazines.  Just a word to the "Funny" aka wise!

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

UPLC: Comparing "The Bible's" Satan Image With President Obama Unfair!

I watched enthralled the History Channel's production of "The Bible" Sunday evening and thought the characters playing Satan bore little resemblance to our commander in chief, Barrack Hussein Obama.

The serpent appeared to have a greenish hue and our president is black.   The serpent played his role without a hitch, slithering out of the garment of an exhausted and dehydrated Jesus.

I noticed the snake had a hooked nose and Obama's nose is decidedly more the standard Negroid issue in its appearance.  Wide nostrils with large turbinates to cool the hot African air before it enters the delicate tissues of the lung parenchyma.  Smaller noses of the frigid climates are better to limit air for warming before entering the sensitive areas of the alveoli.

The serpent had a forked tongue, and though Obama speaks with the forked tongue, his is standard issue and in one piece.

When the serpent transformed into the hoody wearing humanoid, President Obama, came to mind briefly but was quickly dismissed since the Devil only tried to tempt our divine Savior and not tax the sandals off Him.

As I studied Satan's features I did not see President Obama, I saw an equal mix of Dick Cheney and George W. Bush sporting black-face.

I dismiss the uproar about Obama having a cameo appearance in "The Bible" as Satan.  It is just a willing press making a story where there is none.

Next somebody will try to say Obama is the Anti-Christ.  Right!  I will believe that when he tries to take away all our guns and wreck our health care system.  Until then I will believe he is just an affirmative action hero in over his head at the top of a corrupt government living the good life spending other people's money like there was no tomorrow.

Satan seeks power and fills hell with non believers, most of whom are probably voting democrat.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Thursday, March 14, 2013

UPLC: Senator Cruz Bullies Senator Feinstein Over Guns

Texas Freshman Senator Cruz, 42 and  nearly 40 years Ms Feinstein's junior, took it to one of the senate's oldest relics, Senator Dianne Feinstein, D, California.  Some believe Senator Feinstein makes Hillary Clinton appear fresh and lively, but personally, I do not see it.

In a heated discussion over Feinstein's gun banning bill, Feinstein again claims first hand knowledge of what assault weapons can do.  She was the first to find Harvey Milk slumped over in the Municipal Building Offices of the Mayor in San Francisco and alleges she placed her finger in the bullet hole seeking a pulse on the seemingly lifeless and very pale appearing Mr. Milk, who probably wished for a defensive weapon when the goof who shot up the mayors office came a calling. 

One must assume Senator Feinstein, who by her own admission is "not a sixth grader", must have forgotten, or never learned, about pulse locations in the neck, groin, at the elbows, the wrist, the ankles and feet.  Who checks for pulses inside a bullet wound, or do bullets fired from an assault weapon mysteriously only strike arteries?  

Harvey Milk, if he weren't dead already would have died of sepsis from the wound probing of a well intentioned but misinformed Ms. Feinstein.  I understand she may not have been the first to finger the famous Mr. Milk, but sadly,  perhaps the last.

My advice to the worldly Senior Senator Dianne Feinstein:  Keep your hands off our guns and your nasty little fingers out of our wounds. 

Sticking  fingers into bullet holes in body cavities to check for pulses sounds uneducated, almost as uninformed as believing banning semi automatic rifles will reduce gun deaths in a society and a world where sometimes the only best option is violence, aka self defense. 

The cat eats the mouse the dog eats the cat, the lion eats the dog, man kills the lion and man will kill man.   Sadly, it is the nature of things.

Cain would have killed Abel with a rock, club, spear, or gun. 

A porcupine is a rabbit with a defensive weapon.  It is far better to be a porcupine than a rabbit.  Senator Dianne Feinstein would have all law abiding US citizens be rabbits, easy prey for the criminal elements who live amongst us.

Senator Feinstein, all creatures including man have a God given right to self-preservation and self-defense.  Are you whimsical enough to go against God's will? 

Reconsider your folly and take a first aid course before you spout off nonsense about probing bullet wounds for pulses.

And remember this if you take nothing away from the above:  Sometimes, when facing a madman with an assault rifle the safest place to be is in the closet.  I think Harvey Milk's greatest mistake ever was to come out of the closet.

There are certain times in a man's life when only a beard or a closet will do.  Human nature demands no less.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, Urban Poverty Law Center

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

UPLC: What's That In Your Animal Crackers?

Have you read about the 7 yr old boy who ate his pop tart and was suspended from his grade school because it looked like a gun?

