Saturday, March 31, 2012

Urban Poverty Law Center Is First To Back Biden's World Tax Plan

Here at the Urban Poverty Law Center we take our social responsibilities seriously. Man's inhumanity to man and all creatures he can dominate must come to a halt. I believe the first step, baby step though it may be, is to institute Vice President Joseph Stalin Biden's plan for a new global tax payable to the Urban Poverty Law Center.

Of course the tax must be fair and follow a graduated scale as it would not be proper to charge a Bangladeshi the same amount as Bill Gates or Warren Buffett. The Bangladeshi must pay more as he is fouling the land and water with his excrement where as I would know the amazing duo of Buffett and Gates have only pushed out waste into proper facilities with a fantastic sewage treatment plant down stream.

The Bangladeshis waste is swept out to sea with the monsoon rains where it bobs about in the Indian Ocean for months fermenting and baking until they wash up on a pristine Australian beach near Sidney. There they are highly sought after, collected, and traded among Aussie school children.

This trade in Bangladeshi waste is quickly becoming an international scandal, ever since sixth grader, Robert Jenson Pulman, IV discovered you could grind small particles off these dried Bangladeshi Beach Biscuits as they are called down under, and snort it much as you would with snuff, and get high.

Bangladeshi Beach Biscuits are trading at all time highs and the Chinese are seeing if they afford any aphrodisiac affects. They have some of their best men working on it.

So you see the Bangladeshi must pay at a higher rate. I am opening another banking account to prepare to receive the flood of new tax monies into my organization.

What will I do with all that money? Spend it on many wonderful things! What else?

Of course I would be a big tipper when ever I go out to eat at Mallards restaurant in Huntingdon.

Joe Biden and I are going to get together and set the tax rates for each citizen of the world. It will be good to see old Joe again! I used to sleep with his wife's sister and his dog when he was away on business. Those were the days!

This is perhaps the only good idea Joe Biden has ever had besides entering politics in Delaware? Did you know he rides the train?

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Urban Poverty Law Center Mourns Priscilla Buckley's Passing

Years ago, before I was Jackson Maybolt, I sent William F. Buckley, Jr a note explaining my solution to the Middle East problem. I received a personal note from Priscilla Buckley which said her brother had gotten a chuckle from my proposal.

The times were much less troubled compared to today. I will re-write my original plan as best as I can recall for my dear readers. Hillary Clinton was running for the senate seat in New York vacated by Daniel Patrick Moynihan.

Middle East solution: "Move all the Israelis to Florida, move the Florida Cubans to Cuba, move the Cuban Cubans to Puerto Rico, and the Puerto Ricans to New York State. With the boost from the Puerto Rican vote, Hillary Clinton would be a shoo in for the New York Senate seat. Hell, the 5 millions Israelis would not even be noticed standing in line at Disney World."

I still have the note somewhere! With Priscilla Buckley's passing, another conservative icon is gone.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Monday, March 26, 2012

Urban Poverty Law Center Offers Safe Harbor To Bob Dylan's Grandson

Open offer to Robert Zimmerman's grandson, you will be safe here with me in Cedar Grove, Tennessee. We are not racist. We believe if you were struck in the nose by Trayvon and then he jumped atop of you and began to pound your head into the sidewalk, a likely conclusion to draw with one's head being pounded into cement is Trayvon is not all that into your general well being and welfare. He was likely trying his damn est to abort you. The dreaded late, late after birth abortion. Messy!

Lethal force to defend against this kind of a beating may be justified. You are lucky that you were not set upon by a group of teens like the poor honor student who had his brains beaten out in Chicago by street thugs last year. What was his name? Oh my, that was Black on Black violence, not Black on Hispanic, or vice verse. Too bad the honor student was unarmed.

You shot him, he is dead. You are alive. It must have been God's will that he should die so that you could live. You had to decide in that split moment while you were still conscious and alert to act or die. You chose life over death or permanent disability. The liberals in the press and certain politicians are making a great deal of this because their Fast and Furious gun running plans were thwarted.
You are a pawn my friend in a chess match played out in the public arena by fools. Pay them no attention.

My door is open.

