Thursday, March 15, 2012

Why President Obams Must Be Re-Elected, Urban Poverty Law Center

Unfortunate readers of these pages in cyber space. US citizens, the Pope, the lady down at the Cedar Grove Community Food Bank and Bingo Parlor and my mother are all pulling for the president's re-election.

They love his voice! It is as the French say, "Vox Expeciale e fortissimo!" I have just combined Latin, Spanish, and Italian and most will not know it is not even French, but who cares? I know I do not.

They love his wife. She is as the Germans say, "Ein bon-bon geistenfunken dundermuffin!" Which roughly translates to "one sweet, sweet baby maker!"

He will spend a billion dollars making Mitt R'Money look unelectable. A billion dollars will only buy you a thousand minutes of Superbowl advertising time these days.
A million dollars doesn't go as far as it used to. What a crock!

Obama should save his money and let Mitt R'Money run his campaign and the people will see that he (R'Money) is truly unelectable. If I was going to advise Barack Obama this election, here is what I'd tell him.

"Dude, Mitt R'Money, come on man, it is Mitt R"Money. It is like you are running unopposed!. Give a speech and say you are taking your $1 billion campaign fund and donating it to the American Tax Payer via the treasury. It would be enough money to run the federal behemoth for about 15 minutes, but most people do not know this. They still are under the impression that a billion dollars is a lot of dough!"

"You go about trying to make the lives of ordinary Americans better by doubling down your efforts to bring back this economy which was destroyed and in worse shape than you imagined by the previous administrations shenanigans."

Do this and you will be re-elected in a landslide even without the Acorn Fraud Vote!

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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