Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Urban Poverty Law Center Urges Left To Consider Contraceptives When Screwing Rush Limbaugh

Surprising what you get if you drag a pack of birth control pills across the commons at Georgetown Law School. Stand back and watch the slut scramble which ensues! By keeping American women constantly concerned about unwanted pregnancy, the conservative males who secretly control the world have kept women from reaching and breaking through the glass ceiling. Everybody at Georgetown Law knows that!

Ever wonder why there has never been a female equivalent to Stalin, Mao, Hitler, or even Rush Limbaugh? The fear of pregnancy. God, in Her infinite wisdom, programmed the sexes to different functions. Woman to bare children and nurture them. Man to hunt, kill, and rule the world. Men are predators, women are prey. The Islamic take on the relationship of the sexes will dominate, because the enlightened ones are not reproducing, and Islamic women know how it was intended to be used. "Go forth and multiply!" not, "Go forth and contracept." was the advice given Adam and Eve.

It is timely advice then and it is true now. The religion of peace will occupy the new Europe by 2050 unless a baby boom ensues. Japan will cease to exist in a hundred years.

The new leaders of the world are using the population bomb to take over. Abortion is the tool which hastens the West's demise. Nations which do not believe in the sanctity of life, especially the unborn, are doomed.

These laws of nature are not always adhered to however. Occasionally, a freak of nature or a "fluke" comes along. Enter the petite Georgetown University Law co-ed, who even with a make-over, and a note from her vet, would place her dead last to leave a DC area bar at closing.

Sandra Kay Flucke, pronounced "Fluke" is a radical feminist who has championed women's reproductive rights since her mother explained the bloody curse which struck her at age 10.

"I have been menstruating monthly for 23 years. Do you know what that is like, Limbaugh? Bleeding from the Who-ha, the bloating, the cramps, the odor? The devil's playground closed for repair? Out of order, irritable and irrational. I wish I were a man! This is why I feel businesses must offer and cover transgender operations to individuals who find themselves trapped inside a body gendered incompatible to their desires. I used the contraceptive shtick to gain a national audience. I am really all about changing the plumbing and my name to Sandy! I don't even like children. They are little and smell funny! If it were up to me I'd place a bounty on them."

"You, Limbaugh, are my ticket to transgender nirvana! I am going to ride you like a rented mule! My candle is lit. My fame is secure! My name will be in the history books along side Margaret Sanger, Gloria Steinem, Amelia Earhart, Susan B. Anthony, Rosa Parks, Madonna, Sacajawea, Pocahontas, Alice the Goon, Monica L., and Sting. Did I mention that I love cats?"

If this tome means anything at all, and it probably doesn't, until Americans view those people who kill American citizens through abortion as evil, our society deserves what it gets. A multicultural society which will balkanize as soon as the lights turn off. I am OK with that. Do blacks know 40% of the 40 million abortees are black?

Four die in Ohio, three thousand at the World Trade Center,tragic as they are, pale to the 40 million aborted American Citizens since Roe V Wade in 1973. Where is the sense of proportion?

Radical feminist are monsters. Abortion as birth control is evil.

In an interesting twist, researchers at Johns Hopkins Medical Center have just announced a simple blood test which will identify any major fetal birth defects including Downs and the other trisomy anomalies, as well as homosexuality. Now straight parents will not have to give birth to a homosexual child. I still do not believe in abortion. The researchers at Johns Hopkins are evil to find a test that discriminates against any unborn child! All life is precious and should be regarded as such no matter, race, religion, sexual identity, political leanings or physical attractiveness, intellect, or body mass index, income, or age.

I celebrate Limbaugh and that slut, what was her name now?

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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