Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Urban Poverty Law Center Mourns Priscilla Buckley's Passing

Years ago, before I was Jackson Maybolt, I sent William F. Buckley, Jr a note explaining my solution to the Middle East problem. I received a personal note from Priscilla Buckley which said her brother had gotten a chuckle from my proposal.

The times were much less troubled compared to today. I will re-write my original plan as best as I can recall for my dear readers. Hillary Clinton was running for the senate seat in New York vacated by Daniel Patrick Moynihan.

Middle East solution: "Move all the Israelis to Florida, move the Florida Cubans to Cuba, move the Cuban Cubans to Puerto Rico, and the Puerto Ricans to New York State. With the boost from the Puerto Rican vote, Hillary Clinton would be a shoo in for the New York Senate seat. Hell, the 5 millions Israelis would not even be noticed standing in line at Disney World."

I still have the note somewhere! With Priscilla Buckley's passing, another conservative icon is gone.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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