The school board explained it was part of their no exceptions to the rule and their hands were tied and they will show zero tolerance for guns in school.

I have enclosed a copy of a letter I posted to the school board in Pennsylvania where the infraction with the yummy pop tart took place.


To Whom It May Concern:

I would like to bring to your attention other dangerous pastry and baked items which may be lurking in your student's lunch boxes.

Of course I am referring to "Animal Crackers".

Have you considered the kind of damage a child with full box of animal crackers could inflict on a class room of small children?  What of the lion?  Do you know how many people are killed by lions each year?

I don't.  But that doesn't lessen the threat from lions, does it?

The bear, the hippopotamus, and the crocodile are equally threatening with, I believe, hippo's coming in first as the number one killer of humans near river banks.  I guess if your school is not near a river, an exception could possibly be made for the hippo.  Then there is the elephant, that gentle giant of the African plains, who can be vicious and unpredictable.  The elephant must be banned!

What I am saying is you must ban these crackers because of the violence they represent. 

Alphabet cereal with the letters n, u, and g must also be banned from school breakfasts and lunches.  It does not matter that 80% of your graduates can neither read nor write.  A G- U- N is a gun whether one recognizes it or not.

We cannot be too safe with our children.  At least the ones who successfully ran the abortion gauntlet here in the States.

Thank you in advance for acting to correct this dangerous situation in your schools.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Friday, March 8, 2013

Urban Poverty Law Center: Socialism, Is It Really That Bad, Really?

I hear pundits on the right in America say socialism has failed everywhere it has been tried in the world.

Failure is in the eyes of the beholder.  Socialism in Venezuela did not fail to place over $2 billion in assets into President Hugo Chavez's portfolio in a little over 14 years.

I think the take home point here is that governments are not set up to fail the leadership.   Any powerful organization has its goal and it always involves privileges and benefits to the leadership.  The Pope has or rather had his red slippers.   Saddam, Gaddafi,  and Assad had and have palaces and untold riches.

Our form of government here in the US makes millionaires out of people like Joe Biden who couldn't hold down a third shift managerial job at a 24hr McDonalds.  Could Maxine Waters manage a daycare facility in Watts?  I doubt it.

If one world socialism takes hold here in America, and I believe it will, Americans will prosper under this system as no others before.  We will be socialist in name only, SINOs.  Black markets will spring up and new opportunities will cry out for the people.

The governments based on the socialistic principles become less relevant because they govern in economically lean times.  They do not have the money to be a formidable force in the world.

Socialism is the government of sissies.  Think France.  Think Sweden.   Is it time to try it for a while here in America?   Bring the troops home, park all the aircraft carriers in dock in Virginia(done)
watch out Pearl Harbor sneak attack, and pass Obamacare, and lets raise taxes so the only people who pay them are the people who can't leave our borders.

I am going to fertilize my fields this week if they dry up enough and world politics can be damned.

I could armed drone on and on about this injustice but I will not.

And speaking of drones, with China, Iran and every other nickel-plated dictator buying them from North Korea how will we keep up with which drone belongs to whom?

As I said in a prior post, the drones will be a big problem for America.  Ours, theirs and those others!

I am going to meet with my local jihadist and get some tips for not becoming drone bait.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

UPLC: Life Without End, Well, There Hugo

Hugo Chavez has by all reports slipped the surly bonds of earth, leaving his cancer riddled and malfunctioning carcass in Caracas, his soul slipping without fanfare to hot spots hitherto unknown.
Adolph, Joe, and Pol, can now have a foursome for bridge.  And now we can take this man's life apart one piece at a time.

Headline:  Hugo amassed a fortune of $2 billion dollars.  I hope the US is mentioned in the will as his fortune would fund our borrowing from the Fed Reserve Bank for a little over 8 hours, longer if he were to designate the funds to the night shift which has fewer expenditures.

For a socialist of such noblesse obliges he fell from grace and went material in a fashion that would even put some color back into Madonna's pale old worn out cheeks.  To quote our gifted Baritone in Chief, Barack Hugo Obama, "when do you have enough money?"

Money is like pain.  Really hard to appreciate until it is yours.  From the descriptions leaking out of and about Hugo Chavez's last days he had plenty of both.  I think I know how he felt.  I have gout.

As you know Gout is the term given to abnormally high uric acid levels in the blood stream which leach into joint fluids and given the proper temperature and concentrations will form needle sharp crystals that serve as foreign body nevi which are attacked and consumed by white blood cells of the immune system which sets up a cascading event ending in thousands upon thousands of dead white blood cells with thousands more necessary to clear out the casualties.  Oh the humanity!