Come to Cedar Grove and we will see that you are protected. We are sadden by the death of Trayvon and our condolences go out to his many friends and family. I am certain if he had lived he would have had a bright future in America once he got out of prison for killing you. I tell my children to run like hell if ever in a bad situation. I bet you would have run if you had not been knocked to the ground and then pounced upon.

We have plenty to eat and plenty of room. You may bring one friend also if you wish.

Finally, if a person attacks another in a state with concealed carry laws they are the fool. They are playing Russian roulette! Who has a gun when anybody can have a gun? The safest assumption for young people who are considering beating another person in the head is; they all have guns!

The details are in the Devil.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Friday, March 23, 2012

Urban Poverty Law Center Rightly Rant: Mexico Malia, Really?

Malia Obama, whose father was born in Kenya in 1961, and moved to Indonesia with his birth mother and attended school there as a Muslim, where he learned his hatred for this country, moving back to America where he was mentored by Frank Davis and William Ayers' parents who sent him to Columbia and then Harvard Law School, and developed him into a Trojan Horse candidate for President of the United States, where he has worked tirelessly to fundamentally change America by destroying its institutions, its currency, and its government, and its civil society, has taken a trip to Mexico with 25 secret service agents in attendance as a spring break outing. This when most Americans are wondering how to fill the gas tank and feed the kids over this year's spring break at home.

Rick Santorum, who was born in America, schooled in Catholic education, where he was routinely whacked on the knuckles with a ruler by Sister Therese when ever he did not pay attention in 8 grade Civics class and learned the foundations upon which this great nation was based, and loves this country and its traditions and institutions, and was sent to Penn State by his parents who have no ax to grind with the United States has been charged with accusing President Obama with being a reckless President.
He has also accused Obama of being a reckless parent for sending the First Baby Girl into a danger zone in Old Mexico when his own State Department has advised Americans to avoid this country.

Is Barack Obama just a man? Or is he really something else? He seems to dislike ordinary Americans. He seems to dislike Catholic institutions. His administration attacks the Catholic church on many fronts. He likes abortion which denies placement of the human soul by our divine creator.

Now the White House has been critical of Candidate Rick for scolding the Obamas as unfit parents in the decision to allow Malia to travel unescorted by a parent to Mexico. The White House claims because they are democrat they should be afforded the "off limits on kids" given all democrat political children because once they pass fetal stage, their lives are precious and their feelings should be protected at all costs. Republican candidates and their children/spawn are granted no such waivers by the ultra liberal press and the late night comics. But God looks out for the meek.

Is it me or are we in an epic struggle in this world of good v evil? Who has God forsaken? Last summer when the Obamas vacationed on Martha's Vinehole, a hurricane built up in the Caribbean and against all predictions hurled itself at the east coast and cut their trip short. Now we hear the site of the Presidential First Baby Girl Mexican Spring Break Fiesta was struck by a 7.4 magnitude earthquake. Is God finally paying attention to politics and if so is He a republican?

If any of you have not been following the Malia Obama story you can be assured that no children were hurt in the large quake in Mexico while she was there. But, until we figure these events out and their meanings, Michelle, Barack, please no visits to West Tennessee. We are sitting on the New Madrid fault and do not need your presence to tempt our God. Do not even send your unaccompanied young charges here either.

Is America the new Jew and the Obamas the Pharaohs. Is God sending plagues, hurricanes, earthquakes and other warnings to these new Pharaohs to set his chosen people free?

No, probably just a coincidence. But it is comforting to believe in providence. I am confident America, if it reverts to and keeps its founding principles sacred and morality is reborn and practiced in law, business and everyday life, the country will thrive and survive even without any help from above against this misguided miscreant who tricked the electorate with his beautiful speaking voice, his empty promises and the media inspired by Satan.

Good v Evil, God V Devil, place your bets. For now I will look for the signs that He has not forsaken those who believe in the sanctity of human life and His love. What plague is set for the First Family's next vacation destination?

Mormon crickets, anyone?

I am Jackson Delano Maybolt, president Urban Poverty Law Center

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Why President Obams Must Be Re-Elected, Urban Poverty Law Center

Unfortunate readers of these pages in cyber space. US citizens, the Pope, the lady down at the Cedar Grove Community Food Bank and Bingo Parlor and my mother are all pulling for the president's re-election.

