Friday, March 23, 2012

Urban Poverty Law Center Rightly Rant: Mexico Malia, Really?

Malia Obama, whose father was born in Kenya in 1961, and moved to Indonesia with his birth mother and attended school there as a Muslim, where he learned his hatred for this country, moving back to America where he was mentored by Frank Davis and William Ayers' parents who sent him to Columbia and then Harvard Law School, and developed him into a Trojan Horse candidate for President of the United States, where he has worked tirelessly to fundamentally change America by destroying its institutions, its currency, and its government, and its civil society, has taken a trip to Mexico with 25 secret service agents in attendance as a spring break outing. This when most Americans are wondering how to fill the gas tank and feed the kids over this year's spring break at home.

Rick Santorum, who was born in America, schooled in Catholic education, where he was routinely whacked on the knuckles with a ruler by Sister Therese when ever he did not pay attention in 8 grade Civics class and learned the foundations upon which this great nation was based, and loves this country and its traditions and institutions, and was sent to Penn State by his parents who have no ax to grind with the United States has been charged with accusing President Obama with being a reckless President.
He has also accused Obama of being a reckless parent for sending the First Baby Girl into a danger zone in Old Mexico when his own State Department has advised Americans to avoid this country.

Is Barack Obama just a man? Or is he really something else? He seems to dislike ordinary Americans. He seems to dislike Catholic institutions. His administration attacks the Catholic church on many fronts. He likes abortion which denies placement of the human soul by our divine creator.

Now the White House has been critical of Candidate Rick for scolding the Obamas as unfit parents in the decision to allow Malia to travel unescorted by a parent to Mexico. The White House claims because they are democrat they should be afforded the "off limits on kids" given all democrat political children because once they pass fetal stage, their lives are precious and their feelings should be protected at all costs. Republican candidates and their children/spawn are granted no such waivers by the ultra liberal press and the late night comics. But God looks out for the meek.

Is it me or are we in an epic struggle in this world of good v evil? Who has God forsaken? Last summer when the Obamas vacationed on Martha's Vinehole, a hurricane built up in the Caribbean and against all predictions hurled itself at the east coast and cut their trip short. Now we hear the site of the Presidential First Baby Girl Mexican Spring Break Fiesta was struck by a 7.4 magnitude earthquake. Is God finally paying attention to politics and if so is He a republican?

If any of you have not been following the Malia Obama story you can be assured that no children were hurt in the large quake in Mexico while she was there. But, until we figure these events out and their meanings, Michelle, Barack, please no visits to West Tennessee. We are sitting on the New Madrid fault and do not need your presence to tempt our God. Do not even send your unaccompanied young charges here either.

Is America the new Jew and the Obamas the Pharaohs. Is God sending plagues, hurricanes, earthquakes and other warnings to these new Pharaohs to set his chosen people free?

No, probably just a coincidence. But it is comforting to believe in providence. I am confident America, if it reverts to and keeps its founding principles sacred and morality is reborn and practiced in law, business and everyday life, the country will thrive and survive even without any help from above against this misguided miscreant who tricked the electorate with his beautiful speaking voice, his empty promises and the media inspired by Satan.

Good v Evil, God V Devil, place your bets. For now I will look for the signs that He has not forsaken those who believe in the sanctity of human life and His love. What plague is set for the First Family's next vacation destination?

Mormon crickets, anyone?

I am Jackson Delano Maybolt, president Urban Poverty Law Center

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