Next thing you know your ankle, foot, heel, knee, elbow hurts like hell and even telling yourself it represents only 5% of our total body mass index, and why focus on the 5% when the other 95% feels just fine, you are drawn towards the pain like the moth to the flame.  Gout will not be ignored.

Treatments include steroids, non steroidal anti-inflamatories, allopurinol, colchicine, which used to be given to the onset of watery diarrhea.  Other treatments include avoiding the foods high in purines like all the things you like to eat!

Now to the rub.  I contracted the stomach flu last week.  It started with nausea for me and I could have vomited but I hate vomiting worse than April 15th so I did not vomit, then watery diarrhea for 24 hrs and guess what?  My joints have never felt better!

I can only conclude the diarrhea has purged the body of excess uric acid and other toxicants that were causing mischief in these old bones.

This has given me an idea.  I will go to the laboratory.  Or is it the lavatory?

The Division of Homeland Security has purchased 2027 lightly armored personnel carriers from a high dollar campaign bundler and personal friend of the Obamas.  The carriers did not pass the DOD test of survivability necessary to function in a war zone such as Afghanistan where there are no restrictions on buying fertilizer and diesel fuel, but DHS felt the vehicles could be useful in America where  IED's are exceedingly rare for now and fertilizer ownership is restricted.

The uniform procurement office at DHS have spent a thousand dollars per uniform for the TSA agents.  That is 50 million dollars!  Again a bundler for the Obama Campaign got the contract.  I think I could go to JC Penney's with about $200 and make these folks stand out!  A $40 million dollar savings!  And now TSA will allow passengers to take small knives on planes with their take on luggage.

America's airlines are jittery.  The Flight Attendants Association is in emergency session.

The first week of the sequestration and the White House closes its tour office.  Even though the White House budget is exempt from sequestration, they want to be seen as doing their part to save money and keep the nation's financial affairs solvent for as many days more as is possible.

I believe there is a move underfoot to add 13 more federal holidays to the calendar making thirteen three day work weeks, and by giving up Saturday postal deliveries, we can keep the government running for another two weeks.  Giving government workers furloughs for the summer months will also help strengthen our house.  

Giving government workers furloughs for the remaining months of the year would also help.  Work em until the money runs out then they are on volunteer service only after that.  We might find that many might show up to work to avoid the spouse and kids at home, or just for the coffee breaks.

To be really honest, if 95% of government shut down nobody would notice.   I spent a year at the Department of Energy back in the late 70's and it was a coffee club.  Safe jobs supporting a community.
Sure all the departments give the appearance of work, but it is not work.  It was holding down a position and spreading the wealth.  All monies had to be spent by October 31.  Not a complete waste, but some to be sure.

The real work is done out in the country.  Feeding the world.

I am going to buy a new JD planter, new to me used to the fellow selling it.  8 row to plant beans this year.  That is if my joints hold up.

Jackson Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Monday, March 4, 2013

UPLC: Is Obama's Muslim Name Careen Abdul Jabbahr?

In President Obama's 207th weekly radio address he is said to have muttered the following words into the microphone as comic relief for the sequestration suffering serfs in America who are working the third shift.

"This is America, and in America we don't just careen from one manufactured crisis to another."

A look back at President Pinocchio's recent history may shed some light on just how true the statement will prove.

August, 2011: America is skidding off the financial cliff, the debt, the debt ceiling must be raised!

March, 2012:  American is in trouble again, the debt ceiling must be raised.

September, 2012  Benghazi our men are attacked.  Crickets.

December, 2012  Sandy Point tragedy, we must get meaningful gun control passed.

December, 2012  The Fiscal Cliff again, raise taxes on the rich!

February, 2013  John Kerry becomes SOS.  God Help US!

February, 2012  Chuck Hagel becomes SOD.  Can it get any worse?

February, 2013  The Sequestration, Congress must act now!

"We also manufacture the crises.  I find I can think them up best while relaxing during a round of golf." BHO

"Never let a good crisis go to waste!"  Ernst Rahm Emanuel,  Chicago

March, 2013  Post Sequestration, It will not be that bad presser.

"So this is America, and in America we don't just careen from one manufactured crisis to another, we also pay the highest corporate income tax rates in the world,  boasts a debt that makes Greece look like a good investment, and borrow 35% of each dollar spent just to keep the lights on, the chill out and the belly full."