They love his voice! It is as the French say, "Vox Expeciale e fortissimo!" I have just combined Latin, Spanish, and Italian and most will not know it is not even French, but who cares? I know I do not.

They love his wife. She is as the Germans say, "Ein bon-bon geistenfunken dundermuffin!" Which roughly translates to "one sweet, sweet baby maker!"

He will spend a billion dollars making Mitt R'Money look unelectable. A billion dollars will only buy you a thousand minutes of Superbowl advertising time these days.
A million dollars doesn't go as far as it used to. What a crock!

Obama should save his money and let Mitt R'Money run his campaign and the people will see that he (R'Money) is truly unelectable. If I was going to advise Barack Obama this election, here is what I'd tell him.

"Dude, Mitt R'Money, come on man, it is Mitt R"Money. It is like you are running unopposed!. Give a speech and say you are taking your $1 billion campaign fund and donating it to the American Tax Payer via the treasury. It would be enough money to run the federal behemoth for about 15 minutes, but most people do not know this. They still are under the impression that a billion dollars is a lot of dough!"

"You go about trying to make the lives of ordinary Americans better by doubling down your efforts to bring back this economy which was destroyed and in worse shape than you imagined by the previous administrations shenanigans."

Do this and you will be re-elected in a landslide even without the Acorn Fraud Vote!

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Jack Maybolt Gone Sailing: Urban Poverty Law Center Business Halted

Rick Santorum wins the South and Gingrich comes in second. Mitt R'Money finishes third? I refer you to my brilliant diatribe penned on Jan 11, 2012 where I explain why Mitt could not win the South.

Go back to the archives on the right and click on Jan and find that article on Barracuda and Mitt! It turns out I am as brilliant as Karl Rove thinks he is.

I will be out on the lake today sailing. I sailed yesterday it was a beautiful 80 degrees with a breeze out of the south at about 8 mph. Enough to pull the boat around at a nice clip.

Ahoy matey!

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Urban Poverty Law Center First To Proclaim Supremes Will Find Obama Care Constitutional

American tax payers, get ready to open up your wallets. Any nation that can put a man on the moon, photograph a license plate from outer space, assassinate its citizens without a trial, lock up anybody indefinitely without a cause, and still be in business without Occupy Wall Street styled protests from its enlightened citizens will be able to provide unlimited contraception and abortions to Catholic school girls down to age 5 with no serious challenges from the Pope. Yes, our American presidency has reached its Henry The VIII moment.

Under the unconstitutional presidency of Barack Hussein Obama giant leaps toward socialism have been made. The camel of socialism has its nose under the American tent and nothing, not even 9 black robed jurist in Washington DC can back the camel out again. The American Republic has died. Benjamin Franklin warned this day would arrive, but I am saddened it did so on my generation's watch. We have only ourselves to blame. We abdicated the responsibility for educating our children to the public school system, and I was shocked when 6/7 of my nieces and nephews who are of voting age voiced a preference for Obama in 2008. One even retorted: "Oh, Uncle Jack, you can afford to pay more in taxes!" when I tried to explain to her I was already getting way less than my money's worth under the current system.

After the government forces the Catholics to provide contraception to its charges and pay for abortions, what is to stop it from taking church property just like Henry VIII when the Pope refused to grant him an annulment of his marriage to Katherine so he could wed Anne. There are some very similar political events unfolding now in America that were at play when Henry confiscated Rome's property.

The US finds itself insolvent, looking for any and all means to prop up tax collections. Henry was broke fighting a war with someone and at risk of losing his throne. Obama is broke fighting a war with our own military industrial complex which is charged with protecting our biggest businesses. We are out there insuring there is free trade and our pals on Wall Street have equal opportunity to jilt others out of their hard earned cash and only our laws apply if we wish to prosecute them. Friends like Jon Corzine can steal 1.5 billion dollars from investors and walk away with impunity after a congressional show hearing with only a shrug of the shoulders and an " I dunno" when asked what happened to the money.

