Thursday, March 8, 2012

Urban Poverty Law Center First To Proclaim Supremes Will Find Obama Care Constitutional

American tax payers, get ready to open up your wallets. Any nation that can put a man on the moon, photograph a license plate from outer space, assassinate its citizens without a trial, lock up anybody indefinitely without a cause, and still be in business without Occupy Wall Street styled protests from its enlightened citizens will be able to provide unlimited contraception and abortions to Catholic school girls down to age 5 with no serious challenges from the Pope. Yes, our American presidency has reached its Henry The VIII moment.

Under the unconstitutional presidency of Barack Hussein Obama giant leaps toward socialism have been made. The camel of socialism has its nose under the American tent and nothing, not even 9 black robed jurist in Washington DC can back the camel out again. The American Republic has died. Benjamin Franklin warned this day would arrive, but I am saddened it did so on my generation's watch. We have only ourselves to blame. We abdicated the responsibility for educating our children to the public school system, and I was shocked when 6/7 of my nieces and nephews who are of voting age voiced a preference for Obama in 2008. One even retorted: "Oh, Uncle Jack, you can afford to pay more in taxes!" when I tried to explain to her I was already getting way less than my money's worth under the current system.

After the government forces the Catholics to provide contraception to its charges and pay for abortions, what is to stop it from taking church property just like Henry VIII when the Pope refused to grant him an annulment of his marriage to Katherine so he could wed Anne. There are some very similar political events unfolding now in America that were at play when Henry confiscated Rome's property.

The US finds itself insolvent, looking for any and all means to prop up tax collections. Henry was broke fighting a war with someone and at risk of losing his throne. Obama is broke fighting a war with our own military industrial complex which is charged with protecting our biggest businesses. We are out there insuring there is free trade and our pals on Wall Street have equal opportunity to jilt others out of their hard earned cash and only our laws apply if we wish to prosecute them. Friends like Jon Corzine can steal 1.5 billion dollars from investors and walk away with impunity after a congressional show hearing with only a shrug of the shoulders and an " I dunno" when asked what happened to the money.

It is one thing when the loose change in one's pocket falls in the parking lot after a baseball game when one removes the keys to the car. The loss of 37 cents is no big deal to most of us baseball fans, but to say 1.5 billion dollars is gone without a trace begs credibility. Corzine has the blessings of the government to steal. No investment in Wall Street is safe. Those who continue to make pacts with the devil knowing this are fools. Ben Franklin and P.T. Barnum know, "A fool and his money are soon parted."

Rome has no choice but to bend to the will of Obama. If he can force contraception and abortion on the Church, he will soon force them to pay taxes and may even confiscate much of their wealth in a last ditch effort to save the federal government which is drowning in debt. History is repeating itself. Protect yourself and sit back and watch the fireworks.

If you can retire, do so. If you can form a commune as insurance to a total societal breakdown, do so. Protect your assets, but this may be impossible unless you only own what cannot be taken. First and foremost protect your life and your freedom. Be prepared. Not in a crazy prepper sense, but have a plan "B" in a world where plan "A" may not be effective due to changes in policy.

Back to the original premise, the Supremes will uphold Obama Care because it is what the government and its alliance with big business has wanted for a long time. The government wants the control and big business wants out from under the obligation to pay for Sundra Flake's monthly's! Once the government has the purse strings for all of health care, rationing will ensue.

There will be off shore medical care for Americans fortunate enough to be able to afford the best care. Care outside of the government mandates will be forbidden and unlawful. We must be careful in our calls to control the borders. Any government that can keep everyone out will have an easier time keeping its citizens imprisoned. The parasite is hungry. The host is ailing.
Churches are in the cross hairs. Our rights enumerated in the bill of rights are being picked off one by one by an out of control bureaucracy.

I think Obama should try to gain the rights to that old Herman's Hermits song, "Enery The Eight," and play it for his campaign.
Wishful thinking because David Paxilrod will not have any truth in the election. He will try to package the President as a fighter for the little guy against the monied interests on Wall Street whose pick, Mitt R'money, is as popular with the average man as $4 gasoline and the NFL owners lock out. It will be a winning strategy!

I feel like it would be better if the republicans forfeit the presidential election this year and save us the trouble of watching Obama and Paxilrod run circles around Mitt, who even on his good days looks like a opossum in the headlights. He is awkward with people, normal people. The Kennedy's have this same sort of aloofness, but alcohol blunted its noticeability. As a Mormon, R'money will not be able to loosen up with alcohol and will remain stiff.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, PhD, Urban Poverty Law Center

What is the fewest number of Mormons you can take along on a hunting trip?

Two, if you take only one he will drink all your beer.

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