We hire 50,000 people to watch the people who get on our airplanes.  We listen to every conversation, read every personal email, to keep our nation safe.  We are building a private security force just as strong as the armed forces with armored vehicles and one billion-five bullets.

Governments can only prosper at the expense of its citizens.   When the focus of the government shifts from the well being and benefit of its citizens to the growth and well being of the government, the parasite has landed and Houston, we do have a problem.

All government programs must be means tested in the future.  Our financial plight will mandate some very Spartan changes in how and what government does.

I am not sure when the shift in thinking occurred here in America, but it is here.

I was repulsed by Waco and Ruby Ridge, now a generation ago.  Have our rulers changed their stripes since then or just pulled in their claws?  I fear they have doubled down now with drones over America and our president unwilling to say he will not kill Americans without due process.

Is the realization that the American Military Industrial Complex and its worldwide forays of the past 40 years is no longer paying the bills through the exploitation and plunder of other countries leading to the new focus on America?

A famous bank robber was once asked why he robbed banks.  His answer may explain what is happening here in America.   But once this coming plunder of America is complete we may live in peace.   Hope springs eternal.   The financial collapse could be the catharsis to a new American Dream.
Repeat after me.  Food, clothing, shelter, food, clothing, shelter.  Fluff is just stuff.

 May you live in interesting times.

Or you may live in interesting times if drone strikes are off limits in the US and the billion five bullets recently purchased are for peaceful purposes only.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Urban Poverty Law Center, My Kingdom For A Dicktator

President Bernie Millhouse Obama has given his equivalency to Richard Nixon's "Checkers" speech. 

"I am not a dictator."  Is the take away line from this, his defining moment.  In the future, all references to B. Millhouse Obama will strike on this stark admission.  This was his excuse for not taking action to thwart the ominous and economy crushing 44 billion dollar sequestration nightmare sweeping our nation as this is composed.

Was President Richard Hussein Obama's statement of fact or was it spoken as a complaint?  I have not heard the context under which it was uttered so I cannot comment.

But I would like to point out to our most esteemed President Barack Dickhouse Nixon, ours is a nation of free men with a representative republic whose government operates only with and by the consent of the governed.  We do not have a position in our government for dictator, if you ignore the heads of the EPA, the DHS, and the HHS, and innumerable other little fiefdoms buried in our bureaucracies. 

Bureaucracies most assuredly devised by the well-meaning progenitors of the challenged to ensure full employment amongst the governing classes and many of their relatives and certainly for their friends. 

Barak may want to look south as Venezuela may be looking for a replacement for their stricken dictator, Hugo Chavez, whose death has once again been rumored this week. 

Chavez has not been quick to dispel the rumors of his demise, but such is the custom.  The dead are obliged by covenant and tradition to be quite so as not to bother the others.  Erstwhile, what would be the point of death if nothing changed. 

But to be fair, President Chavez is said to be suffering from an undisclosed form of rectal cancer, and has undergone several risky surgeries on the affected area.  So, depending upon which end the artful politician, Mr. Chavez, is talking out of that day, his surgeries may have left him without a voice.  I will not send flowers until arrangements for the services are announced.

The Pope flew away in the Papal-Chopper 1, and with him goes all hope for a lasting legacy.    This may sound crazy, but has anybody seen Hillary Clinton and Pope Benedict XVI in the same room with George Soros?   We will have to wait patiently for the next Dan Brown novel for any hope to learn the truth.  Who knew the two most commonly used sarcastic remarks we used in middle school could both be tied to this Pope who chose the bear to be in his arms design.

Sandra Fluke, has opened a high-end escort service in DC catering to the Senate and House of Representatives.  Her escorts are beautiful, intelligent, and under age but are still eligible for federal mandated birth control and free abortions should there be any slip ups.  Senator Bob Menendez (D) New Jersey is in line and has Sandra's service on speed dial.  Now, according to Fluke, "you don't have to be a Republican in Washington to have a beautiful woman at your side". 

For those representatives who do not wish to stand out, Candy Crowley has agreed to provide her services.  It may cost you a little more for dinner, but she can keep a secret and lie with the best of them.

And finally, Mitt and Anne Romney have broken their long silence after the unexpected defeat at the hands of the Obama vote fraud machine.  Believe me, Anne and Mitt, you are not as disappointed in the election results as those of us who are on this never ending tax, borrow, and spend carnival ride commandeered by our gifted Ruler, and sometimes golfer, President Obama!

Good grief!

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center