Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Jack Maybolt Gone Sailing: Urban Poverty Law Center Business Halted

Rick Santorum wins the South and Gingrich comes in second. Mitt R'Money finishes third? I refer you to my brilliant diatribe penned on Jan 11, 2012 where I explain why Mitt could not win the South.

Go back to the archives on the right and click on Jan and find that article on Barracuda and Mitt! It turns out I am as brilliant as Karl Rove thinks he is.

I will be out on the lake today sailing. I sailed yesterday it was a beautiful 80 degrees with a breeze out of the south at about 8 mph. Enough to pull the boat around at a nice clip.

Ahoy matey!

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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