It is one thing when the loose change in one's pocket falls in the parking lot after a baseball game when one removes the keys to the car. The loss of 37 cents is no big deal to most of us baseball fans, but to say 1.5 billion dollars is gone without a trace begs credibility. Corzine has the blessings of the government to steal. No investment in Wall Street is safe. Those who continue to make pacts with the devil knowing this are fools. Ben Franklin and P.T. Barnum know, "A fool and his money are soon parted."

Rome has no choice but to bend to the will of Obama. If he can force contraception and abortion on the Church, he will soon force them to pay taxes and may even confiscate much of their wealth in a last ditch effort to save the federal government which is drowning in debt. History is repeating itself. Protect yourself and sit back and watch the fireworks.

If you can retire, do so. If you can form a commune as insurance to a total societal breakdown, do so. Protect your assets, but this may be impossible unless you only own what cannot be taken. First and foremost protect your life and your freedom. Be prepared. Not in a crazy prepper sense, but have a plan "B" in a world where plan "A" may not be effective due to changes in policy.

Back to the original premise, the Supremes will uphold Obama Care because it is what the government and its alliance with big business has wanted for a long time. The government wants the control and big business wants out from under the obligation to pay for Sundra Flake's monthly's! Once the government has the purse strings for all of health care, rationing will ensue.

There will be off shore medical care for Americans fortunate enough to be able to afford the best care. Care outside of the government mandates will be forbidden and unlawful. We must be careful in our calls to control the borders. Any government that can keep everyone out will have an easier time keeping its citizens imprisoned. The parasite is hungry. The host is ailing.
Churches are in the cross hairs. Our rights enumerated in the bill of rights are being picked off one by one by an out of control bureaucracy.

I think Obama should try to gain the rights to that old Herman's Hermits song, "Enery The Eight," and play it for his campaign.
Wishful thinking because David Paxilrod will not have any truth in the election. He will try to package the President as a fighter for the little guy against the monied interests on Wall Street whose pick, Mitt R'money, is as popular with the average man as $4 gasoline and the NFL owners lock out. It will be a winning strategy!

I feel like it would be better if the republicans forfeit the presidential election this year and save us the trouble of watching Obama and Paxilrod run circles around Mitt, who even on his good days looks like a opossum in the headlights. He is awkward with people, normal people. The Kennedy's have this same sort of aloofness, but alcohol blunted its noticeability. As a Mormon, R'money will not be able to loosen up with alcohol and will remain stiff.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, PhD, Urban Poverty Law Center

What is the fewest number of Mormons you can take along on a hunting trip?

Two, if you take only one he will drink all your beer.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Urban Povetry Law Center Poet Presents: "Ode To A Fluke"








Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Urban Poverty Law Center Urges Left To Consider Contraceptives When Screwing Rush Limbaugh

Surprising what you get if you drag a pack of birth control pills across the commons at Georgetown Law School. Stand back and watch the slut scramble which ensues! By keeping American women constantly concerned about unwanted pregnancy, the conservative males who secretly control the world have kept women from reaching and breaking through the glass ceiling. Everybody at Georgetown Law knows that!

Ever wonder why there has never been a female equivalent to Stalin, Mao, Hitler, or even Rush Limbaugh? The fear of pregnancy. God, in Her infinite wisdom, programmed the sexes to different functions. Woman to bare children and nurture them. Man to hunt, kill, and rule the world. Men are predators, women are prey. The Islamic take on the relationship of the sexes will dominate, because the enlightened ones are not reproducing, and Islamic women know how it was intended to be used. "Go forth and multiply!" not, "Go forth and contracept." was the advice given Adam and Eve.

It is timely advice then and it is true now. The religion of peace will occupy the new Europe by 2050 unless a baby boom ensues. Japan will cease to exist in a hundred years.

The new leaders of the world are using the population bomb to take over. Abortion is the tool which hastens the West's demise. Nations which do not believe in the sanctity of life, especially the unborn, are doomed.

These laws of nature are not always adhered to however. Occasionally, a freak of nature or a "fluke" comes along. Enter the petite Georgetown University Law co-ed, who even with a make-over, and a note from her vet, would place her dead last to leave a DC area bar at closing.

Sandra Kay Flucke, pronounced "Fluke" is a radical feminist who has championed women's reproductive rights since her mother explained the bloody curse which struck her at age 10.

"I have been menstruating monthly for 23 years. Do you know what that is like, Limbaugh? Bleeding from the Who-ha, the bloating, the cramps, the odor? The devil's playground closed for repair? Out of order, irritable and irrational. I wish I were a man! This is why I feel businesses must offer and cover transgender operations to individuals who find themselves trapped inside a body gendered incompatible to their desires. I used the contraceptive shtick to gain a national audience. I am really all about changing the plumbing and my name to Sandy! I don't even like children. They are little and smell funny! If it were up to me I'd place a bounty on them."

"You, Limbaugh, are my ticket to transgender nirvana! I am going to ride you like a rented mule! My candle is lit. My fame is secure! My name will be in the history books along side Margaret Sanger, Gloria Steinem, Amelia Earhart, Susan B. Anthony, Rosa Parks, Madonna, Sacajawea, Pocahontas, Alice the Goon, Monica L., and Sting. Did I mention that I love cats?"

If this tome means anything at all, and it probably doesn't, until Americans view those people who kill American citizens through abortion as evil, our society deserves what it gets. A multicultural society which will balkanize as soon as the lights turn off. I am OK with that. Do blacks know 40% of the 40 million abortees are black?

Four die in Ohio, three thousand at the World Trade Center,tragic as they are, pale to the 40 million aborted American Citizens since Roe V Wade in 1973. Where is the sense of proportion?

Radical feminist are monsters. Abortion as birth control is evil.

In an interesting twist, researchers at Johns Hopkins Medical Center have just announced a simple blood test which will identify any major fetal birth defects including Downs and the other trisomy anomalies, as well as homosexuality. Now straight parents will not have to give birth to a homosexual child. I still do not believe in abortion. The researchers at Johns Hopkins are evil to find a test that discriminates against any unborn child! All life is precious and should be regarded as such no matter, race, religion, sexual identity, political leanings or physical attractiveness, intellect, or body mass index, income, or age.

I celebrate Limbaugh and that slut, what was her name now?

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Monday, March 5, 2012

Urban Poverty Law Center Offer To Sandra Flucke

Rush Limbaugh has publicly renounced his pronouncement of Sandra Kay Flucke as a "slut".

Her testimony before the senate about the high cost of contraceptives and the travails of a 20 or 30? something Gerogetown University Law student was heart wrenching. A thousand dollars a year to have casual sex with anyone sounds reasonable to me. Does that $1,000 keep me from getting aids, hepatitis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, HSV-1, HSP, chondyloma acuminata, syphilus, chanchroid, and pregnant?

Birth control is available at Wal-Mart for $9 a month or the incredible price of 30 cents a pill. Let us say she has to have three mixed drinks a night to loosen up enough to use the honey trap on some interested fellow. At an average of $7 a drink in the DC area maybe more, her beddown costs have increased to $21 a night and if you include a meal up to $60 more plus tips and our princess, Sandra Kay Flucke, is up to about a hundred dollars a night.

If she does this three times a week, we are up to $1000/yr for birth control and add to this the food and drinks, $300/week or $15,600 a year! I want to know who is bankrolling these so called students? Are these the same students who took over the American Embassy in Iran in the 1970's?

Am I smelling an ACORN here?

I will bet that Sandra Kay Flucke's electric bill is far in excess of her birth control bills. If she pays $200/month, she is paying about 2.5 times her BC costs to heat and cool her apartment.

I am still helping a nephew in college and I buy his books. He is not in law school, and I paid $860 for college text books for one semester! Who is buying Sandra Kay Flucke's books or is she taking them in trade, if you catch my drift!

Please visit our sponsors, and boycott the sponsors of Rush Limbaugh who are boycotting him.

Our sponsor today is the Urban Poverty Law Center. We have offered Sandra Kay Flucke
a position as our attorney in DC. We will offer a salary with full benefits including contraception and abortion on demand. Our policy has an eight abortion/year limit and a 47 abortion limit in a reproductive lifetime. I hope this covers her adequately.

I hope no one tells Limbaugh that a "Fluke" is a parasite. What would you expect from a parasite?

Sandra Kay Flucke is not a Fluke, she is a pawn and a useful idiot. She is probably someone's intern in congress. More will come out about her in the future.

I wish Andrew Breibart was here to look into this. He will be missed.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center